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Thread: Yuen Kay San YGKYM

  1. #121
    Instead of BSing and speaking non sense.

    The following this the core of Taiji basic.

    One needs to gentlely gear in and out of the Qi state. IE: slowly get into the state and then slowly get back to the normal state by slowly gradually moving...etc. NO absolutely NO abrupt movements.....etc

    IMA practice needs a teacher
    The above is just my personal description, not mean to advice or recoment anyone to practice. anyone who practice it is practice at their own risk.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    who is confusing here?

    or speaking with an expert tone on something one is clueless?

    Dont believe me? hahahah, describe the following.

    do you mind to share what is Zen meditation and taoist meditation means?

    and what is Taiji practice is about?
    well the goal of zen meditation and taoist meditation have similarities for the most part, but big differences in the path to those goals

    one major difference is zen (and buddhist meditation in general) seeks to completely empty the mind where taoist meditation seeks to concentrate the mind on a singularity.

    there is much more to it than this, this is just one fundamental difference

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by Pacman View Post
    well the goal of zen meditation and taoist meditation have similarities for the most part, but big differences in the path to those goals

    one major difference is zen (and buddhist meditation in general) seeks to completely empty the mind where taoist meditation seeks to concentrate the mind on a singularity.

    there is much more to it than this, this is just one fundamental difference

    To be real honest, you are wrong.

    again, i am not trying to be down play you.
    Most people 99% doesnt know because they dont have a teacher who knows.

    and because whoever tell you the above have never enter into the state, they are speculate. What you describe above not even enter into the gate yet.

    See, if you cant evoke your Zhen Qi, doenst know what is Zen practice and doesnt know what is the Daoist practice, but thinking you know. how wasteful is life travelling in this mis leading direction?

    The bottom line is travelling this path will not get you result. Seriously.

    Let me reveal to you the teaching of Zen, Zen is Non attachment. Thus, Zen doesnt seeks to completely empty the mind. and in fact , seek is wrong practice and completely empty the mind is totally attach to empty the mind.

    Let me reveal to you the teaching of Daoism, the practice of Daoism is cultivate the essence to become Qi, transform Qi to Shen, Return the Shen to Emptiness. one needs to enter into silence to even begin the first step, cultivat the essence to become qi. A use of slightly Strong intention will cause one trouble. Thus, seeks to concentrate the mind on a singularity is wrong practice.

    You see one cant listern to those he says she says and legend and books and speculation. Chinese IMA and cultivation, one simply needs to baisi to proper sifu to learn, and the sifu will coach one properly. and after one knows the path, set a side a few years to cultivate to get the result.

    Now return to the YYKYM and hunch back. how can you justified your training and leading to that direction on something which you dont know but think you know?
    Last edited by Hendrik; 08-21-2009 at 06:58 PM.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    To be real honest, you are wrong.

    again, i am not trying to be down play you.
    Most people 99% doesnt know because they dont have a teacher who knows.

    and because whoever tell you the above have never enter into the state, they are speculate. What you describe above not even enter into the gate yet.

    See, if you cant evoke your Zhen Qi, doenst know what is Zen practice and doesnt know what is the Daoist practice, but thinking you know. how wasteful is life travelling in this mis leading direction?

    The bottom line is travelling this path will not get you result. Seriously.

    Let me reveal to you the teaching of Zen, Zen is Non attachment. Thus, Zen doesnt seeks to completely empty the mind. and in fact , seek is wrong practice and completely empty the mind is totally attach to empty the mind.

    Let me reveal to you the teaching of Daoism, the practice of Daoism is cultivate the essence to become Qi, transform Qi to Shen, Return the Shen to Emptiness. one needs to enter into silence to even begin the first step, cultivat the essence to become qi. A use of slightly Strong intention will cause one trouble. Thus, seeks to concentrate the mind on a singularity is wrong practice.

    You see one cant listern to those he says she says and legend and books and speculation. Chinese IMA and cultivation, one simply needs to baisi to proper sifu to learn, and the sifu will coach one properly. and after one knows the path, set a side a few years to cultivate to get the result.

