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Thread: Jet Li’s ONE Foundation

  1. #16
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    Jet for ONE, Zhang for Beijing

    I didn't find anything on the Esquire site yet.

    Zhang Yimou, Jet Li among 'Men of 2008'
    2008-12-18 09:00:47 Xinhua

    Thirty Chinese celebrities, including famous director Zhang Yimou and action star Jet Li, were honored as "Esquire Men of the Year 2008" in Beijing on Tuesday.

    The fifth annual event was hosted by the well-known magazine Esquire (Shishangxiansheng in Chinese). Zhang won for crafting exceptional opening and closing ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics, while Jet Li was honored for starting the charity fund, the One Foundation.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  2. #17
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    Asian of the Year

    I didn't even realize there was such a contest for Reader's Digest...
    Jet Li is Asian of the Year
    by Maria J.Dass

    PETALING JAYA (Jan 4, 2009): Action actor Jet Li, with a string of box office hits like The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor and The Forbidden Kingdom, was named Reader's Digest Asian of the Year for his dedication towards helping disaster-hit victims and the less fortunate.

    Li declined an award ceremony in his honour but plans to donate the US$5,000 (RM18,000) award money to charity.

    The actor was noted mainly for his efforts in mobilising aid to people in disaster zones via the Red Cross Jet Li One Foundation which he founded.

    The foundation took two years to set up after much research and study went into setting up an organisation that could provide quick and relevant aid to victims in disaster areas.

    Li spoke with academics around the world and spent time at philanthropic organisations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, to learn what makes a successful non-governmental organisation (NGO).

    It all started when Li was caught up in the real life horror of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami in Maldives where he was on holiday with his wife Nina, two young daughters and nanny.

    Li and his family survived the disaster but it served as an important wake-up call. A few days after the incident, Li donated 500,000 yuan (RM255,755) to victims of the tsunami and used another 500,000 yuan to start the foundation – the Red Cross Jet Li One Foundation launched in China in April 2007.

    Though it operates independently of the Red Cross, the relationship with the organisation allows it to operate public fund-raising activities in China and get a quick, accurate picture of the extent of unfolding disasters.

    The foundation also built strong relationships with partners like airlines and has thus been able to react very quickly, when a natural disaster occurs.

    The foundation has raised nearly US$16 million (RM47.6 million) in just over 18 months and has helped a number of disaster relief efforts, including the Yunnan Puer earthquake and the snowstorms that paralysed much of southern China in early 2008.

    “I think too often something happens, people die, you see the photos and then you start donating. But by the time the money reaches the people, it’s already quite a few days after the disaster and you’re not even sure it’s reaching them,” said Li.

    “What I want is to be prepared, have a little money aside so that when something happens, we’re ready to move in quickly.”

    Li’s story is published in all the Asian editions of Reader's Digest January 2009 magazine to inspire millions of readers across Asia. The podcast interview with Jet Li is available on

    The <Reader's Digest Asian of the Year is selected by the editors of Reader’s Digest magazines in Asia as the person who best embodies the contemporary expression of Asia’s values and traditions.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #18
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    Jet at Davos

    Click for photos
    Jet Li among Davos forum's Crystal Award winners 2009-02-01 13:05:05
    Forum's Crystal Awards winners (L to R), Indian dancer Mallika Sarabhai, Venezuela's Jose A. Abreu, Chinese actor Jet Li and Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan pose after being honoured during the Forum's Crystal Award ceremony at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 31, 2009. The Forum's Crystal Award honours artists who have used their art to improve the state of the world.

    Forum's Crystal Awards winners (L to R), Indian dancer Mallika Sarabhai, Venezuela's Jose A. Abreu, Chinese actor Jet Li and Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan pose after being honoured during the Forum's Crystal Award ceremony at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos Jan. 31, 2009. The Forum's Crystal Award honours artists who have used their art to improve the state of the world.
    02 February 2009
    Corporate responsibly should not be forgotten during the economic downturn, two leading figures have urged.
    Archbishop Tutu and Jet Li urge firms to act responsibly

    Businesses should not lose sight of corporate responsibility issues because of the economic downturn, according to two leading figures.

