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Thread: Qigong Healing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Qigong Healing

    I'm surprised we don't have a thread devoted to this topic in a general sense. Well, we do now.
    Local study finds pain relief through Qigong
    Posted: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:29 pm
    Staff Writer

    WASECA — A year ago, Jane Coleman set out to discover the effect of Spring Forest Qigong (pronounced “chee-gong”) on people suffering from chronic emotional or physical pain.

    With the assistance of a master teacher and 86 volunteers from the Waseca area, she found her answer.

    Coleman became interested in the Asian energetic cleansing movement and meditation exercises as a way to link the cleansing and nutrition services offered by Healing Hands Wellness Group in Waseca where she does “bodywork” and operates her business, Waseca Integrative Therapy, “to help people clean up and build up their bodies on a daily basis.”

    “Research shows that Asian cultures have little chronic disease and Cancer. So, in addition to examining how they care for their bodies nutritionally, I became interested in what other practices they employ to maintain good health. A common thread was qigong practice, the art of cultivating, harvesting, and storing what they call “life force” (breath, energy),” Coleman said.

    “Just as we do this to supply our bodies with adequate nutrition to function well (calories = energy), the gentle movement and meditation practices of Spring Forest Qigong may serve to support our systems as well. I wanted to see if there is any truth to this assumption, so I designed a simple study.”

    It turns out that while she was looking for a PhD dissertation topic, a Chinese Healer named Chunyi Lin, who teaches SFQ in the Twin Cities, was looking for a nurse to do research on Spring Forest Qigong. Lin’s vision of “a healer in every family and a world without pain” appealed to Coleman, a board certified holistic nurse.

    With the carrot of a session with Master Lin, Coleman set out to find participants for her study. Her goal was to demonstrate that SFQ knowledge is easily accessible, self-regulated, cost effective and has measurable health benefits. Research has shown that SFQ has decreased blood pressure, cholesterol, lipids, pain and depression and increased bone density and immunity, she said.

    From 148 persons screened, 86 people from the Waseca area met the screening criteria and were part of the study conducted last fall.

    While the majority of the volunteers cited physical pain, some of them came because of emotional distress and many had both, Coleman said. The participants were evaluated at orientation, at the mid point and at the end point of the study. They agreed to practice 30 minutes a day.

    Reporting the results of her study provides her with an opportunity “to thank the study participants for their time and effort,” she said. There was both anecdotal and statistical support for her hypothesis with an overwhelming number of respondents reporting a reduction in their pain as a result of qigong, according to Coleman.

    One woman in the group who had not been able to become pregnant, became pregnant. Another showed an increase in bone density when the only thing she had changed in her life was the addition of SFQ.

    Twenty-seven people reported reductions in pain medication and one person lost 26 pounds.

    The study found that people who “practiced the method as advised experienced reduced anxiety, physical pain and related symptoms.”

    As a result of her study, Coleman received the 2008 Cheraskin Research Grant award from the Clayton College of Natural Health where she is a PhD candidate in Natural Health and a scholarship from Sigma Theta-Tau, the International Honor Society of Nursing.

    Coleman’s PhD will be conferred upon approval of her dissertation, which she intends to publish. She presented the results of her study in June and has plans to present it to a group of rheumatologists and to the National American Holistic Nurses Association in 2010.

    Since 1978, she has studied healthy choices for self care. She says the mind, body and spirit all work together. “When they are in balance, we generally experience health. Spring Forest Qigong is about finding that balance.”

    Learn and practice, said Coleman, because the more people integrate SFQ into their routine, the greater the benefit. She calls it “one more thing that should be taught in kindergarten.”

    For more information, go to or
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    This forum needs qi

    So we'll load up a few news articles here.
    Qigong can help cancer patients live longer: study
    2009-08-14 08:32

    THE meditative practice of qigong can help cancer patients live longer and give them a better quality of life, Chinese and American researchers said after releasing the results of a joint study in Shanghai yesterday.

    With funding from the United States-based National Cancer Institute, experts from University of Illinois and Shanghai University of Sport studied 80 members of Shanghai Cancer Rehabilitation Club.

    The researchers found those who regularly practice qigong are in better physical and mental health and have a lower rate of cancer reoccurrence than those who don't. They did not provide numbers.

