
As a pole/spear specialist, I learned to cover the poles with a coating of Tung Oil. Even better would be to immerse your poles in Tung Oil for 3 - 6 months. It makes the poles heavier, more durable and insect resistant.

1) Buy a PVC pipe that will fit your pole, seal one of the sides and fill it with Tung oil, have a fitted removable cap on the other side

2) sand your pole all over

3) Drill a small hole at the butt end and fasten a small hook, screw or nail, afix some fishing line to this

4) immerse pole, but keep the butt end about 1 inch above the oil to act as a wick

5) after 3 - 6 months remove pole and let hang dry.

6) Enjoy your new pole!

7) Be sure to use Tung oil on the butt end to match the finish.

Good luck and enjoy!