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Thread: OT: The Culture of Corruption Will be the Death of China

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    And why do you keep changing your every post?

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    you say
    "China has quite a lot of culture. More than most places in fact."
    but your title is
    "The culture of corruption will be the death of china"
    i think u contradict urself
    Here is the thing Bawang:

    There is a difference between THE Culture of China and a culture of specific behaviour within China.

    I have a great fondness for China. I lived there, speak mandarin, my wife is Chinese, and the people of Shanxi (most of whom are much to poor to benefit from the corruption in China) are some of the most welcoming and wholesome I have ever met.

    That being said I am a strong believer that one should be willing to work to change those things that are wrong with a place / organization / tradition / nation without being unkind. My post was intended in that vein. I think there may have been a disconnect between us with regards to my intent. I hope this helps.

    If Kansuke is getting on your nerves too much there is always the ignore function.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    wow i never knew that, my respect to you man
    its nice to know things are still doing good in shanxi, i havent visited in 5 years so anything can happen who knows

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  4. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    suck my left nut

    edit: yes oh great one i am wrong about my own country , your vague and confusing one liners and ancient knowledge from dsicovery channel is wise and true, after 50 years of oppresion nothing is wrong in china, we still have velly good culture, we are happies here, me soooooo solly
    oh no i have edited my post !!that is not allowed you have defeated me! oh wise cracker internet warrior, yes i am a horrible liar, everything in china is great its just like the tourist bronchours and the national geographic programs, happy rainbow donkey boner

    dont talk to me again
    sorry to intrude on the thread, but this was so **** funny. today is soooo slow at work and no one really posting. all my side jobs are done so i am to read a book or do the internet thing.

    this made me laugh this morning. lol thanks.

    no intention of being negative to kansuke either, just the statement itself is comical.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  5. #50
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    wow i never knew that, my respect to you man
    its nice to know things are still doing good in shanxi, i havent visited in 5 years so anything can happen who knows
    It's much the same as it always was. The people there have eaten bitter for so long that many seem to convert it to sweetness. The mine owners and the governors still drive around in large black sedans (a few more SUVs now too) and occasionally get themselves in trouble when some poor men die a mile underground in an unlicensed coal mine or a mud slide buries a whole village.

    And yet, the average person in Shanxi remains welcoming, generous, genial hosts and stalwart friends.

    And therein lies the tragedy of China...

    Because so many people who live there are such good people - and manage to do such credit to those who would say that human nature is essentially good.

    And a small number of (pardon my language) a$sholes ruin it by exploiting and pillaging and taking all they can on the backs of people who are so used to hardship that they simply bear the load stoically.

    Sakura Kim cafe at nearly the precise center of Pingyao remains my favorite quiet hangout spot on earth.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  6. #51
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    Just so you know (but not that it matters, because irrational generalisms are irrational generalisms in any case) but I lived for two years in Shaanxi (not Shanxi).

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Really? Which prefecture?
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  8. #53
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    Xi'an, in Shaanxi, not all that far from your old stomping grounds.

  9. #54
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    About 8 hours bus ride from Lishi in Lvliang prefecture. Never visited... if I was going to go that far by bus it was usually to Beijing, my favorite city on earth.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  10. #55
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    "Favorite city on earth?"


  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China
    you took a bus to Beijing from Xian? Dont they hav that speed train thingy that goes to Bejing from Xian?

    I hate busses even more than trains in China. If I have to take a train its softsleeper always.
    得 心 應 手

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  12. #57
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    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    you took a bus to Beijing from Xian? Dont they hav that speed train thingy that goes to Bejing from Xian?
    No, I took a bus from Lishi to Beijing. If you were to draw a line from Xi'an to Beijing Lishi would be almost exactly 50% of the way along the line.

    I hate busses even more than trains in China. If I have to take a train its softsleeper always.

    Train: Hard Sleeper and Hard Seat.
    Bus: Anything that involves a distance of less than 800 kms except for going to Shaolin because it would have involved 3 transfers to get to Luoyang from Lishi by bus.

