Quote Originally Posted by m1k3 View Post
The problem with deadly techniques is how do you know they work and how do you train them.

If someone says strike A against body part B will kill someone how do you know it will work? Can't go around killing your training partners and most places frown on killing strangers.

But, you can train good fundamentals, things that work because you know they work. A punch to the face hurts, because you have felt it and have done it to others. An armbar works because you have felt someone take you arm right to the edge of breaking and you have done it to others. A choke works because in rolling you have probably choked someone until they saw stars or passed out and have had the same done to you.

This goes for a lot of your basic techniques. They work, you know they work and there is a high percentage you can pull them off.

Worry about learning deadly techniques which usually are low percentage, dangerous or impossible to train and questionable from a legal standpoint is time that could be spent working on something that you know works.

Just my 2 cents.
"Dim Mak" isn't all about killing strikes and deadly stuff.
It's about using pressure points to decrease your opponent's ability to react effectively. Many of the techniques can be done in controlled sparring and used safely while still having their intended effect. Yes they can cause serious health issues, but even in a real fight I would hesitate to use any of the strikes that are said to be "deadly". I've never tried them, so I don't know for sure if they work. But I've read enough literature on the subject, and been taught by people that I respect, so I'm not about to test it on people I care about.