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Thread: HFYWC Workshop, Arizona May 15th - 16th

  1. #1

    HFYWC Workshop, Arizona May 15th - 16th

    HFYWC Workshop, Tempe Arizona May 15th - 16th

    GM Garrett Gee of the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Lineage will present a one day public workshop at the Arizona Hung Fa Kwoon in Tempe.

    Topic: An Introduction to Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao, Form, History and Application.

    This is a great opportunity to experience first hand the HFY SNT under the 8th generation Lineage holder.

    Friday May 15th 2009
    Private Training - Disciples

    Saturday May 16th 2009
    9am - 5pm Public workshop
    Cost: Members $100.00
    Non Members $150.00

    7pm - 11pm
    Private Training - Instructor candidates

    Sunday May 17th 2009
    Private Training - Instructor Candidates

    For more information or to pre register for the public workshop contact ;
    Last edited by MarkJ; 04-08-2009 at 01:49 PM. Reason: corrected for sunday
    Sifu Mark Jones
    Southwest Regional Director
    Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun of Arizona
    1805 E. Elliot Rd. #110
    Tempe AZ 85284 USA
    (480) 820-2428

  2. #2
    Grandmaster Gee always provides an excellent learning atmosphere!

    Every HFY seminar I've attended has always exceeded my high expectations. This is a great opportunity to learn HFY SNT directly from the Lineage Holder.

    Contact info is below:

    Sifu Mark Jones
    Southwest Regional Director
    Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun of Arizona
    931 E. Elliot Rd. #114
    Tempe AZ 85284 USA
    (480) 820-2428


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    San Francisco

    Topic Announcement

    Among the many topics being discussed at the upcoming Arizona workshop, I am happy to announce that GM Gee will provide a special focus on Joint Power.

    Joint Power is a powerful WC tool within the HFY system as it plays an important role in both HFY Two-Line Defence and Gate Theory understanding and expression. Within the SNT level, student can learn how to generate short- range power via structural energy and body unity.

    I recommend this to anyone interested in improving their own striking power as well as enhancing their own ability to destroy an opponent's weapons.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Hung Fa Yi Club of Gilbert

    Thumbs up Awesome news

    Hello Duende,

    Thanks for the new update! I definitely look forward to this event with much excitement and enthusiasm! I know the agenda for that weekend will be, as always, very hectic with little time to relax. GM Gee is always so busy and has so much knowledge to offer people. Rarely does he get much sleep on these kind of weekends. He really is a 24-7 kung fu man.

    Take care,
    World Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kung Fu Association

    "Obey the natural laws and principles of the universe." ~ Grandmaster Garrett Gee

    "Education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society... We must remember intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  5. #5

    Workshop Update

    My name is Mark Jones and I am hosting the HFY workshop in arizona this weekend and would like to announce an update to the workshop schedule.

    Originally posted on HFY108 by HFY Secretary:
    Hello everyone,

    More HFY headquarter news. Grandmaster Garrett Gee will be in Arizona for another public workshop covering several topics.

    On Friday night, there will be Wu Dong sword training for sword club members. On Saturday morning and afteroon, there will be a public workshop for the general public. On Saturday night and Sunday morning and afteroon, there will be HFY instructor training. GM Gee will also spend some time revealing exclusive knowledge of Hung Mun society and culture.

    As we all know, GM Gee has been spending the past 3 years following the Hung Fa Yi tradition by devoting himself to Buddhism practice. He did not celebrate his birthday for the past 3 years, enjoy a birthday cake, or accept gifts or money for benefit to himself - anything given to him was donated to charity or the Buddhist temple. He did not keep anything for himself. When GM Gee first became a Hung Fa Yi indoor disciple, he was required to take an oath that he would not document any of their inside information. Because of the high volume of requests both private and public for GM Gee to reveal more Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun information, GM Gee with great respect for our ancestors traditions of the past along with Wing Chun historian Sifu Richard Lowenhagen will determine what information will be released to the public and what will be reserved for the private sector. In order to undo the oath, GM Gee needed to follow in the HFY tradition by devoting himself to non-existence and his spirit to Buddhism without gaining fame or fortune so that now he could more openly document HFY information in the public. In the upcoming workshop, our grandmaster will reveal inside information to his disciples. We look forward to this important contribution from our grandmaster.

    Sifu 9335
    For those attending the May seminar in Arizona, GM Garrett Gee will also be revealing to the public for the first time, the historical connections and traditions between The Hung Mun Societies and the Hung Gun Bui Lineage. HFYWC Workshop, Arizona May 15th - 17th

    On Friday evening between 9pm and 2am our GM Garrett Gee will hold a special presentation for the first time ever and reveal, history and culture of the Hung Mun Society. Wing Chun historian Sifu Richard Loewenhagen will also be in attendance at this historic event. This presentation is open to all HFY general members and Instructors.
    In addition GM Gee Has generously given permission to extend the invitation to attend this special event to any local martial art community members who may be interested.
    For more information or to pre register for the public workshop contact ;
    Last edited by MarkJ; 05-13-2009 at 08:10 PM. Reason: add more info
    Sifu Mark Jones
    Southwest Regional Director
    Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun of Arizona
    1805 E. Elliot Rd. #110
    Tempe AZ 85284 USA
    (480) 820-2428

  6. #6
    Hello Everyone,

    Just an update from the workshop: Yesterday we conducted training for the Wu Dong Sword Fighting Club as trained under Grandmaster Garrett Gee of San Fransisco. Participants spent the full session working on both form and sword fighting applications as well as absorbing some culture from the over 300 year history of the Wu Dong Kung Fu. I am excited to announce that soon, Sifu Mark Jones of Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun of Arizona will be accepting applications for students to join in the sword fighting program.

