Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
Forms were taught last and usually only to lineage bearors in many cases.(Unless they were specific training sets designed to develop structure, breath, power, etc.(sam bo ging, saamjien, siu-lim tau, etc)
There was an interview with a descendant of Yang Lu-Chan, who said that the form wasn't taught at all. Just applications, push hands and fighting. The short sequences(single whip, brush knee, etc) practiced later, and the form wasn't taught until it was taught to the public.

Here's a newsflash-people LIKE hitting things.
Bag drills are fun, and a great workout. People LIKE putting on handwraps, bag gloves and hitting the pads. They feel that they are developing real skills.(they also like buying them. Owning fight gear is like owning a gun or something. It's empowering.)
They ENJOY sparring-in a safe enviornment, taught in a methodical manner.
It develops confidense-which is why they came in the first place.
Someone has groin kicked the correct.