Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
lol.......what was it that i experienced then? an orgasm that went bad? lol
no - just a not atypical autonomic nervous system response to an emotionaly intense situation - I've experienced similar things, for example during a "breakthrough" sitting meditation session after 4 days of 10 hr. / day meditation in a Buddhist monastery; many people describe similar things during so-called "energy healing" or full-body unwinding treatments; to a lesser degree during less intense types of manual therapy as well; the fact that your entire neuromuscular system was probably in a chronic state of holding / restriction after the trauma would explain why you had such an intense release (some say that the kinetic energy from a trauma gets "trapped" in the tissues, sort of imprinted, and that the tissues repropogate along those lines of force; they would argue that what you felt was that kinetic residue passing out of the system - I don't necessarilly buy it exactly like that, but it's not a bad way of describing it)
I will also agree that this sort of experience can be very "healing" - sort of like a watershed event for the nervous system, has to do with the body functioning as a non-linear system: the connective tissue / fascial network is the conduit through which the sensations start locally and spread like a web; and the fact that someone put their hands on you is no surprise that it happened - our bodies are pretty smart - if they are functioning out of sync, one way they seem able to re-balance is through the use of intentioned hands on contact by another person - sort of like we are "designed" to "fix" each other on an intuitive level (yeah, a bit out there, I admit, but what ya gonna do...)

Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
I don't believe in religion anyway....lol......i just KNOW what happened to me........
(organized religion is NOT for me)
absolutely - the experience is not at all to be discounted; all I am saying is that it is a pretty natural thing that can happen in the body, it just requires the right circumstances;

Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
and in your opinion, just how did the stainless steal bars supporting my spine managed to break? by :manifestation of your own mind generated by your expectations and facilitated by your faith reinforced by your survival of a near-death injury? really?
Frank, i've seen what happens with kids with Harrington rods after a few years off having them in - those bars can twist, break, pop off their attachments, do all kinds of crazy shiit you wouldn't think possible; and that's with skinny little kids w/CP; if you are sedentary and obese, that can place a significant strain on them as well, because sitting places the greatest amount of strain on the spine out of all positions; so the fact that they broke is not as fantastical as it might seem (although your premonition to go get another x-ray was certainly well-timed - you're right, you could have been re-paralyzed or worse)