    Is there anyone around Phoenix AZ that would be interested in learning the art of the Wu Dong sword? If so, please contact Sifu Mark Jones, his contact information is in the bottom of his posting above.

  7. #7

    workshop update

    The Arizona Hung Fa Yi Kwoon was happy to receive our Grand Master who arrived from San Francisco around 2pm Friday May 15, 2009. After arriving at the Kwoon our nonstop Wudang Sword training began and went from 2pm to 8pm. The attendee’s energy and enthusiasm were high as they were look forward to the one on one teaching and individualized training each would receive working directly under the hand of the Grand Master. The unique and specialized training of the sword and the way it translates to our hand to hand combat training is something that can only be conveyed to the students by someone with the extensive background and training and experience of someone like our Grand Master. The experience of the first few hours of sword training was surely a memorably unforgettable event that all participants will want to do again as soon as possible.

    After a short break the second part of the seminar/workshop began where the Grand Master would teach to both the school’s students and many guest from other participating martial arts some of his extensive knowledge of the rich history tradition and customs of the Hung Mun Society and their connection to wing chun. Most exciting was the fact that this discussion contained some information that was actually being presented to the public for the first time. The level of detail expressed by the Grand Master was extensive and thorough. This seminar was very useful and helpful in telling a more complete history of the Hung Mun Society than anything else previously heard by those in attendance. All the information was very well received as indicated by Master and Author Sifu Loewenhagen’s publicly expressed desire to use this newly provided information to publish his next article and possible book. Although he has previously spent many hours studying and researching the topic of the Hung Mun, Sifu Loewenhagen had to admit that the information given was exciting new and beyond all of that which he thought he knew he is very eager to publish a new article to present all that he has learned here today and share it with the public. So many questions arose from this interesting and fascinating topic that a question and answer session was held at the end of the seminar which saw all the questions answered without hesitation by the Grand Master. This again was another example of the Grand Master’s willingness to share with the public in order to help more people understand the history tradition and culture of Wing Chun and its’ many contributions outside of what has previously been written.

    Saturday morning the participants finished the second half of another public workshop. So from 8am to 5pm the Grand Master participated in some more hands on instruction and once this portion of the workshop was complete the energy level could be felt in the room. Most of the students wanted to stay for more but because of prior commitment in the schedule it wasn’t possible. A majority of the students have already expressed an interest in having the Grand Master return soon for another workshop. With an hour break to eat behind him the Grand Master then began to teach a private session to those students enrolled in the instructors program reserved for those students looking to become teachers and open their own school. There is no limit to the energy of our Grandmasters teaching, GM Garrett Gee is living proof of a 24/7 kung fu master.
    Sifu Mark Jones
    Southwest Regional Director
    Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun of Arizona
    1805 E. Elliot Rd. #110
    Tempe AZ 85284 USA
    (480) 820-2428

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Sounds like an awesome time! I've always been fascinated with the Wu Dong Pai as well as the Wu Dong Jian (Dao) in general, its great to see that other areas of the U.S. are preserving and passing on the Wu Dong Pai traditions.

    Congrats and well wishes!
    Nothing is harder to see into than people's nature. The sage looks at subtle phenomena and listens to small voices. This harmonizes the outside with the inside and the inside with the outside.
    --Zhuge Liang--

    樱花瓣在飘零 这悲凉的风景

  9. #9

    Workshop conclusion

    As the official representative of the Arizona Hung Fa Kwoon I would like to express my deepest appreciation to our grandmaster Garrett Gee for the fantastic opportunity in hosting this weekends historic and action packed workshop. The Wu Dong sword fighting club members have made great progress under our GM’s dedicated guidance and this intense and exciting program will soon be opened up for general membership. Many students and guests took advantage of the time made available during the public workshop to train hands on with the Bhun Jyun of the HFY system. One of the things that continues to impress is GM Gee’s depth of knowledge of all aspects of the martial arts and his energy and enthusiasm for hands on interaction with all who attended. The Arizona HFY Instructor candidates have been participating in a very rigorous training program that is proving to be very successful with the result that several Instructor candidates will be opening clubs this year. Friday nights presentation by our grandmaster on the history and culture of the Hung Mun society and interaction of the Hung Gun boxer society created a great impact that was witnessed by students and outside martial arts community members alike. Wing Chun Sifu and historian Richard Loewenhagen, so impressed by the depth of the information shared, immediately started work on two magazine articles and announced that a book in conjunction with GM Gee is in the works for future release.

    In conclusion, this weekends workshop was a huge success and on behalf of the students, instructor candidates and guests of the Arizona Hung Fa Kwoon I would like thank GM Gee for his continued support.
    Sifu Mark Jones
    Southwest Regional Director
    Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun of Arizona
    1805 E. Elliot Rd. #110
    Tempe AZ 85284 USA
    (480) 820-2428

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