Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
well, if you cannot afford reasonable tuition, then it means that you cannot either hold a job, or keep your finances in order. Either way, if you do not have the discipline to take care of your own basic needs, how could you possibly have the discipline to correctly and thoroughly learn Kung-Fu, as well as be a representative of your Sifu?
Financial responsibility isn't the same as financial capability.

Since we're talking 17-21 year old's, we're talking high school education. Maybe a technical cert or Associates. How many people in that category are going to be able to front $30,000 for a year of training? How about none.

Granted I was making $30,000/year when I was 21. But I had to join the military to do it. So deals off right there cuz I can't do both. Same with firefighters, cops and health care. All time consuming, none affording the opportunity for that kind of commitment (which is way beyond just committing to the training), while being the only real opportunities for making that kind of money for that short of training (1-2 years of post high school ed).

Its just unrealistic. Somebody's gotta pay for it. More than likely the parents. If they got that kind of money to burn good for them. Though going back to responsibility, if they do they probably (crosses fingers) aren't dumb enough to get caught up in that trap to begin with. Though again, responsibility |= capability. I mean, I guess he could try and teach Paris Hilton