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Thread: RD was..... Right

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Becca View Post
    ... Just so long as you respond like an adult.
    adults make me sick.
    I'm getting sick of threads I enjoy following being locked and/or closed because you have the social graces of a 2-year-old.
    really... the only one i can recall being locked was the gay MMA thread... besides, most two year olds have something far more interesting to say than some closed minded adults.

    Quote Originally Posted by SimonM View Post
    Translation: I got you on the Theosophy thing and then you realized that Helena Blavatsky is very succeptable to mockery and took a step back.
    to be honest i have no idea who helena blavatasky is.
    And the hawk is having more fun than the tiger.
    well as long as everyone is enjoying themselves... thats all that matters.
    But, here on the ground, the Simon is having oodles of fun at the Uki's expense.
    too bad i am not paying for this...

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by uki View Post
    to be honest i have no idea who helena blavatasky is.
    Sure you don't.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  3. #48

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Wow, that was so on topic for the thread it initially confused me why you were posting it here.

    Good luck to the USA.

    If you guys go into a massive depression a lot of people are going to get hurt... and Canada's economy will also be adversely effected.

    Is the bailout package the right thing to do? I guess we will find out. My gut says that this needs to be a wakeup call about financial deregulation.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Western MASS
    these threads have been bringing the fail.
    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho Mantis View Post
    Genes too busy rocking the gang and scarfing down bags of cheetos while beating it to nacho ninjettes and laughing at the ridiculous posts on the kfforum. In a horse stance of course.

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    Commerce City, Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by SimonM View Post
    Wow, that was so on topic for the thread it initially confused me why you were posting it here.

    Good luck to the USA.

    If you guys go into a massive depression a lot of people are going to get hurt... and Canada's economy will also be adversely effected.

    Is the bailout package the right thing to do? I guess we will find out. My gut says that this needs to be a wakeup call about financial deregulation.
    Interesting choice of words.... I am guessing you are blaming all the world's ecconomic instability on the U.S. I'm interested in you thoughts on how the failure of several European backs more than 6 moths ago is a product of this bail out. Let me guess, because the securities guy who cause the French bank to fail, the one that started this domino effect in banking, traded in securities, the fact that he defrauded his bank ceases to be the issue because "everyone" knows that the U.S. was selling high risk securities. Of course, if there han'd been any buyers for the confidence men to sell to.... and since the confidence men were seemingly all american, exept for those who weren't.....

    So am I close? Or did you think this was an isolated case? Nothing is isolated in the world stock market. It's a butterfly effect. And I don't think the U.S. was the butterfly who started the hurricain.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  7. #52
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    Aug 2004
    This seems to be "misinterpret Simon day" on Kung Fu Magazine.

    I wasn't saying I BLAME the USA for ALL the problems in banking.

    I DID say that the CURRENT problem in US banks is largely home-grown. And I stand by that.

    I also said that a depression in the USA would adversely effect Canada's economy... which is true.

    That is as much Canada's fault, for over-reliance on trade with the USA, as any body else's... it doesn't change the reality though.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  8. #53
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    Commerce City, Colorado
    I argue the point about the current issue with banking being home grown. It is exaserbated by certain trade practices in U.S. banking, so the magnitude is home grown. But the financial instability that caused the tumble wan't home grown. That financial instability can be traced back for decades. there are highs and lows in the cycle of world finances. We are in a low spot world wide. A few years a go we were in a high spot. Give it a couple more years and we will be at a high point again.

    The big question isn't "are we in a recession?" The big question is "how big will this one be?" If you want to blame the United States for a financial tidle effect that can be traced back before we were a country, so be it. But a cycle is just that, a cycle. Not something to be blamed anymore than the Jet streem is to be blamed for huticains, not that we don't. Everything just has to be someone's fault. Prefferably someone else's fault.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  9. #54
    Here's the deal:

    The American economy is absolutely huge. So huge that it has major tentacles in every economy on earth. If our economy takes a bad turn, that WILL effect every nation on earth, from the massive trade we do with China, to the Tourist industry in the Bahamas.

    It is not a matter of who's fault it is (although it could very well be argued that our own government interference in the supposedly free market is the issue), but more a matter of facts via mechanical connections.

    It's like a car, if the engine dies, the car will not run. The transmission may not be at fault, but it cannot function without the engine turning as it should due to the direct mechanical link.
    you cannot drastically effect the largest powerhouse, without effecting all of it.
    In this case, the link is financial, and the finances are so complicated, and so intertwined and inter dependent that a financial disaster here is financial disaster everywhere.

    Just a note: Gold (the most accurate and best economic indicator) broke past major, and critical resistance last week, and has been trading above it all this week so far. It this trend continues (and it does not have anything to stop it as far as I can see) we will be challenging the highs from a few months ago.

    This means the economy will revisit it's worst point, probably in the next 2-3 weeks, if not sooner. With the momentum seen so far, it will likely break through the upper resistance levels. If it does, look out, You ain't seen nutt'n yet, this disaster is just starting.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Our economy will only be effected in the sense that it is right now.

    american companies pulling out of canada to shore up their interests at home.

    american companies not being able to buy natural resources from canada

    canada having to spread out and market itself and its products more assertively on the global market.

    all these things aren't actually "bad" for canada and some would say they are good.

    we are great trading partners, but if one partner can't trade anymore, then we will have to find someone who can.

    I'm sure we'll float them some wood and oil for winter, but after that, they really need to get their house in order. the greed is what is stifling them. it's very simple.

    i don't get the propping up of wall street though. that is just weird and unamerican.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  11. #56
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    Commerce City, Colorado
    Exactly DJ. The world market flows. Every now and then there is a kink in the system, like the Great Depression or the Potato Famine, but for the most part, so long as you don't panic too badly, everything will just flow in another direction. The U.S. may stop buying Canadian Natural resources. So you sell to someone else. It sucks for the middle man who's business model can't change fast enough to survive, but that is, unfortunately, life.

    As for "floating us some wood or oil" remember one thing: we have more than enough resources that weren't being used because we could get them easier from elsewhere. As for cash? All we have to do is stop paying the farmers to leave some feilds fallow. If you ain't got the cash, grow a cash crop.....
    Last edited by Becca; 09-24-2008 at 07:27 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    you're kidding? i would love to drink that beer just BECAUSE it's in a dead animal...i may even pick up the next dead squirrel i see and stuff a budweiser in it

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    I am curious to know, if there is any notable spike or rise in trading of gold between yesterday and today, on the heels of people like Cramer, and analysts on Squawk Box and FOXBusiness, encouraging investors and traders to put a little more in Gold (or some at all if they hadn't already),

  13. #58
    Gold is down $22.70 right now.

    Although, that is just continuation of the correction that started Tuesday.

    Cramer obviously has little effect on the Futures markets, as the correction hasn't even slowed down.

    Support on the weekly chart is somewhere in the area of $833.40 and $822.00

    So unless it closes below that area this week, or next, the bull trend (and continued worsening of the economy) will continue.

    You can find charts at

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