    Speaking at an event hosted by Deloitte, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Jet Li, an actor and the man behind the One Foundation charity, called on firms to work together to improve society.

    "If we apply the ethic of family to the way we conduct ourselves, our businesses or government, then we could feed the world," Archbishop Tutu said.

    All firms have a part to play in helping to make the world a more equal place, Mr Li added.

    Jim Quigley, global chief executive officer at Deloitte, stated that scaling back corporate responsibility schemes during tough times is "not the right approach".

    His colleague John Connolly suggested that firms integrate such activities into their business plan as this can help with other issues such as recruitment and talent management.

    At the start of the year, Brendan Barber, general secretary of the Trades Union Congress, called on the government and businesses to start a "green industrial revolution" in 2009.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #19
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    Jet with Tony Blair

    There's three nice pics on the site.
    Blair and Jet Li sign cooperation plan on climate
    By By Li Jing (China Daily)
    Updated: 2009-03-27 08:56

    Countries should work together to reach a global agreement at the upcoming Copenhagen climate talks, former British prime minister Tony Blair said in Beijing yesterday.

    "The biggest challenge is how the developed and developing worlds put their efforts together," Blair said.

    "My point of view is not to force people to do the impossible but to do the maximum possible in a practical approach, such as technology exchanges and fostering the development of poorer countries."

    Putting China under carbon reduction obligations is not realistic at the moment, he said. Instead of blaming one another for not doing enough, countries should strengthen cooperation to address more "practical problems".

    For example, deforestation has become the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions, generating between 15 to 20 percent of the world's total carbon emissions, which is about four times that of the aviation industry.

    "So a practical measure would be for the world to work out a plan to deal with deforestation," Blair said.

    Governments are obliged to take the initiative in designing policy frameworks, which will provide incentives for the business sector to develop and implement climate-friendly technologies, Blair said.

    The financial crisis provides more business opportunities for green industries, as stimulus packages in many countries emphasized clean energy.

    "I think China's business sector will play a key role in combating climate change," Blair said.

    "And China has already unveiled radical plans to foster renewable energies."

    He applauded China's goal of increasing renewable energy use to account for 15 percent of its total energy mix by 2020 and said the world needs to understand how radical the country's measures are.

    Faced with the global financial crisis and mounting trade protectionism, Blair also warned the world should be wary of "backdoor" protectionism - for example, using environmental standards as an excuse.

    "This will be a most difficult part of discussions (for G20 leaders), but it is very important we take a firm stance against any form of protectionism," Blair said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #20
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    Jet WHO?

    The World Health Organisation has chosen Chinese action movie star Jet Li as a Goodwill Ambassador to champion key health issues, the UN agency said Friday.

    Action movie star Jet Li appointed WHO ambassador
    2009-04-03 15:59:26 GMT2009-04-03 23:59:26 (Beijing Time)

    GENEVA – The World Health Organisation has chosen Chinese action movie star Jet Li as a Goodwill Ambassador to champion key health issues, the UN agency said Friday.

    "Jet Li is expected to use his worldwide celebrity to raise attention on key health issues including public health responses to emergencies and mental health," the WHO said in a statement.

    He will attend the launch of the World Health Day in Beijing on April 7 in his new WHO capacity.

    WHO Director General Margaret Chan -- who hails from Hong Kong -- said his involvement in community work would be a "great asset" to the WHO.

    In December 2004, Beijing-born Jet Li and his family had a brush with death as they were in a Maldives hotel which was flooded during the tsunami that swept across the Indian Ocean.

    Following that incident, he turned to philantrophy and started a charity called One Foundation, which aims to help victims of natural disasters.

