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Thread: Xtraining ?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD

    Xtraining ?????

    I'm currently into Kuoshu an thot about trying my hand at Aikido for a few months just to add a lil spice. Aikido, mainly because it's either that or TKD(been there done that). I have limited knowledge of Aikido(mostly from what I read) and was wondering if it would be a good fit of too different and not 'flow' with the kuoshu???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    NY, USA

    I heard...

    if your gonna cross train something with akkido, the more different from it, the better...
    "True victory is giving all of yourself without regret"-Ryu (SF Alpha3)

    "U don't wait -- if u feel it's going 2 go violent ... strike ... strike often ... strike till he drops ... can always apologize later if u were wrong."-Ginger Fist

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I studied san shou and kickboxing for a few years, and have now been studying aikido for over a year.

    I had attempted to learn aikido in spurts along with my other training, but found myself frustrated and generally doubtful about what I was learning. Aikido requires a lot of time to learn, and you just can't get much out of it in a few months.

    If you are a full contact fighter, it makes it hard to emulate some of aikido's principals (but it makes you appreciate them because you know what it's like to strike, tackle, and throw with full force).

    When you are tired of what you are learning, the many styles of Aikido will be waiting for you. But it is not designed for the ring.

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