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Thread: Ozolin/Kurz, question on exercise programmes

  1. #1
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    Question Ozolin/Kurz, question on exercise programmes

    Does anyone know this study by Ozolin, and this sequencing plan for exercise? Is it pukka or what?
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

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  2. #2
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    With the exception of the joint circling, which I wouldn't use on all joints (well, all but the knees [yes, you can do this, but try that much side-to-side movement on your fingers, the same basic functioning joints]), it looks good.
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    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

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  4. #4
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    is that all in one workout or different days?
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  5. #5
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    Well to put some lead in the pencil of old ****s like us, it's before breakfast every day...

    but failing that you can break it up and take bits out, but stick to that order. This is the optimum, according to those two.
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vash View Post
    With the exception of the joint circling, which I wouldn't use on all joints (well, all but the knees [yes, you can do this, but try that much side-to-side movement on your fingers, the same basic functioning joints]), it looks good.
    I think there are two useful points about knee rotations:

    1) It's main purpose is actually to work the ankles.
    2) While the knees obviously don't bend that way it IS a good way of gently and safely simulating the stress that knees get every day. Sure it's not good to get that much pressure laterally to the knees but it can and does happen all the time to some degree.
    its safe to say that I train some martial arts. Im not that good really, but most people really suck, so I feel ok about that - Sunfist

    Sometime blog on training esp in Japan

  7. #7
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    when I was in TKD, we did knee rotations during warm-up. Never had a knee problem-and we did ALOT of kicks.
    When I later trained at a Tang Soo Do school-we did NOT do knee rotations, and I began having knee problems.
    I now include knee rotations in my warm-up.
    Another thing, awhile back, during a time of innactivity, my knee started bothering me. I had also noticed that I was no longer practicing basic yoga stretches. So, I sat on the floor and practiced half lotus-which put a strain on my knees-especially the one that was hurting. When I got up, the knee pain was gone, and hasn't returned.
    So, knee rotations, half-lotus, movements that cause lateral and twisting rotations, for some reason had the opposite effect.
    Any thoughts on this?
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