    On his latest appointment, Jet Li said: "If we do not take care of our bodies, we will not be able to do many things. This is our common belief, and I will do my very best to spread this shared belief to the world."

    He began learning Chinese martial arts from the age of eight and was a national champion. He started his film career at 17, after retiring from the sport.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #21
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    Aug 2007
    I did that one time when I was drunk

    seriously though, thats awesome. Jet Li is a great guy and does a lot for charity. Good luck and have fun!
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wow that's awesome! I wish I could attend, unfortunately I won't be going back to China til next year. But that's great Jet Li deserves all the hype.

  8. #23
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    Chinese news...

    Hopefully Andy will give us a firsthand report...
     壹家人 壹起走——纪念5.12大型公益活动在汶川举行 (7)(图)
    2009-05-10 20:19:52 来源: 人民网(北京)

    人民网四川5月10日电(记者 常薇) “壹家人 壹起走——纪念5.12同行汶川路”大型公益活动,今日上午11时在汶川县映秀镇举行。中国红十字会李连杰 “壹基金”以短途行走的方式,探访地震一年后的四川,旨在缅怀大地震的惨痛经历,见证我们面对巨灾表现出的 非凡勇气和顽强的生命力。中国红十字会副会长郭长江,“壹基金”管委会主任和创始人李连杰,演艺明星吴彦祖 、林心如、钟丽缇、柯以敏、钟汉良、张杰、凤凰卫视主持人沈星、"变脸大师"彭登怀以及多名知名企业家代表 均以壹基金义工的身份与200多名壹基金志愿者一起参加了两公里路程的行走活动。该活动起点为5?12地震 震中纪念碑,穿越被震毁的百花大桥,到达终点——牛眠沟震源点。

      刘德华、李冰冰、郭涛、杨紫琼、黄秋生、冯小刚、徐帆、孙红雷等因故不能赶来,但都力挺这项意义深远的 公益活动。并通过VCR发表感言。美国前总统克林顿也通过视频发表了感言,他说:“去年四川遭受了重大地震 ,全世界都很关注。四川人坚强地面对灾难,以热情的姿态重建家园,这非常了不起。李连杰先生发起的‘壹家人 ,壹起走’活动也很伟大,它把大家团结在一起改变未来,我深受感动。”

      李连杰代表“壹基金”表示,“第一次搞这样的活动,可能经验不足,我们希望以后每年都会有这样的活动, 每年的主题会不一样,明年有可能是环保主题,壹基金希望通过这样的活动唤起更多的人支持公益事业。我们会将 这个活动持续下去,希望人们能在每年的5.12都能想起这个活动。每年的活动地点可能会不同,具体要以四川 重建的规模和进度来定。”


      壹基金是由李连杰先生发起的立足于中国的国际性公益组织,分别在中国大陆及香港地区、美国和新加坡设立 了办事机构。在中国大陆地区,壹基金与中国红十字总会合作,成立了“中国红十字会李连杰壹基金计划”,致力 于传播公益文化,搭建公益平台,以推动公益事业的发展;同时,为各种自然灾难提供尽可能的人道援助。在中国 香港地区,壹基金集中资源发展公益人才教育项目,合作设立培训中心,资助中国内地公益领袖以及社会企业家的 学习深造,并积极参与香港地区的公益项目。 (本文来源:
    the babelfish version
     People's net four Sichuan, May 10 - (by Chang Wei) “one family member one walks - - commemorates 5.12 to travel together the Wenchuan road” the large-scale public welfare activity, today 11:00 am holds in the Wenchuan County Yingxiu Town. Red Cross Society of China Li Lianjie “one fund” the way which walks by the short distance, visitation earthquake one year later four Sichuan, is for the purpose of cherishing the memory of the big earthquake the deeply grieved experience, the testimony we the extraordinary courage which and the tenacious vitality displays facing the great disaster. Red Cross Society of China Vice-chairman Guo Yangtze River, “one fund” management meeting director and founder Li Lianjie, performance star Wu Yanzu, Lin Xinru, Zhongliti, Ke Yimin, Zhong Han are good, Zhang Jie, Phoenix TV director Shen Xing, “turned hostile master " Peng Denghuai as well as many well-known entrepreneurs represents together participates in two kilometers distances by one fund voluntary worker's status with more than 200 one fund volunteers to walk the activity. This active beginning is 5? 12 earthquake center monument, passes through the hundred flowers bridge which shakes destroys, arrives at end point - - Niu Miangou the center of origin spot.

