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Thread: simple question

  1. #16
    SLT is also known as little idea so we start small, one side at a time. My sifu as, I am sure yours has, explains that SLT in fact works both sides at the same time. Hence the other fist is held back and away from the body. This is the introduction to the two-sided co-ordination.

    Last edited by Museumtech; 01-02-2009 at 04:32 AM.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    North London, England
    A VERY interesting thread developing here!

    I'm with Hendrik (mostly!) on this one. It's definitiely a 'health thing', and something that meant far more three hundred years ago than it does now!

    The 'little thought' shouldn't be confused though, wondering how to strike here or defend there like most tend to drift. It's just a thought. A process.

    My question is, why hasn't anyone mentioned the 'continual' hand set at the end of the form?? Which includes our signature fist work?

    Now take that into consideration with the other two (single and double handed) variations and you have the three treasures of ALL Martial Arts!! Funny that, as it's all represented in just one little form.

    How you take that knowledge 'into' your sets is your business, but for the main part SLT/SNT is done how it is presently because that's what everyone agreed back in the day. It helps us to learn how to learn, and sometime to re-learn when we lose ourselves from training far too much irrelevent mush...
    Ti Fei

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    why does SNT train one side at a time, rather than both together? FHSYK does the same thing.
    Aside from the fact there are parts of my SLT that do train actions in unisen, ill generalise my POV ...

    It would depend on what your trying to accomplish and the results would be driven by that i would think.

    Could it be as simple as...

    To avoid things like crossed hands - You wouldnt train a double Bong which is why actions like double Fut appear in SLT because they dont break a VT rule such as crossing hands or

    To further isolate mechanics - Double Gum turining into raising double Tie Sau done at the same time to focus and isolate the shoulders as the engine driving the forces rather than the usual elbow and wrist used in other parts of the form.

    Or to avoid hunched shoulders during practice of the forms.

    There a quite a few ideas one could think of but my particular POV is in line with Kevs 'constant partnership' point.
    We use individual sides as we train because this is how we should be acting in fighting. One hand has a task seperate to the other literally, but in partnership to further your fighting performance....

    Training is the pursuit of perfection - Fighting is settling for results - ME

    Thats not VT

    "This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to"- TOOL

    "I think the discussion is not really developing how I thought it would " - LoneTiger108

    Its good to be the King -

  4. #19
    there is an answer to every question in design.

    HOwever, do one accept the answer? or do one inventing an answer to serve themself.

  5. #20
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    there is an answer to every question in design. HOwever, do one accept the answer? or do one inventing an answer to serve themself.
    One can only decifer and continue to learn and understand, at one point we thaught the earth was at the center of the universe and had theory to back it up as well as thinking the earth was flat LOL.

    Anyone can backwards analyse SLT from what they've learnt, using the theories they have been given to validate conjecture. This is all anyone can do in the case of the question in the original post IMO.

    Unless you claim to have been told by Ng Mui or YWC that we begin with one side because Qi travels faster than blood ?

    The left side started and the right side follow sequence balance the speed of Blood and Qi.

    IE, first activate the relatively slower "blood " element/part then activate the relative faster qi element/part. This way the blood and Qi are travel in a equal/balance way.
    For those that dont train both sides of the side kick in the last section of CK, (many only train one side in the traditional form, i train both L and R)
    What would be the effects on thier ability with regard to your comment about balancing Qi and blood ?

    Or perhaps as another example, what if i reversed my SLT starting on the right side rather than the left as taught to me by my Sifu. What would be the difference in results in your opinion Hendrik ?

    Training is the pursuit of perfection - Fighting is settling for results - ME

    Thats not VT

    "This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to"- TOOL

    "I think the discussion is not really developing how I thought it would " - LoneTiger108

    Its good to be the King -

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Liddel View Post

    Unless you claim to have been told by Ng Mui or YWC that we begin with one side because Qi travels faster than blood ?

    This practice is older then Ng Mui or YWC if they exist.
    This is a trace able practice in CMA classic.

    What good is to dismiss an ancient reality in energy handling ?
    Last edited by Hendrik; 01-03-2009 at 07:01 PM.

  7. #22
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    Mar 2005
    This practice is older then Ng Mui or YWC if they exist.
    Ok fair enough....

    Unless you claim to have been told by "insert masters name here" that we begin with one side because Qi travels faster than blood ?

    What good is to dismiss an ancient reality in energy handling ?
    Even if i agree with you that this is a reason for training one side at a time, what good would it be to emulate how it was done back then... in other words Hendrik -

    what if i reversed my SLT starting on the right side rather than the left as taught to me by my Sifu. What would be the difference in results in your opinion Hendrik ?
    If what your saying is true (and relevant) then there should be a difference in results between the two seperate methods of starting on the Blood side as opposed to starting on the Qi side..... if i understand your point correctly

    Training is the pursuit of perfection - Fighting is settling for results - ME

    Thats not VT

    "This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to"- TOOL

    "I think the discussion is not really developing how I thought it would " - LoneTiger108

    Its good to be the King -

  8. #23
    Unless you claim to have been told by "insert masters name here" that we begin with one side because Qi travels faster than blood ? ------

    Any in depth TCM expert in China will tell you this. This is just a very basic stuffs.

    One can check into the writing of the top internal/martial art grandmaster such as late Dr. Chow Cien-Cuan (who was very famous in the mid 1900) and see for themself what they missed.