    The 80 people, who have all survived cancer for more than 10 years, were divided into two groups of 40. One group was composed of qigong practitioners while the other group's members did not do qigong. The two groups were of similar ages and had survived cancer for similar lengths of time.

    Qigong uses slow movements and controlled breathing to promote the circulation of qi, or energy, inside the body to improve a practitioner's overall health.

    Long-term effects

    In this phase-one study, the qigong practitioners all did Guolin Qigong, which was invented in the 1950s by Guo Lin, who also had cancer. Many domestic cancer associations have since encouraged patients to practice this form of qigong.

    According to researcher Wang Changwei from Shanghai University of Sport, the study includes three phases on the benefits of qigong to cancer patients.

    "We just started the second phase - which will cover 2,000 cancer patients - to study the long-term effects of practicing qigong and why people keep doing it regularly," she said. "Many local cancer patients have practiced qigong for years and spend several hours doing it every day. We are curious about why they are so keen to do it."

    The third phase will study qigong's effects on patients with lung cancer, the top cancer killer among Chinese.

    "Some people, especially in Western countries, may consider qigong as mysterious. Our research is to testify to its beneficial effects through a scientific study based on questionnaires, health checks and other tests," Wang said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3

    Just came across this incredible video

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    holy crap!

    did he hide something in that paper or what?!?!??!
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimatewingchun View Post
    so seriously, whats up with this? Any qigong specialists want to shed some light on this guy?
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    so seriously, whats up with this? Any qigong specialists want to shed some light on this guy?
    My hypothesis is that the demo is fake! That being said, if I were to bring my own paper and hand it any similar individual, he must first wash his hands and then burn the object i.e. paper. The second level is that the body is an electrical medium and many tools can measuer its electrical potential. Additiionally, there are individuals who can sense this electrical energy.

    Note that I said the demo is fake and not the man. He has a positive skill that (is usually secret) can be taught BUT will never be since each man must find his own way to make a living. Chang Sifu appears to be a caring individual who can heal with the skill he demonstrated. The degree of healing is another matter. There is something that can be learnt but it will be at a PRICE.

    Take the skill of being a doctor. All doctors have the same education but only a few can be a neurosurgeon! Same with any skill. There are a few doctors who can diagnose your disease with only a few titbits of information! Again a small group but you have the value of certain tests that 'verify' while saying the diagnostic tests, at times, will fail to do a job.

  7. #7
    Qigong has become a fuzzy term.

    Qigong can mean the traditional Qi nourishment/nuturing which will lead to transformation and root cause changing of the physical body to cult believe which is just a brainwash fantasy.

    with the Chinese Qi nourishment/nuturing practice, the transformation or reparing of the physical body and internal organs are possible via 1, accumulating the Zhen Qi, 2, smoothing the flow of the zhen qi via different channel/medirian based on the principle of balancing the Yin/Yang and return to the nature/original.

    This above is real qigong which is practice by Daoist and Chinese Medician and Internal martial artist for thousand of years in china.

    and then there is the partial practice of practicing some form or move or meditations but have no knowledge of what is going on.

    and then there is those New Age stuffs which is a pop movement and doesnt go further then a good surface relaxation and entertainment.

    and then there are cult practice /believe... brain wash....

    and then there is those who inteprete things as they like spinning thier head but have never know what is the real deal is about.

    Can Qigong heal? Sure, it is a transformation. it is equavalent to upgrading a OS for the computer or re installed the OS after it was mesh up. human's energy body is similar to the physical one but operating with a different set of rules which is intertwin with the physical and mental dimension.

    But then most doesnt be able to go beyond thier mind set /speculation and knowing more then what they think. and also not willing to change their life stye. Those makes the transformation not taking place.

    What is Qigong? Qigong is not a believe but a practice. Qigong is not super nature but totally nature and promote living according to the nature to re install one's' OS (operating system) or upgrade one's OS. Qigong is not a show biz . Qigong is certainly not magic to show how can one move things without touching them , but cant even lead's one's blood pressure to normal and live a healty life.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 09-07-2009 at 12:35 PM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    so seriously, whats up with this? Any qigong specialists want to shed some light on this guy?
    I am no specialist, but I have personally interviewed students of John Chang, and other qigong masters. You may enjoy reading them...

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