      Liu Dehua, Li Bing ice, Guo Tao, Yang Ziqiong, Huang Qiusheng, Feng Xiaogang, Xu Fan, Sun Honglei and so on not to be able to catch up with for some reason, but supports this significance profound public welfare activity. And makes the words expressing feelings through VCR. American former president Clinton has also made the words expressing feelings through the video frequency, he said: “four Sichuan suffered the significant earthquake last year, the world very much has paid attention. The native of Sichuan person faces the disaster strongly, rebuilds one's homeland by the enthusiasm posture, this is great. Mr. Li Lianjie initiates the `one family member, one walks ' the activity to be very also great, it will unite everybody is changing together the future, I will be greatly touched.”

      Li Lianjie represents “one fund” the expression, “first time carries on such activity, possibly is insufficiently experienced, we hoped that the later every year will have such activity, every year's subject meets is dissimilar, next year will have the possibility is the environmental protection subject, one fund hoped that will arouse more people through such activity to support the public utility. We will continue this activity, hoped that the people can 5.12 be able to remember this activity in every year. Every year's operating location will be possibly different, must specifically the scale which and the progress will reconstruct by four Sichuan decides.”

      About one fund:

      One fund is the foothold which initiates by Mr. Li Lianjie in China's international public welfare organization, separately in mainland China and Hong Kong area, the US and Singapore has set up the administrative body. In mainland China area, one fund and the Red Cross Society of China cooperation, has established “the Red Cross Society of China Li Lianjie one fund plan”, devotes in the dissemination public welfare culture, the build public welfare platform, promotes public utility's development; At the same time, provides the humanitarian aid as far as possible for each kind of natural disaster. In the Chinese Hong Kong area, one fund centralism resources development public welfare talented person educates the project, the cooperation sets up the training center, subsidizes the China public welfare leader as well as the social entrepreneur's study pursues advanced studies, and participates in Hong Kong area positively the public welfare project.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #24
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    Some photos from 1st anniversary of 5/12

    click link for six pics.
    Jet Li and 'Family'
    2009-05-11 11:29:17 Web Editor: Xie Tingting
    Action superstar Jet Li and his charity organization, the One Foundation, recently launched the "One Family, One Walk" campaign to mark the one-year anniversary of the May 12 Sichuan earthquake.
    Check out our Martial Arts Benefit for Quake Victims thread for an update.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #25
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    Not quite ONE...

    ...but worthy of mention.
    Aug 14, 2009
    Jet Li joins typhoon fundraiser

    TAIPEI- CHINESE action star Jet Li will join a star-studded fundraiser for victims of Typhoon Morakot on Friday and later visit flood-ravaged southern Taiwan, organisers said.

    Li and Hong Kong star Andy Lau will accompany more than 200 Taiwanese entertainers fronting a major fundraising event tonight, said organiser Red Cross Taiwan.

    Li, who had also donated 300,000 yuan (S$63,489) to the recovery cause, is set to travel to the worst-hit southern Kaohsiung county to visit shelters and console survivors over the weekend, it said.

    Another Hong Kong superstar, action hero Jackie Chan, is unable to attend but is expected to speak at the televised event by phone in an effort to drive up donations.

    Taiwan's first lady Chow Mei-ching and Vice President Vincent Siew's wife Chu Shu-hsien will also take donation pledges over the phone from the Taiwanese public at the event.

