Happy News

If you all still remember, earlier this year during the last ten days of June, I went to visit Timor-Leste and spread the message of discipline, respect, and unity to the local martial artists and young people.

Today I received a letter from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and they told me that since the last time I was there encouraging the young locals and the people who practiced martial arts, two of Timor-Leste’s largest opposing martial arts associations signed a peace agreement and they vowed not to fight or battle with each other anymore.

Jackie in Timor-Leste, June 2008

I honestly felt very happy when I received this piece of news; everything that I’ve done and the influence I have on other people actually had some effect! I was thinking that regardless of the fact that a person practices martial arts, is part of a guerilla army, or is an enemy of the opposition, why can’t we all live together in peace? At the moment there are a lot of people who are working hard for the human race so that we can have better health and better living conditions. Researchers are looking for ways to cure cancer, people who are fighting against global warming and working to protect our environment; they only hope for humans to have a better tomorrow, so why are people still fighting and killing for advantages or benefits? Killing each other cannot alter the increasingly serious gap between the rich and the poor, and it cannot save the escalating pollution or parts of the Earth that are already destroyed. People must understand that if Earth did not have humans, Earth would continue to exist. But if humans did not have Earth, we would not survive. Please put aside your personal grudges and resentments, cast your views on the whole of the world, the entire planet. You will discover that we are all human beings and what we need is to help each other and unite with one another to fight against the unrestrained growth of disease and the increasingly deteriorating environmental pollution. If everyone could work in unity with one heart, love and be close to one another, then where would you find hatred, strife, or war?

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