    Now return to the YYKYM and hunch back. how can you justified your training and leading to that direction on something which you dont know but think you know?
    hendrik, i barely understand what you are talking about except that you disagree with me.

    all i can say is repeat, buddhist meditation techniques in general are the way i described as well as taoist. those are the differences.

    you have a credibility of zero here. please stop posting. its a waste of bandwidth

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Pacman View Post
    hendrik, i barely understand what you are talking about except that you disagree with me.

    all i can say is repeat, buddhist meditation techniques in general are the way i described as well as taoist. those are the differences.

    you have a credibility of zero here. please stop posting. its a waste of bandwidth

    the reason I post here is not to disagree with you, I am here describe what those things are, so that the cultivators of the present and future be able to know the path of liberation.

    If you dont like to read it ignore it, that is not for you.

    You talk about credibility,

    hahaha, have you ever
    Evoke Zhen Qi, entering into silence, attain non attachement?
    if not, what credibility are you talking about?

    you see, until you could enter into silence, evoke zhen qi, attain non attachement, you certainly will never understand what it is because you simply dont know.

    it is an attainment, it is not speculation and not book reading.

    As in the song of enligthement says:

    "......A true monk is completely decided....
    If you are not convinced, ask me frank questions.
    To be in accord with the Buddha-sealed: Go to The Root!
    I have no help for those who search for twigs.....

    The Mani-pearl is not known to men
    It lies in the Tathagata Storehouse, and
    Its Six-fold Function is beyond "is" or "is not"
    From it comes One Perfect Light -- it is not formed and yet not formless.

    To purify the five types of vision and gain the five powers,
    One must personally realize that which is beyond conception.
    It is easy to recognize images in a mirror,
    But who can grasp the Moon from the Water?...."

    This above are the teaching of the master of the past, present, and future.

    ... Waiting up in heaven
    I was never far from you
    Spinning down I felt your every move

    The Dao or Buddha nature is not that far, it is just human dont believe that they can let go their speculation and concepts and thoughts and security and survival......

    if you could let all of those go, what is that "thing which is no thing" but all aware ? isnt that your buddha nature? why do you need meditation? you just need let go of attachement.

    So what is lower level teaching of Daoism different then the above directly pointing to the buddha nature? Daosim still attach at silence and energy. They attach at the Zhen Qi has to spin this way, the chakra got to be open that way.... and everything got to harmonize with nature.

    For those who sees their original face knows, life is not different then watching a movie. So, disregards of how the Qi spin, there will be a time the movie is over. Thus, if the spin is there ok, if it is the time the qi spin gone, that is ok to. The attainment is liberation -- non attachement.

    Everything OK is non attachement, but than human cant do that because human are selectively OK. not everything OK.

    Thus, you want to practice HUNCH Back? that is ok. you choose your karma.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 08-22-2009 at 03:36 PM.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    St.Louis Missouri
    To Understand truth first you must accept all things are false.

    I know the truth because it is with in my self.

    All Knowing is found with in. Not with out.

    True Zen is true self. There fore you can not tell me Zen. No one can. I am Zen. Zen is with in myself. To evoke Zen Qi one must evoke ones own Yi. And become nothing. Release your will and let nothing happen. Then you will Know everything with out knowing with out doing. True Knowledge is not knowing. An not knowing is really knowing everything. To obtain true Zen Qi do nothing, think nothing, try nothing. Learn contentment. But how do you learn contentment? By not learning. No need to learn contentment because you can be taught. The truth is with in you. I am truth. You can not come to me for the truth. For the truth is with in me. You must look with in your self to find the truth. So do nothing and think nothing and then you will obtain true Qi.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    the reason I post here is not to disagree with you, I am here describe what those things are, so that the cultivators of the present and future be able to know the path of liberation.

    If you dont like to read it ignore it, that is not for you.

    You who wish to cultivate chi. Do nothing but live content. Eat your food, Breathe in Air and drink water. Walk, Run, and do your Gung Fu. Do these things expecting nothing. Eat your food just to eat your food. Not to fill your belly. Drink your water just to drink your water and not to clench your thirst. Do your kung fu just do your kung fu. Breathe not live but breathe just to breathe. Then you obtain Chi with out really doing. You can cultivate Chi. Just live. Do nothing. Don't try. If you try you have already lost.