    The island's charities and companies had donated more than four billion Taiwan dollars (S$180 million) for typhoon relief as of Friday, reports said, while HK tycoon Li Ka-shing had pledged 100 million Taiwan dollars.

    The powerful typhoon triggered the island's worst floods in half a century, and President Ma Ying-jeou warned the island-wide death toll of 117 would likely rise to more than 500 as fears mounted for those missing. -- AFP
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #26

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    ...but worthy of mention.
    very cool.

  12. #27
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    1000 points of light

    Interesting project.
    Blair, Li to light 1,000 villages through solar power
    By Hu Yang (
    Updated: 2009-08-25 14:36

    Blair, Li to light 1,000 villages through solar power

    Chinese kungfu star Jet Li and former British prime minister Tony Blair chat while visiting Baigong Village, in Guiyang, Aug 22, 2009. The village will be the first one to benefit from a project jointly launched by Blair's Climate Group and Li's One Foundation to use solar-powered LEDs to light 1,000 Asian and African villages in the next five years. [One Foundation]

    Former British prime minister Tony Blair and Chinese kungfu star Jet Li jointly launched a project to use solar-powered LEDs to light the countryside while visiting Baigong Village, in Guiyang, the capital of southwestern China's Guizhou province on Aug 22.

    Blair was representing the Climate Group, a non-profit he helped creat, and Jet Li represented One Foundation, which he founded and focuses on education, health, environmental, poverty projects and disaster relief.

    During the first two years, the goal is for 400 Chinese villages to be lit by solar-powered LED lights. Over the following three years, another 600 villages in China, India and some African countries will also be lit through solar power.

    The lighting project is the two organizations' first joint program since they signed a strategic cooperation memorandum in March. Initially, One Foundation will provide funds for the project, though as it expands, money will come from other financial organizations as well.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #28
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    No more kung fu poses from Jet

    He better do some kung fu in the Expendables.

    A hero reborn -- Jet Li's world mission 2009-10-13 13:41:45
    by Xinhua writer Wu Chen

    BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- Li Lianjie refuses to strike a kung fu pose for photographers.

    "I don't like violence at all," says the action movie star better known to English-speaking audiences as Jet Li.

    The devout Buddhist has had an epiphany -- film-making is now just a hobby, and philanthropy is his career and life.

    The turning point occurred in 2004, when Li and his family, holidaying in the Maldives, were caught in the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami.

    "It's not like in the movies. The water just rose so fast. I picked up my 4-year-old daughter Jane and the baby-sitter got Jada, and we ran to the hotel (from the beach). The water was up to my waist, and a second later, it was up to my chest."

    The experience made him realize the insignificance of his skills and achievements in the face of Nature's power.

    "All the money and power in the world cannot save you from the waves. I had to do something...," Li says.

    It was the culmination of seven years of studying Buddhist doctrine and travelling the world looking for a meaning to his life.

    After talking with his wife, former Hong Kong actress Nina Li Chi, he donated 500,000 Hong Kong dollars to tsunami-affected people in a charity show made by celebrities in Hong Kong and put another 500,000 into setting up a charitable foundation.

    The One Foundation, formally established in 2007, is based on the notion that if each person donates at least 1 yuan a month, the individual donations can be transformed into a much greater fund, Li says.

    "I want to spread the idea that not only millionaires, celebrities and leaders, but each individual shares the responsibility to help others. We just need to offer help within our abilities," he says.

    More than a million volunteers have since registered on the One Foundation website, donating their money or time.

    Disaster relief is one of its main causes and it gave 78 million yuan for relief and reconstruction after last year's May 12 earthquake in southwest China.

    It plans to train a professional fast-response relief team of 400 volunteers to help official relief organizations.

    Li uses every opportunity to talk about the foundation, but the very concept of the foundation has prompted many to ask exactly how much Li himself contributes.

