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Thread: Anyone in Sydney, Australia interested in learning Pak Hok Pai?

  1. #1

    Anyone in Sydney, Australia interested in learning Pak Hok Pai?

    PM me your number and I will ring you for a quick chat re the topic above.


  2. #2
    Hi All

    A quick summary of what I am looking for and plan to do:

    I am looking for a group of people/students who are interested in learning Pak Hok Pai in the Sydney area.

    I will be training at a local park by myself whether or not there is anyone to take up this offer.

    I will be showing the students White Crane Kung Fu (Pak Hok Pai) as taught to me by Sifu Cheung Kwok Wah. Parts of it will be different/adjusted for a class environment, as I am usually taught on a one to one basis.

    I will describe briefly what classes will consist of for the initial 3-6 months. Assuming you have no background in Pak Hok Pai or any of the related Hop Gar Kuen or Lama Pai I will be teaching:

    1. Gei Boon Kuen (Basic fists)
    2. Gei Boon Bo Faht (Basic footwork)
    3. Technique drills/forms

    Any forms I teach you I intend to break them down into individual techniques that you will drill each class. Depending on the outcome of some legal enquiries I will be making soon, I expect (for those who want to) that you will be engaging in varying levels of sparring (varying levels for safety reasons) after each class using the techniques you have learnt.

    Cost? I will be charging you a grand total of $0 per class. I will however, expect you to buy your own equipment which you will need to train and spar with. E.g. mouth guards (you are not borrowing mine!), head gear, gloves, skipping rope, etc...

    Why? I am not interested in making money out of this. I have a main occupation that pays me enough. I am only interested in getting a group of people together who are in the most part, honest and with low egos, to share my passion for Pak Hok Pai, to train together, improve our skills and ensure that the Pak Hok Kung Fu I learn from Cheung Sifu can be passed onto others in Australia.

    To make this clear -

    a) I am Cheung Sifu's student and authorised instructor in Australia so please don't call me sifu see (e) below;
    b) I am not made of steel or titanium, I've been injured before so lets train hard but smart;
    c) I expect us to be respectful to each other;
    d) yes - I am going to be training with you;
    e) yes - I am still learning and I will teach you whatever I learn from Cheung Sifu subject to your learning curve, effort, etc;
    f) actually there is more to say... so let me know if you have any questions or are interested in learning Pak Hok Pai by sending me an email:

    When I settle on a date I will start to be available for classes I will let those of you who have emailed me know where I am and the time. Come have a look, try training together. I am sure it won't take us very long to figure out whether this is what you are looking for or not.

    Last edited by friday; 04-16-2009 at 05:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by friday View Post
    a) I am Cheung Sifu's instructor...
    You actually mean: "a) I am Cheung Sifu's student....."

    Sounds like a great deal for anyone in the area......

  4. #4

    I'll edit that section.

    Was typing that at 1am this morning lol.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    i wish i could learn bak hok

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i wish i could learn bak hok
    seeing as most founders of crane-based arts apparently learned their system by either directly observing or dreaming about a crane fighting some sort of belligerent vertebrate (snake / ape / vole / Thompson's gazelle), I'd say that either a trip to the local aviary w/a badger in your backpack or some serious inhalants prior to bedtime would be all that you need...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    thank you for you advice, yesterday i put a donkey in my packback and make him fight a crane in the zoo, today i dream about special lohan donkey punch technique

    seriously tho, over here since i moved i dont know anybody have no connections, other than this internets i havent seen another kung fu guy for 1 years. all i do is beat trees and bag for 1 year

    i really wish in toronto i didnt have money trouble i couldve met so many cool kung fu peoples

    does anyone know any bak hok sifus in ontario area in canada? it doesnt matter how far he is as long as he is good i get there
    Last edited by bawang; 04-16-2009 at 07:57 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    thank you for you advice, yesterday i put a donkey in my packback and make him fight a crane in the zoo, today i dream about special lohan donkey punch technique
    you are on the path to mastery...

    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    seriously tho, over here since i moved i dont know anybody have no connections, other than this internets i havent seen another kung fu guy for 2 years. all i do is beat trees and bag for 1 year

    i really wish in toronto i didnt have money trouble i couldve met so many cool kung fu peoples

    does anyone know any bak hok sifus in jiangsu province china? i visit my family there soon
    are you in Toronto now? I believe we have some Lama Pai "relations" in the area...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    i move to guelph about 1-2 hours from toronto

    i am willing to take bus there, if u know good guy please tell me
    if by lama pai u mean sifu david chow, heheh i think we got off on wrong foot, i was starving and had money problems, was acting weird in his class because sometiems i didnt eat for 3 days, but now i have money, i am strong if you throw in a good word i can take bus there

    i am serious
    Last edited by bawang; 04-16-2009 at 09:15 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  10. #10
    I think my thread has been derailed lol


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    why cant there be any people like you in my area
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  12. #12
    you could always move to Australia...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by friday View Post
    you could always move to Australia...
    lol, he might do better to drive the five hours to Vancouver's Chinatown

  14. #14
    I fly to Hong Kong every year to train.

    I have already booked in some cheap airfares to fly over for Christmas this year and stay the month of January.

    Looking forward to it as usual...

    I really miss the cheap 10HKD meals.


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