    And Beijing is my favorite city because I love the juxtaposition of historical and modern, Sanliton is a great district for night life, and you can't beat the deals at Xiushueijie as long as you are good at bargaining... plus haggling makes shopping fun!
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  13. #58
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Death By China

    Trump’s Trade Adviser Is a Terrible Filmmaker
    Let’s hope he’s better at running the global economy.
    By SCOTT MESLOW December 25, 2016

    President-elect Donald Trump’s Thursday announcement that professor and economist Dr. Peter Navarro will serve as one of his key economic advisors has been anticipated — sometimes with horror — for months. "Should Donald Trump overcome the odds against him now and be elected President," wrote Adam Davidson in The New Yorker in October, "Navarro would likely become the single most powerful economic adviser in the United States."

    And here we are, just weeks away from Trump’s inauguration, with Navarro at the head of the new White House National Trade Council, which aims to "shrink our trade deficit, expand our growth, and help stop the exodus of jobs from our shores." He may not ultimately be as powerful as Davidson thinks -- the new council will have little staff or budget, some observers have noted -- but he seems to have Trump’s ear, and that might be power enough.

    So who is Navarro, and what can we actually expect from him? The simplest, most digestible, and most revealing answer comes in an unlikely form: a low-budget and nominally nonpartisan documentary called Death By China, written, directed and produced by Navarro himself. As a film critic, I found it an appalling cinematic experience. But it’s a brutally effective, if unsubtle, 79 minutes of propaganda -- which might explain why Trump liked it so much.

    Navarro adapted Death By China from his 2011 book of the same name, which argues that China — through a combination of unfair trade practices and low-quality, globally exported products — is becoming "the planet’s most efficient assassin." The film was technically released in theaters (three, to be exact), and grossed a little under $40,000. From there, Navarro took it on the festival circuit, holding screenings and Q&As in cities like Chicago, Cincinnati and Birmingham. The critics who bothered to review it were largely underwhelmed: The Hollywood Reporter deemed it "astonishingly-heavy handed," the Village Voice criticized the "hysterical rhetoric," and The A.V. Club called it "the documentary equivalent of a raving street-corner derelict."

    On its official YouTube channel, Death By China is described as "one of the most popular documentaries on Netflix" for the past three years (though it’s unclear how that conclusion was reached, since Netflix doesn’t release its viewership figures). The documentary isn’t available on Netflix anymore, but back in April, the entire film was uploaded to YouTube, alongside a plea to "please share this film far and wide."

    Within its first five minutes, Death By China lays out the stakes: 57,000 American factories closed, 25 million Americans can’t find "a decent job," and the United States owes $3 trillion to China. The roots of our alleged economic woes, Navarro argues, can be traced back to 2001, when the United States enthusiastically endorsed Beijing’s entry into the World Trade Organization.

    Navarro attempts to prove this point with an array of cherry-picked talking heads, a series of unenlightening man-on-the-street interviews, and — most strikingly — some computer-animated sequences designed to dramatize Navarro’s argument. In one, a knife bearing the label "Made in China" is plunged into the center of the United States, covering the lower half of the country in a sea of blood. In another, missiles of "currency manipulation" and "illegal export subsidies" are fired from cannons and dropped from planes, leaving American cities in rubble. Navarro structures his film around China’s "Weapons of Job Destruction." Everything is cast in the violent, overheated rhetoric of a war with China — a war Navarro argues we’re losing.

    These are all standard tactics in the agitprop documentary playbook: Present one side of a political argument with a dizzying array of semi-credentialed talking heads, leaving dissenting voices on the floor of the editing bay. When your logic is lacking, appeal to emotion instead, depicting derelict factories or unhappy-looking American workers. And, because audiences have been conditioned to expect political documentaries to entertain as well as inform, leaven all the messaging with simplistic cartoons, jaunty music and the occasional joke.

    Though Navarro is personally responsible for basically everything you see in the film, he enlists the sonorous baritone of Martin Sheen — America’s favorite fictional president — to deliver his talking points. (Yes, the same Martin Sheen who recently appeared in videos urging members of the Electoral College to buck the will of voters and vote against Trump.) Navarro himself appears only briefly, laying out what he views as a practical guide for what the average American can do to combat this threat. "Every time a consumer walks into a Walmart, the first thing they have to do is be aware enough to look for the label. Then, when they pick up that good and it says, 'Made in China,' I want them to think, 'Hmm. It might either break down, or it could kill me, number one. This thing, if I buy it, might cost me, or someone in my family or my friends, their job. Lastly, 'Hey — if I buy this, that money is gonna go over to help finance what is essentially one of the most rapid military build-ups of a totalitarian regime since… when? The '30s. I mean, make no mistake about that."

