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Thread: TBT'S poll

  1. #1

    TBT'S poll

    there is a poll on the black taoists site about whoe is a good baguazhang fighter.

    Brothers of Wudang Internal Marital Arts Poll
    What World-Renowed Bagua Zhang teacher do you think is in real combat condition and can win in a K-1 Grand Prix Tournament, King of the Cage, Pride FC, Gladiator Challenge, Muay Thai, or any real Full-Contact Tournament with few rules.
    votes ratio
    1.) Joseph Crandall 0 0%
    2.) Park-Bok Nam 7 35%
    3.) Frank Allen 0 0%
    4.) Jerry Alan Johnson 0 0%
    5.) Mike Patterson 1 5%
    6.) B.K. Frantzis 1 5%
    7.) John Painter 0 0%
    8.) Tim Cartmell 2 10%
    9.) Luo De Xiu 8 40%
    10.) Jason Tsou 1 5%

  2. #2

    TBT poll


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    NY, NY USA

    I see my fan still live on.

    Guania If people see my poll so what. Thats why Its up there. So i can see what people think about other BaGuaZhang Teachers. Who is a fan , and who is not. But I can see you are a longtime fan of mys.
    Anyway my vote go to Luo De Xiu and Jason Tsou. I have Two Videos of Luo Xiu and I have to say Luo Xiu is no joke. From what I saw on his Baguazhang video, I go tell he is a real fighter. And his Bagua fighting techniques are powerful and can be utilize by anyone. I should know because I beat a few people down using them. LOL

    Jason Tsou gets my vote because I use to read about him in articles when I was about 15 years old. Back then he was the only person to my knowledge to write about BaguaZhang. Even today if you go to his web-site, any real fighter can see from the pictrues of him on his web site, that the man is condition, Also there is a little movie of him doing a few moves from his BaGua form, from the little I saw he look powerful.

    So there you have it, my two votes. Some day I hope to met Luo De Xiu and Jason Tsou and learn some good from them. Intill then Guanidi,

    Practice and live long.

  4. #4
    >Guania If people see my poll so what.
    >Thats why Its up there.

    and that's why I posted it here, so that it can be noticed. Maybe it's getting a bigger audience now. No bad intend.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill

    Hey what's up Novell?

    Thought you guys were going to make it out here where it's sunny and nice. Just hint of winter in the air and it makes for excellent training in the mornings. I shall have to go vote for my teacher in your poll. I see a few who couldn't hold up with him keeping even in the voting. ;) You guys are always welcome and Jason even offered some special stuff to Maoshan. Jason will be holding the next intensive on Baji in February but there is plenty of bagua on the weekends.


    Chi Kung International

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Chi Town, Ill


    I couldn't find the poll. What page is it on?x


    Chi Kung International

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    NY, NY USA
    Yo Count, I didn't forget I'm a man of my word. But right now I'm so busy teaching and working I just don't have the time. But I do plan to come down there and visit your teacher sometime in 2002. Also with all this going down in New York with the planes falling and all, right now is not a good time. As for the vote you can find it on my intro page. I can't believe that some of Them teachers got high votes, you know what I mean. But thats life. LoL
    Peace Live long and Practice.

  8. #8

    our poll


    I have not visited KFO in weeks. So yesterday and today is my first time posting in a long timelong time. I wanted to state that the poll is a poll for internal artist that are just curious about certain questions and issues in the arts. Now if "beaudacious" meant that our question is a dumb question that I think it is a matter of opinion. (Again assuming he is talking about the question on our poll) This forum used to do similiar polls like this all the time a year or two ago. I don't think it is a dumb question because everyone thinks about the same type of question but will not say it a loud.


    You say that did put the question out there to give us a bigger audience. Now you full well we been back and forth with you on various controvesal topics over the time we've been on this board. So I'm just a little suspect on your intention. But, I will never know for sure but let me say thanks if you intentions were true. Let me also conclude that if we wanted a bigger audience we could have inform everyone on KFO ourselves to get a bigger fans to the poll. We did not. So that shows our interest in letting everyone know. If someone comes to I our site and see what we do that's cool. If not thats cool too...

    The votes are the poll are very suspect because a lot for votes for Sifu Park Nam, Painter etc... and other people with over 30% votes were made from same person(s). Basically the poll was tainted. Out of all the votes we set our website this one is too close to the Florida selection....opps I meant election... (Let me say that the two names mention is not done for any type of attack at all. I have the records of how the votes are cast and it shows that there is someone who are a fans of these individuals are sitting at there PC just clicking and clicking away.)

