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Thread: See H.F.Y. on Youtube!

  1. #241
    Tom, you really need to get with it. I like what Aaron Baum does in this fight, and I do see how he's trying to use wing chun in the fight. Is it the end-all-and-be-all of how to try and use wing chun? No.

    But the man does a good job. And I give him credit.

    But my point here on this thread is that the very things that Niehoff tries to say about the HFY guy who appears on the "throw-down" vid could easily be said about Aaron Baum - according to Niehoff...

    but shouldn't be said. Because Niehoff doesn't know what he's talking about.
    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 07-06-2009 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #242
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    New York, NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimatewingchun View Post
    Tom, you really need to get with it. I like what Aaron Baum does in this fight, and I do see how he's trying to use wing chun in the fight. Is it the end-all-and-be-all of how to try and use wing chun? No.

    But my point here on this thread is that the very things that Niehoff tries to say about the HFY guy who appears on the "throw-down" vid could easily be said about Aaron Baum - according to Niehoff...

    but shouldn't be said. Because Niehoff doesn't know what he's talking about.
    Since it seems appropriate to state this here too: I made no comment regarding Aaron's and Alan's clips, nor comment on your thoughts as what you can or cannot observe within the results of their training. So, it is unclear to me where you feel I am out of step and need to "get with".

    I won't comment on what Terrence knows or does not know, but from my perspective, to make such a similar comment regarding Aaron's and Alan's clips would first require some commentary on their training methods and whether they deviate significantly from what is shown in their competition clips or not. Thus, I felt compelled to point out they both post here and can speak for themselves.
    When you control the hands and feet, there are no secrets.

  3. #243
    Join Date
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    New York, NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by LSWCTN1 View Post
    i still think that his thumb is inside his closed hand, but i could be wrong
    After sacrificing a chicken to the photoshop gods, I can state unequivocally you are incorrect about the thumb placement in that picture. What you are seeing is a lossy compression noise artifact reflecting off the nail bed of his index finger held in a phoenix eye fist.
    When you control the hands and feet, there are no secrets.

  4. #244

    You're distorting my words. I will never complain that Benny's/Magnos' organization is growing. In fact, I see it is growing and gaining visibility in the North of Brazil, but that is a fact to be pointed out, not a complaint. If there's one thing that I could complain in this regard is that part of the money that those gentlemen used to promote their organization was taken from my wallet; but since such a complaint would not bring my money and energy back, I thought I should put it to rest.

    My point in hfy108 was that the Brazilian HFY group quickly decreased in numbers "after Alex Magnos was authorized to run a Hung Fa Kwoon and started disgracing our art" (sic).
    So, since "it feels like I've wasted some money and years while learning Benny's Shaolin Wing Chun (and believing that was HFYWC)" (sic), as well as since "Benny was always very incisive about the SF staff being against the idea of growing HFY in South America" (sic), I was wondering whether the "guys from SF are willing to help us to rebuild the Brazilian chapter of the WHFYWCKFA" (sic).

    Now, after a brother from SF answered my post, it got clear that Benny was once again lying when he tried to throw us against the SF brothers. But that was not a surprise.
    Last edited by Marcelo-RJ; 07-06-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  5. #245
    O.K. Marcelo!
    I hope you get all of the hate out so you can move on!

  6. #246
    Ok, and I hope you learn how to use better arguments when you get into a fine discussion like this.

    Be well.

  7. #247
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Kagan View Post
    Somewhere within the siege mentality of your responses to me, you did manage to get across you believe one of the pieces of information I provided is incorrect. That's cool; I have no problem with disagreement. I will simply ask the person involved. He is an active poster and a sponsor of the Bullshido website.
    All right, Lord Clark. I'm glad you can raise your head up out of the bunker with all of the enemy fire around you to be able to PM Daniel on Bullshido and ask if he trains HFY. Did you need covering fire for that?

    [Ignores other paragraph with attempted troll into Shaw brothers territory. And almost resists temptation to insert Steven Seagal "Under Siege" references].
    Last edited by Wayfaring; 07-06-2009 at 01:17 PM.

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimatewingchun View Post
    But my point here on this thread is that the very things that Niehoff tries to say about the HFY guy who appears on the "throw-down" vid could easily be said about Aaron Baum - according to Niehoff...
    Could it be that people who are sparring an in alive environment applying WCK concepts and skills actually might look a little alike?

    No, couldn't be. The universe would dissolve.

  9. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Kagan View Post
    After sacrificing a chicken to the photoshop gods, I can state unequivocally you are incorrect about the thumb placement in that picture. What you are seeing is a lossy compression noise artifact reflecting off the nail bed of his index finger held in a phoenix eye fist.
    Kagan showing solid evidence that an4l retentiveness can at times be helpful.

  10. #250
    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    That's for your last three posts, Wayfaring.
    Last edited by Ultimatewingchun; 07-06-2009 at 02:43 PM.

  11. #251
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Dahlonega, GA USA

    Runs its course-closing thread


    Okay, I think this has run its course.

    Enough said no more needed so I am closing this thread.

    Wherever my opponent stands--they are in my space

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