    Do you understand Hendrik?

    Do you know? Do you don't know? Did you learn to unlearn what you think you learn. Do nothing at all Hendrik. For in nothingness is everything. Just like a Ford Focus. It does nothing. But yet it was created out of the earth. It is driven by men and women. It is fed Gas, Oil and other lubricants. It transport many people to different places. It goes not by its own will but the will of others. So Hendrik be like the Ford Focus. For you were created by someone else. So be controlled by someone else. Be fed by someone else. Be driven by someone else. When the ford focus is not being driven by someone else it does nothing. So do nothing Hendrik unless you are driven to do so?

    Do you understand Hendrik?

    You talk about credibility,

    hahaha, have you ever
    Evoke Zhen Qi, entering into silence, attain non attachement?
    if not, what credibility are you talking about?

    you see, until you could enter into silence, evoke zhen qi, attain non attachement, you certainly will never understand what it is because you simply dont know.

    it is an attainment, it is not speculation and not book reading.

    As in the song of enligthement says:

    "......A true monk is completely decided....
    If you are not convinced, ask me frank questions.
    To be in accord with the Buddha-sealed: Go to The Root!
    I have no help for those who search for twigs.....

    The Mani-pearl is not known to men
    It lies in the Tathagata Storehouse, and
    Its Six-fold Function is beyond "is" or "is not"
    From it comes One Perfect Light -- it is not formed and yet not formless.

    To purify the five types of vision and gain the five powers,
    One must personally realize that which is beyond conception.
    It is easy to recognize images in a mirror,
    But who can grasp the Moon from the Water?...."

    This above are the teaching of the master of the past, present, and future.

    ... Waiting up in heaven
    I was never far from you
    Spinning down I felt your every move

    The Dao or Buddha nature is not that far, it is just human dont believe that they can let go their speculation and concepts and thoughts and security and survival......

    if you could let all of those go, what is that "thing which is no thing" but all aware ? isnt that your buddha nature? why do you need meditation? you just need let go of attachement.

    So what is lower level teaching of Daoism different then the above directly pointing to the buddha nature? Daosim still attach at silence and energy. They attach at the Zhen Qi has to spin this way, the chakra got to be open that way.... and everything got to harmonize with nature.

    For those who sees their original face knows, life is not different then watching a movie. So, disregards of how the Qi spin, there will be a time the movie is over. Thus, if the spin is there ok, if it is the time the qi spin gone, that is ok to. The attainment is liberation -- non attachement.

    Everything OK is non attachement, but than human cant do that because human are selectively OK. not everything OK.

    Thus, you want to practice HUNCH Back? that is ok. you choose your karma.
    The Flow is relentless like a raging ocean with crashing waves devasting anything in its path.

    "Kick Like Thunder, Strike Like Lighting, Fist Hard as Stones."

    "Wing Chun flows around overwhelming force and finds openings with its constant flow of forward energy."

    "Always Attack, Be Aggressive always Attack first, Be Relentless. Continue with out ceasing. Flow Like Water, Move like the wind, Attack Like Fire. Consume and overwhelm your Adversary until he is No More"

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Yoshiyahu View Post
    To Understand truth first you must accept all things are false.

    I know the truth because it is with in my self.

    All Knowing is found with in. Not with out.

    True Zen is true self. There fore you can not tell me Zen. No one can. I am Zen. Zen is with in myself. To evoke Zen Qi one must evoke ones own Yi. And become nothing. Release your will and let nothing happen. Then you will Know everything with out knowing with out doing. True Knowledge is not knowing. An not knowing is really knowing everything. To obtain true Zen Qi do nothing, think nothing, try nothing. Learn contentment. But how do you learn contentment? By not learning. No need to learn contentment because you can be taught. The truth is with in you. I am truth. You can not come to me for the truth. For the truth is with in me. You must look with in your self to find the truth. So do nothing and think nothing and then you will obtain true Qi.

    another fantasy.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    St.Louis Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    another fantasy.
    Now this is the only thing I understand from you. its about time you spoke with understanding. Everyone else will be overjoyed to see you can talk
    So how is mere fantasy hendrik? what makes my parables fantasy and yours reality?
    The Flow is relentless like a raging ocean with crashing waves devasting anything in its path.