    The answer is a private matter, he always responds. "'Donation competition' is not part of the One Foundation's concept."

    He has another aim for the foundation, which also breaks new ground in Chinese concepts of charity: he wants to make it an enterprise, aimed at the social good, that is financially self-sustainable.

    In a trial project, Qiang ethnic women in the quake zone were trained in traditional embroidery skills and helped to sell their products.

    From a 4-million-yuan investment has come a profit of 10 million yuan, plus jobs for 7,000 women, whose monthly incomes have risen from 300 yuan before the quake to 700 yuan.

    But the foundation is reluctant to take out the profit as the public will ask "How could you make money from quake survivors?" he says. "Chinese people jump to moral judgments."

    He knows the charity must be properly managed as a corporation. The foundation has invited audits by accounting firms Deloitte and KPMG to do audits. Quarterly progress reports are issued on its website to let the public know where every yuan goes.

    His "Philanthropy Awards" are setting new standards for charities in China and helping international donors find suitable organizations for cooperation.

    "We want a platform for the better development of domestic non-governmental organizations," Li says.

    "Credibility, professionalism, execution and sustainability" are listed as the award standards, and experts, journalists, consultants, legal and financial professionals are invited to vote.

    Seven organizations, including the Beijing Cultural Development Center for Rural Women, which provides rural women with education, training and guidance, and Liangshan Yi Nationality Women and Children Development Center, were selected last year. One Foundation gave them 1 million yuan each to support their development.

    He attributes his global vision to the experience of traveling abroad when he was very young as a national champion of wushu, an acrobatic form of kung fu.

    Born in 1963 in Beijing, Li is the youngest of three boys and two girls. His father died when he was two, and the family struggled.

    Li was selected for wushu training when he was eight. Natural talent and hard training earned him five consecutive championships at the Chinese Wushu Games from 1974 to 1978. He began traveling the world with the national team in 1974, and the first stop was the United States.

    He still remembers the culture shock. "There was only one kind of ice cream in China, but in America, there were more than 60."

    He realized the outside world was different from what he had been taught.

    "I asked myself why most of our 'friends' (African countries) were poor while our 'enemy' (America) was so rich?"

    His fame came with his debut role in Shaolin Temple, the first Chinese movie in which all the actors practised real martial arts.

    It took more than 100 million yuan at the box office at a time when a ticket cost just 0.1 yuan. The obscure temple, in the forests of central Henan Province, also gained fame as the cradle of Chinese kung fu.

    However, as leading actor and a national Wushu practitioner, Li earned a daily "salary" of just 1 yuan.

    A sense of unfairness that his earning didn't reflect his work persuaded him to migrate to America in 1988.

    From 1989 to 1999, he cooperated with Hong Kong directors to make series of movies, playing almost all the famous traditional Chinese kung fu masters (in history or legend), becoming a leading Asian action star.

    In his Hollywood debut, he sacrificed his hero image to play a villain for the first time in "Lethal Weapon 4" in 1998.

    "Hollywood is such a big market. I think every actor may dream to take part in," he says.

    Other hits followed: Romeo Must Die, Cradle 2: The Grave, and Danny the Dog.

    In 2002, he starred in Chinese director Zhang Yimou's Hero for a reported 10 million U.S. dollars.

    But recently, the icon of Chinese culture fell from grace in the eyes of many of his countrymen when he took Singaporean citizenship. Many critics overlooked the fact that he had taken U.S. nationality 20 years earlier.

    "Now I am embracing the earth to look at the world," says Li, stressing his roots. "Mandarin is forever the language I speak best and Jiaozi is always my favorite food."

    He insists he does what he thinks is right. He knows the "Philanthropy Awards" selection may be a thankless task, and the public may not appreciate the importance of their work, but he will keep at it.

