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Thread: chi kung bashing

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Originally posted by MightyB
    Shooting Chi, blowing things up, seeing auras, curing cancer, aids, hepatitus, etc. are claims that are completely false and dangerous. Ask yourself, if you could only choose one type of treatment and you had terminal Cancer, would you forego modern science in favor of faith healing?
    Seeing auras? Who knows if people can or cannot. How can you verify the truth of what they are seeing? Given that you cannot really verify it one way or another, how can you dismiss it?

    As for curing serious illness, Qigong probably has as much chance of success as allopathic medicine.

    And if I had terminal cancer, it really wouldn't matter which treatment I took would it? It is terminal.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  2. #17

    mighty b

    I disagree with you totally you said .....
    Shooting Chi, blowing things up, seeing auras, curing cancer, aids, hepatitus, etc. are claims that are completely false and dangerous. Ask yourself, if you could only choose one type of treatment and you had terminal Cancer, would you forego modern science in favor of faith healing?

    how do you come to these conclusions? my wife is a doctor and my qigong teacher lives at our house she is from china and world renown as a healer and has people lined up for months awaitng treaments. My students mother had ovarian cancer and kimotherapy did nothing for her except make her hair fall out, after many treaments from my teacher her cancer turned benine and a byopsy proved the amount of cancerous tissue had turned to scar tissue. This is just one case in particular but she has cured many dieseases such as bells palsy, hepatitus, aids, paralyasis, lymphomia and many more. all with medical diagnosis to confirm remmission. So dont say something that you dont know for sure. I have medical doctors at my house on a weekly basis observing her treaments and success rate. I will say that not many people have such results and are as high level as her, for she is known throughout the world but dont quote things that you dont know for sure for I have documented proof.
    And yes many people seek out her treaments for alternaltive choices instead of western persedures...... our medicine in this country is only 263 years old where eastern medicine is 4,000 so trust me we do not have all the answers ... actually just a fraction, western medicine is evolving every day but far from the understanding of how the body works compared to eastern

  3. #18
    Again, it's unverifiable as to what caused the remission since the people were seeing western medical doctors and receiving western medical treatment. Saying that kimo only caused her hair to fall out and that the qi gong saved her is a wrong conclusion since she was receiving kimo (it was probably the kimo that saved her)...

  4. #19

    A point for the Chi corner...

    My Sihing is a research physicist in a base material company for semi-conductors. He's open to the idea, concept, and notion of Chi. That says a lot to me (helluva lot more convincing than you "chi-hippies").

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