    "Kick Like Thunder, Strike Like Lighting, Fist Hard as Stones."

    "Wing Chun flows around overwhelming force and finds openings with its constant flow of forward energy."

    "Always Attack, Be Aggressive always Attack first, Be Relentless. Continue with out ceasing. Flow Like Water, Move like the wind, Attack Like Fire. Consume and overwhelm your Adversary until he is No More"

  9. #129
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Los Angeles, CA

    I think you need to study with a Roshi or Chan Master before you speak of things as you have.

    Master Hsuan Hua (Hendrik's Chan master) said, "Enlightened, one word is too much; not enlightened, even a library is not enough."

    Maybe real study will help you penetrate to insight.

    Get some real teachings.

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by chusauli View Post

    I think you need to study with a Roshi or Chan Master before you speak of things as you have.

    Master Hsuan Hua (Hendrik's Chan master) said, "Enlightened, one word is too much; not enlightened, even a library is not enough."

    Maybe real study will help you penetrate to insight.

    Get some real teachings.


    As the song of enligtenment says

    "Right" is not right, nor is "wrong" wrong:
    If you miss this by the slightest, you will miss by a thousand miles.
    The Dragon Maiclen who believed instantly attained the Buddha Stage,
    The scholarly Shang Using did not, and was reborn in Hell.

    Do not attempt to measure Heaven
    with a small piece of reed for a measuring stick;
    If you do not have this insight,
    this Song of mine is to settle the matter for you.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    St.Louis Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by chusauli View Post

    I think you need to study with a Roshi or Chan Master before you speak of things as you have.

    Master Hsuan Hua (Hendrik's Chan master) said, "Enlightened, one word is too much; not enlightened, even a library is not enough."

    Maybe real study will help you penetrate to insight.

    Get some real teachings.

    Aww but I am higher than Chan. Chan shall be enlighten by me. For with in me. Is enlightenment. You must look with in. Not with out. For if you see the knowledge of others then you are misguided. For the answers you seek are found with in. Look with in for proper guidance not with out. For a true master will you tell to look to yourself. Those interested in followers listening to every word and tipping them will have them forever learning and never coming into to knowledge of truth. Surely if you know these things Chuasli you know its with in. An not with out. Ever as you say a whole library is not enough. For with in you have an infinite intimate connection with all things. From with in is the answers you seek. You do not need to seek a Chan Master to know truth. As for the first Roshi Where did his knowledge come from. In the beginning it was thought. Before the truth was spoken some one thought it. From with in the knowledge proceeded. Not with out. Be an innovator Robert. Why follow the status quo. Learn from yourself. Look with in. I have and I found wounderous things. Look with in unless you afraid of what you might find!
    The Flow is relentless like a raging ocean with crashing waves devasting anything in its path.

    "Kick Like Thunder, Strike Like Lighting, Fist Hard as Stones."

    "Wing Chun flows around overwhelming force and finds openings with its constant flow of forward energy."

    "Always Attack, Be Aggressive always Attack first, Be Relentless. Continue with out ceasing. Flow Like Water, Move like the wind, Attack Like Fire. Consume and overwhelm your Adversary until he is No More"

  12. #132
    book buddies...

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    St.Louis Missouri
    what is book buddies?
    The Flow is relentless like a raging ocean with crashing waves devasting anything in its path.

    "Kick Like Thunder, Strike Like Lighting, Fist Hard as Stones."

    "Wing Chun flows around overwhelming force and finds openings with its constant flow of forward energy."

    "Always Attack, Be Aggressive always Attack first, Be Relentless. Continue with out ceasing. Flow Like Water, Move like the wind, Attack Like Fire. Consume and overwhelm your Adversary until he is No More"

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