    "My life ended when I was 40 years old as I have nothing to pursue in this world. I need no more money nor fame. The rest of my life I live for the whole world."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #29
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    Committee of 100 Honoree

    I wonder if Jet will show up in person for this.
    Martial Arts Actor Jet Li is Committee of 100 Honoree for Individual Achievement in San Francisco
    January 2010 | By Jane Leung Larson

    JetLiSince he and his family almost lost their lives to the waves of the South Asian tsunami in 2004 while vacationing in the Maldives, Jet Li’s life as one of the world’s most famous martial arts actors took an abrupt turn. Not that he’s given up movies—his recent box office hits include Fearless (2006) and The Forbidden Kingdom (2008, with Jackie Chan)—it’s that he has thrown his wealth and energies behind creating a worldwide philanthropic movement through his One Foundation (壹基金). His ambition is nothing less than to create one big family of individual donors who pool their gifts of one dollar or yuan or peso a month to “make sure that the most vulnerable members of our global family will receive the help they need.” Li has launched his foundation in his native China, working with the Red Cross Society of China, to help disaster victims and work on big issues like the environmental protection, health, and education.

    Li will be honored for his achievements as both an entertainer and a philanthropist at the Committee’s 19th Annual Conference Gala Awards Dinner in San Francisco. Other special honorees will be two Nobel Laureates, Daniel Tsui and Chen Ning (Franklin) Yang, for Chinese American Distinction. Read about the lives and achievements of these two physicists here.

    Conference Preview

    Committee members and conference sponsors will celebrate the conference opening on April 7 with a reception at the Asian Art Museum. In February, the Museum will open Shanghai, a special exhibition of art from China’s most cosmopolitan city from 1850 to the present, being held in conjunction with the upcoming Shanghai World Expo. A preview of the exhibition is here.

    The public is invited to join the Committee for two days of speakers and panels covering both U.S.-China and Asian American issues. Among the speakers and panels already confirmed are:

    Keynote Speakers
    Dominic Barton, Managing Director, McKinsey
    Gene Huang, Chief Economist, FedEx
    Lip-Bu Tan, Chairman, Walden International Investing Group

    Educating the Next Generation of World Leaders
    Gu Binglin, President of Tsinghua University
    John Hennessey, President of Stanford University
    Henry T. Yang, Chancellor, University of California at Santa Barbara
    Zhou Qifeng, President of Peking University

    Asian American Politics: Are We Where We Should Be?
    David Chiu, President, San Francisco Board of Supervisors
    Lawrence Low, Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
    Frank H. Wu, Dean and Chancellor-Elect, University of California Hastings School of Law

    Crystal Ball for Innovation
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    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    30-minute chat

    oh to be a fly on the wall for that conversation...
    China film star Jet Li to meet Gates, Buffett
    (AFP) – 8 hours ago

    BEIJING — Chinese film star Jet Li said on Tuesday he would meet Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to chat about charity work ahead of a banquet for China's uber-rich hosted by the US philanthropists this month.

    Li, a philanthropist himself who was speaking at a press briefing where he was named a Red Cross Goodwill Ambassador, confirmed he had been invited to the dinner on September 29, but initially refused due to his busy schedule.

    "Three days ago, I received an email from Gates, hoping I could make time because he and Buffett hoped I could go for a 30-minute chat before the dinner about the future we face as human beings, so I will go," Li said.

    Gates and Buffett have convinced 40 wealthy individuals and their families in the United States to hand over more than half of their fortunes to a good cause as part of a project launched in June.

    They plan to learn about China's approach to philanthropy at the banquet in Beijing, and have stressed they will not pressure any of the Asian nation's super-rich to give to charity. But the response has reportedly been lukewarm.

    Li, who founded his own charity One Foundation in 2006, encouraged people to give money or time for a good cause but said his homeland was a newcomer to the charity business.

    "China's real development has only happened in the past 10 years," he said, adding the United States had 100 years of experience in philanthropy.

    Li also called on the US film industry to give more to charity.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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