    Or perhaps as another example, what if i reversed my SLT starting on the right side rather than the left as taught to me by my Sifu. What would be the difference in results in your opinion Hendrik ?

    Even if i agree with you that this is a reason for training one side at a time, what good would it be to emulate how it was done back then... in other words Hendrik
    If what your saying is true (and relevant) then there should be a difference in results between the two seperate methods of starting on the Blood side as opposed to starting on the Qi side..... if i understand your point correctly ----------

    I careless if you agree with me or not. Free world, do whatever you like and responsible for what you do. My post here is for those who like to know what is going on only.

    For the indepth Chinese ancient martial artists , practicing the imbalance stuffs cause damaging internal organs and/ or cause stroke....etc.

    That is well known in the field.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 01-03-2009 at 10:04 PM.

  9. #24
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    Mar 2005
    I mean no disrespect Hendrik i just find it hard to believe that i can injure myself by reversing the sides in which i start and end a form (or part thereof) of VT or that training single actions or training them in unisen has a detrimental effect on my organs...thats all...

    My post here is for those who like to know what is going on only.
    I posted from the POV of wanting to know more Hendrik, sorry you took it as offencive, not my intention....i just ask questions for examples and try to give context to understand the topic in my own mind. Hence my Qestion about CK side kick and reversing actions in SLT.

    You havent really elaborated - your perogitive - so i still struggle to see the value.

    Last edited by Liddel; 01-03-2009 at 10:18 PM.
    Training is the pursuit of perfection - Fighting is settling for results - ME

    Thats not VT

    "This may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to"- TOOL

    "I think the discussion is not really developing how I thought it would " - LoneTiger108

    Its good to be the King -

  10. #25
    i just find it hard to believe that i can injure myself by reversing the sides in which i start and end a form (or part thereof) of VT or that training single actions or training them in unisen has a detrimental effect on my organs...thats all... ------------

    You dont have to believe. I dont either in the begining.....
    until I saw the report.

    I posted from the POV of wanting to know more Hendrik, sorry you took it as offencive, not my intention....i just ask questions for examples and try to give context to understand the topic in my own mind. Hence my Qestion about CK side kick and reversing actions in SLT.--------

    I am being straight to the point because it is serious stuffs , you sure can take me as offensive.

    I always ask people go Bai Si, this is one of the reason. Smart A$$ way doesnt work well for internal Training. The more advance the set the more serious it is. some has no clue on how much damage one can cause oneself while dealing with energy stuffs.

    No reason I want to see anyone of you suffer one step missed off by a thousand mile.

    Left is your heart, Right is your lever... so which one do you accelerate first? . the body has its own symphony rule...
    Last edited by Hendrik; 01-03-2009 at 11:27 PM.

  11. #26

    walking style for balancing Yin deficiency. comes with instruction on how and what part of the body to be activate....

    walking style for balancing Yang Deficiency...

    With proper diagnostic of the imbalance and prescribe the suitable walking Kung, practice for 20-30mins a day will produce result of improvement in 30 days.

    These are real kung fu cultivation, with these the body become balance, and only after the body is balance the martial art technics could be perform well.

    IT is certainly not about "just work hard" Get more muscle power.... Getting more cardio.... It cant be because for those who are already having weak cardio due to imbalance, pushing it will cause more damage and tear/wear.

    These part of the art is real stuffs but it is fading.....

    NOTE: this above is just to share what is going on in Advance Ancient Chinese Martial art. DO NOT PRACTICE IT unless you have a SIFU Who knows the art in details and coach you properly.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 01-04-2009 at 12:19 PM.

  12. #27
    Another important General Rule for those who do SLT/SNT, CK, Or BJ for health.

    For Those who has High Blood pressure.

    while doing SLT/SNT, CK, or BJ set
    limit PALM strike , Bil Jee strike, or Upper block....etc below eyes brow level. Meaning not carry it above or at the Third eyes level.

    when rise hands about the eyes brow level think your lower Dan Tien for balancing qi rising rpose.

  13. #28
    another part of truth beside the physical one

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New York, NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    why does SNT train one side at a time, rather than both together? FHSYK does the same thing.
    Why not?

    If SNT didn't train one side at a time, then what?

    If it didn't start on the left, then what?

    The ancestors picked one side at a time, and they picked left first. If they had picked both together or right side first, then that would be SNT instead. But they didn't.
    When you control the hands and feet, there are no secrets.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Houston, Tx. USA
    Have you ever considered that the reason may be much simpler...

    Most of the routines I know begin with movement to the left...left side twice. For example, Taijiquan often has Grasp Sparrow's Tail only on the right side...but things like Part Horse's Mane is done on both sides..often 3 times with 2 on the left and one on the right. (the modern routines like 24 Posture are more evenly balanced). Routines like Sun Lutang's Taijiquan set have around 60+% of the moves done to the right side. The revamping of that routine got it to something like 55% right and 45% left.

    Long Fist sets often begin moving to the left. Such as Tan Tui..where you do odd numbers begin to the left so you always do one more on the left side than the right.... Quite common....

    And why....well, it is NOT TCM theory. It is the realization that applications require the use of both sides AND the fact that MOST people are right handed. So, they start with the left to work it first...and to remind the person that the left takes more work because you use it less...

    Add all of the other theory onto this...but the fact is that right handedness is the norm and the use of the left hand does NOT come naturally.

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