    But beyond this appeal to each individual consumer, Death By China doesn’t actually propose any concrete solutions to the problems Navarro presents — just the standard "spread the word and complain to your congressman." Now that Navarro is in the president-elect’s ear, with the theoretical power to turn this overheated rhetoric into actual U.S. policy, we’re likely to see the actual, real-world consequences of his beliefs.
    continued next post
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Continued from previous post

    It is, frankly, easy to see why Navarro’s film was embraced by Trump, who described it as both "right on" and "important" in a blurb proudly posted on Death By China’s website. Death By China’s argument is simplistic, and therefore easy to grasp, because it reduces China into the catch-all boogeyman behind our economic woes. Even more importantly, it scapegoats China in a way that enables the easy campaign-trail rhetoric designed to win over voters who would rather pin the hard, complicated realities of changing technology and shifts in global trade on a single, nefarious foreign agent.

    This impulse is best demonstrated by "Land of Trade and Greed," a song Navarro wrote for the movie, which demonizes China from the perspective of a blue-collar industrial worker: "It's not me but my family I wish to feed / Not much, we got simple needs / Too bad they sent our jobs away / As the CEOs get richer / And our jobs all move offshore."

    And when you put it in those terms, it’s hard to argue against Death By China. Who wouldn’t sympathize with a blue-collar manufacturer trying to feed his family, or rail against a CEO so eager to pad the bottom line that she doesn’t care hurting individual working-class Americans and America’s economy as a whole? Whose heart wouldn’t be moved by images of Chinese workers toiling in dismal-looking factories, or news stories about the effects of harmful products, since recalled, that were manufactured in China? What we need to resolve these problems, argues one talking head near the end of the movie, is "a Tea Party that’s completely divorced of left or right. A Tea Party that differentiates between right and wrong."

    Some of these problems are real, and Navarro is clearly both sincere and well-intentioned. But the problem, of course, is that Death By China also set the terms on which it builds all these arguments, and the reality of the situation is more complicated than the grim picture painted by Navarro. U.S. manufacturing is on the rise, and so are U.S. manufacturing wages. Offshoring is actually down, and "reshoring" — the process of bringing manufacturing jobs back into the United States — has been happening for years, led by companies like General Electric and Walmart, who are both demonized in the film. In practical terms, it seems like the best way to continue rebuilding the U.S. manufacturing base is to invest in education, enabling a new generation to develop the skills that will make them knowledgeable, versatile workers in an industry that increasingly requires complicated and detail-oriented tasks.

    In short: Navarro’s approach is overly simplistic, backward-looking, and ultimately dangerous to the U.S. economy, since it so clearly risks retaliation from China. It’s one thing to advocate a sharply defined, nuance-free position when you’re just a college professor trying to get your argument across. But Navarro’s going to be in the White House now, and he may find that dealing with the reality of China is a bit more complex. The United States and China trade some $700 billion in goods and services between them each year--much of it stuff Americans couldn’t afford to buy otherwise.

    And China can play this game, too. Already, the country’s state-run press has greeted Navarro’s arrival with alarm. “His appointment is another sign of the confrontational approach the incoming Trump administration seems intent on taking in relations with China,” read an editorial in China Daily. “[This is] no laughing matter.” The Global Times, a hypernationalist tabloid, called on China’s leaders to “discard any illusions and make full preparations for any offensive move by the Trump government,” adding a pointed warning: “The U.S. can no longer push China around today.”

    "I urge you to see it," concludes Trump’s blurb for Death By China. And on that, Trump and I agree. I think you should see Death By China. You might not learn much about the reality of the complicated and ever-shifting economic ties between Washington and Beijing, but you will learn a lot about the direction in which Trump’s policy toward China is likely to head—and about the man likely to play such a vital part in altering the fate of the global economy.

    Maybe the book is better?
    I was about to make a new thread for this, but then I dug up this little treasure from 2008.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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