...but no finishing move for the knock out.
Shopkeeper Subdues Robber
Gary Reistad
WEST ALLIS - Paul Branski knows vacuum cleaners. He’s been the owner of West Allis Vacuum Center at 6766 W. Lincoln Avenue for 25 years and says what happened Thursday morning is a first.

The 44-year-old masked man who attempted to rob Branski’s store probably did not know Branski has nine years of Aikido martial arts training.

“He pushed the glass counter on top of me then I pushed it back,” Branski told TODAY’S TMJ4 reporter Tom Murray. “You revert back to the John Wayne mentality, which is punch more than he's punching you.”

Branski wrestled the robber to the ground in a tussle he estimates lasted four minutes.

An alert passerby thought it suspicious when a man wearing a surgical mask walked into the store. He got the attention of some nearby police officers.

"You see somebody walking into a store with a mask, that would probably be a good time to call the police,” said Capt. Bill Kreuser, West Allis Police Department.

Officers arrived as Branski was still battling the suspect, now identified as 44-year-old Raymond Whiting. Whiting was on probation after release from prison in March and has a history of robbery convictions.

"[He] kept telling me he wasn't going to say anything if I let him up and I said, 'no, you're going to jail,’” Branski explained.

Branski made it out with a few minor cuts. The suspect did not have a weapon. Branski is thankful for the stranger who flagged down police because he was alone in the store.

"I'd still be on the ground two hours later fighting with the guy and we'd both be exhausted I'm sure,” he quipped.

Branski said this is the first time someone attempted to steal from him.