    I just wanted everyone to know about this particular vote...

    Thank you all.

  9. #9
    Dear razak

    >Now you full well we been back and forth with you on various
    >controvesal topics over the time we've been on this board.

    Who is we? In fact I had very little back and forth with you, but some with maoshan and tbt.

    But that I have on some things a (very) different opinion than maoshan or tbt does not mean that I have anything them. In fact I really respect their hard work and the way they train -- as far as I know. But I do not agree how they represent themselves as they are doing it always in comparison with some other people, who they are -- most of the time -- describing as crap.

    >So I'm just a little suspect on your intention.

    Hey, I just presented that there is a poll. I did not even make any comment on this subject. So how could this have to do with a bad intention?

    >So that shows our interest in letting everyone know.

    I did not publish the poll because I wanted to support you, but because I was interested in the result of a bigger audience. If you just want that a selected group will vote in the future you should restrict the access.

    Btw I think neither of them would win in an NHB event, because today they are in my opinion simply to old for such events. So the more interesting question would be, who could be able to train fighters to win such events. But that's just my opinion.


  10. #10

    thank you for the reply


    Thanks for the reply. It is better for me to receive a reply instead of me assuming anything.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    NY, NY USA

    Gunandi Be yourself.

    Gunandi you have a right to your opinion and I respect that. But do you think I care how people feel about my opinion about most BaGuaZhang teachers, Most of them In my opinion are Crap.

    Most of them have no speed, power, timing, conditioning, balance or real techniques that are practical for fighting. How can any of them teach a student the theory of change in a fight, if they never practice freefighting or never in they life practice freefighting.

    Do you think you are going to get fighting knowledge just from practicing two-man forms and reading internal martial arts theory?

    There are about 1,000,000 BaGuazhang Therory fighters, But there are only a small hand full of BaGuaZhang Practitioners that can utilize BaGauZhang as a fighting Art. After all thats what BaGua was invented for fighting. Not to sit and have a cup of tea and discusse and memorize mysterious I Ching principles of change from the I Ching diagrams.

    What use is reading the I Ching principles of change, if most of them can't use the I Ching diagram sixty-four tactics in combat or crossing hands with a person.(free style- Fighting)

    Bottom line, Most BaGuZhang schools don't practice full-contact freefighting. But the so- Called External Kung fu schools do. Even Karate students practice freefighting. Thats why alot of they students are good fighters. Not all talking theory, but puting fighting theory in to action by freefighting. This way they students can explore new ways to utilize they techniques and even invent better combat methods to combine with they already established techniques. I can't say the same for my BaGuaZhang brothers.

    Today a lot of BuGuaZhang students are like mental slaves. Many think they Teachers are Gods. When in fact he is just a man, that can get his ass kick like any other man, on any giving day. Just hope one of them days is not yours. LOL

    I 'm I the country's foremost expert on Baguaszhang? No I'm not!! But I have a right to my opinion. Yes I feel most BaGuaZhang people can't fight, not just teachers,students also. But thats just my Opinion. I can get my own ass kick just like the next man no matter how skillfull I am. But thats just my opinion. Today there are only a few people that can fight using BaGuaZhang others are just theory fighters. They need to get some listerine to kill the bull$hit they are teaching. After all listerine is clinically proven to kill germs by millions on contact.

    But thats just my Opinion. And I will always stand by my opinions. If people don't like my opinion and want to take action. I'm very easy to find.

    I live my life not for others, but for self. peace.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    in the belly
    Btw I think neither of them would win in an NHB event, because today they are in my opinion simply to old for such events.
    But if these older guys really had internal skill would their age matter?
    only gin and tang guzzle out a rusty tin can, me and this mic is like yin and yang

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    fairfax, va, USA


    'Malachi z york' should of been added to your fighter list he is awsome.

  14. #14

    Question which York are you talking about?


    Which York are are you referring too?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    in the belly
    i guess my question is rhetorical but i'd like to know what yall think. if technique is superior than muscling, then i'd have to believe that these guys' age do not matter and they would wreck in nhb events regardless of age. after all, all it could take is one well placed internal strike and i don't care how built these nhb fighters are, cuz that strike would sink past all that. i'd really like to hear what yall think.
    only gin and tang guzzle out a rusty tin can, me and this mic is like yin and yang

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