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Martial arts with a cutting edge
Published Date: 08 November 2008

STUDENTS were treated to a spectacular sword-dancing display.

The Baba Deep Singh Gatka Group performed a traditional Sikh gatka at South Tyneside College's Hebburn campus as part of a celebration of diversity.

It was the first time the Birmingham-based group had performed the gatka in North East England.

Gatka is an ancient martial art which originated in northern India, and was used by the Sikhs of Punjab to defend themselves against Moghul oppression during the time of the sixth Sikh guru.

Event organiser David Hunter, equality and diversity manager at the college, said: "We were all extremely excited about the gatka, and, as far as we are aware, this was the very first time it has been staged in the region.

"As well as being very visual, the performance was really thought-provoking.

"We felt that it was an ideal way to celebrate the rich cultural diversity we have here at the college."

Gurdev Singh Bal, regional officer of the national council of faiths and beliefs in further education, said: "We are proud to work with South Tyneside College to develop multi-faith projects that inform students and staff of different faiths and cultures."

"The college is working very hard to ensure all staff and students are treated with respect, and these projects helped them to find out more about what it means to be a Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim or Sikh in South Tyneside."