Bush was shouted down numerous times during his tour any time he tried to make the case for Iraq the yelling and accusations flew. As far as Bush=Hitler one only had to see a war protest to see them. Bush was vilified by the press and invicerated by guys like Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather or the supreme idiots of network tv, Chris Matthews and uber douche Keith Olberman When was the last time a national news anchor had the temerity to "produce" documents he knew were a lie to discredit a sitting President? I was born under Kenndy, they said his alligience to the pope would supercede his oath to the country, lived thru Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton (hardly a beacon of virtue) Bush2 and now Obama. I have never seen the kind of piling on that Bush got., and I thought Nixon was brutalized. Look Im not a Bush apologist the guy made mistakes of epic proportions ( the medi-care drug bill for instance) but to infer that he was not attacked at every possible angle from the left is disingenuous at best. The congressman made an apology and the President graciously accepted it. I do however think the forum was in poor taste and in responce to the other writer I trust that this congressmens campaign coffers are about to overflow.