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Thread: Northern Mantis Chi sao?

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Three Harmonies View Post
    Well I am not going to get into the "Gracie vs ....." thing. But there are several "Gracie" schools here where that is not the truth! They do not even roll with their senior students.
    I also do not agree that rolling with a white or blue belt is "useless." How so? "Useless" for whom??

    Mike -
    Dead on!

    When I said useless I mean full on rolling If you take a top black belt brown belt etc and put them in against a white belt or blue belt at full speed most times the white or blue belt is going to get tapped very quickly and not really learn as much that's what i meant as useless. Now rolling with a black belt or instructor where the instructor is defending etc while the lower rank goes his best that is a different story. It's too bad you have been to some schools like that and I agree with you I would not train there.

  2. #47
    Here I go...spending my five minutes a day net time on this forum.

    Three, I appreciate the respect you show for your teacher...but I still think full out should be the victor. He is much older and smaller but can still defeat you easily. So, why would you spend time training in BJJ and other similar styles? If the BJJ cannot trump the six harmony stuff.....why do it? I think that him being able to beat you at this age would be reason enough to train ONLY in his style.....right? Either you are getting bad information from other teachers.....or you are showing total respect for your teacher. I believe it is the latter and respect you for that.

    Earth, I understand about the respect thing...I was trying to make that point.

    You say the better student should go out and start their own school....but what if they dont want to? You kick them out because they are better?

    If I am sparring a student who has trained hard for more than 18 months....and can still easily defeat him.....I would think I am doing something dreadfully wrong. If he has potential and gets fight time...there is no reason a student shouldnt be very good in that time frame. If I were fighting an out of shape...doped up moron who has only trained a month or so...well, yeah that would be different.

  3. #48

    Earth, I understand about the respect thing...I was trying to make that point.

    You say the better student should go out and start their own school....but what if they dont want to? You kick them out because they are better?

    Ther is more to MA then fighting. I have a student who has been with me for 12 years. I am now teaching him internally, qigong , tuina, qigong, herbology, buddhism........
    By the time you learn to be a great fighter the appeal to fight becomes barbaric for some that is........ others take that time to prove something only to themselves..............
    Teaching traditional Ba Bu Tang Lang (Eight Step Praying Mantis)
    Jin Gon Tzu Li Gung (Medical) Qigong
    Wu style Taiji Chuan

    Teacher always told his students, "You need to have Wude, patient, tolerance, humble, ..." When he died, his last words to his students was, "Remember that the true meaning of TCMA is fierce, poison, and kill."

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Seattle, WA.
    I train BJJ because their is no ground work in CMA.
    "Full out..." perhaps. His throwing is better than mine. Sure if I hit him I would most likely knock the **** out of him. But we go pretty hard. Everytime I get a bit faster or strike harder, he ups the anty. Pretty amazing. Same with Tim. He is near 50, but can school most any young dude out there.

    Old -
    Well.... there are many different approaches to rolling. Personally I learn regardless of whether or not I get crushed by a black belt, or I crush a white belt. I have tapped my instructor once. He taps me an average of 4-5 times in a five minute roll. A bit more lately since he is getting ready to compete.
    So I guess we agree to disagree on this one

    "Gravity doesn't lie, and the ground never misses."
    Jake Burroughs
    Three Harmonies Chinese Martial Arts Center
    Seattle, WA.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Seattle, WA.
    Re-reading your post I must have misunderstood....
    On the ground, yes, I can dominate Hu. But he knows noting on the ground.

    "Gravity doesn't lie, and the ground never misses."
    Jake Burroughs
    Three Harmonies Chinese Martial Arts Center
    Seattle, WA.

  6. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Three Harmonies View Post
    Old -
    Well.... there are many different approaches to rolling. Personally I learn regardless of whether or not I get crushed by a black belt, or I crush a white belt. I have tapped my instructor once. He taps me an average of 4-5 times in a five minute roll. A bit more lately since he is getting ready to compete.
    So I guess we agree to disagree on this one

    Yep everone is different and if it works for you than that's the way you should train. I'm glad you found a place that works for you that is the most important at the end of the day

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