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Thread: The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

  1. #421
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    Doing Night of the Gauntlet form my flexibility increased.

    Doing Squirrel's Vacuum Cleaner techniques also greater flexibility and stability.

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  2. #422
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    How I am Doing and Squirrel Beginnings

    I would come-up with exercises based from conceptualizations--What's the best style, What's the best technique...I thought to make my own Kung-Fu Style. My awareness at the moment was mimick or emmulate or pattern moves to be like the animalsthat do them. Actually, tigers claw but mimicking a clawing tiger I still did not have claws...but I might strengthen my fingers. Mimicking an alert crane balancing I did not grow wings nor did wings appear. But I might strengthen my arms and improve my balance. This does not make me beastial. But improves my humanity. WE are seed and seedling. We learn from each other, We learn and develop from our environments. And we have a nature--a culmanation of the unuions before us. There is seed and egg. They form a nature. That nature adapts and is true to itself. It is itself in that it grow or continues, and in How it adapts. I am a neutral thing. I No_Know how to be nor what direction to go. Within my neutralness I have thought and interest. My interest and thought got me to combining the various animals. I had seen there was a Tiger/ Crane. My ingredients were Tiger--Develops the bone and Power, Leapard--develops the ligaments(tendons) and is for Ferocity, Dragon--Spirit, is for Grappling, Snake--Chi (breath), Crane--Sperm (longevity), Mantis--Seven Star (Twelve word Key, Monkey--playfullness. I chose Leopard-Monkey.

    ...Comming home from school one day I saw a squirrel on the cement topped brick perimeter fence that was on one side of the property. This was mid-way along the front yard. The squirrel was standing waist above knees. The thick thighs spoke to kicking whick I liked as a primary. The thought of it jumping behind it's self from a waist above knees position and hit the ground running, spoke to its abdominal development...and I was pudgy. Something that could address both kicks and abdominals~...Also a squirrel plays any has claws. A squirrel is a leopard monkey. Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu would be Squirrel.

    I went into the livingroom at some point and thought what is squirrel? I was perhaps working at a form. I would begin with the nature of Squirrel. what is it to Squirrel? Squirrels stand. Not only is it the begining of the first form merely called the first form if named or called at all, but also the foundation of Squirrel--posture. From defined posture, tailored movements. While creating~ a form incorporate fighting theory. I had perhaps a few. Alternating levels Low-High, High, Low. From Squirrel waist below knees to Upwerd moving knee one side-return to standing waist below knees. Upward moving other knee. Tiger tail Kick From two part book Heun Kuen Five Pattern Fist. Snake strikes from under rock--bring Tiger Tail kick forwardpassed waist below knees stance to be extended in front (Knee/shin level pointed toe (could go flat foot)kick...

    Flex the foot Gymnastics toepointing cheats one of the flixibility. Constantly pull the back part of the leg to gain/maintain flexibility.

    Other than tip-toe--if I cannot reach it flat footed I should do something else. The cheat of tip toing allows my stuff to shorten and flexibility loss.

    Other than lean--when getting up other than support of self. no hands on floor, no railings no walls...if these things were not available I would get up. I would get up then I can get up now without the use of them. This develops me, using me for ballast and grounding and foundation.


    Run through of one exercise might take forty minutes. So long...I come-up with them, believe-in them seldom do them again.

    I had sayings, I started to do a salute at the beginning of practice and say the words. If I had students they might not hold to the saying the words or it might get lax and start to do other than happen. No mor Words of Squirrel to initialize practice. If I needed Squirrel There would be no Practice opening, no warm-ups My worst Squirrel at any moment was the Best I could do Squirrel. Squirrel techniques had to be able to occur literally at any moment. I had to be able to fall to the ground (Fastes way to remove myself from some striking levels.

    Attacking leaves me vulnerable Like pictures in a manual. many attacks have an opening zone. The next move close that zone but I am hit if they attack an opening zone for the attack I am about to use and use. If I close an opening I have to dart to one of the other openings created by closing the last opening. With multiple open zones I must guess at where to go and retract committed defenses when realize I picked the wrong opening to close. I begin to play an averages game and it is chance that I am correct. Guessing correctly only lasts so long. Even if I read the attack There might be more than I can read at the moment or I might not know that dialect and misread...Attack leaves one more vulnerable. Other than attack.

    It is a Kung-Fu so there is ending it One strike in Squirrel--throat strike...

    Embarassment is a gojugoroku--something that could be usedagainst me. Therefore it became I was to do other than become embarrassed.

    When you finally address things of which I had fear it was not so bad once it was begun or done--getting up in the morning (not fear as much as coersion that I get more benefit by going back to unconciousness or the such. Address fearsas they likely are other than the bad I think them from this Now. (Fearless can be inappropriate--bridge jumping from-not afraid if falling from a bridge, calculate landing strategy/ falling strategy but with chances of doing other than most preferred, choose others with greater likliness of preferred result delivery..

    When vacuum cleaning and Squirrel Mind--What if attacked while vacuum cleaning? (how to address such). More than one attacking likely Should address that likeliness if only one could handle one if prepared for several. Prepare for morethan could handle related to if faced with more than I can handle but only prepare for current skill level, I am at a loss. and I would not develop as much as handling more than I think I can regarding getting atacked.

    High kick cannot reach weak target area--weak enough to cripple with one hit to address multiple simultaneous attacks. I am going to get grabbed or someone will close on me when I attack another regardless of my speed.

    Three ankle/shin kicks. I can do this today improved from two days ago. I must pick a few exercises to practice daily (not necessarily the same. Strength from dilligence/doing...

    Rain Punches.

    One minute practice might mean delivery for real for five seconds. Carry that, one hour practice capable at Ernie MooreJr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Rain Hands/Punches might mean one minute in a real situation. Current capability-ten second maintenance.

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  3. #423
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    I got a cramp in my calf last night (Saturday 18 October 2009). In Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel there's a thing of developing by cramp. Also, by sleeping limbs. When my arm falls asleep and I cannot use my hand so good I comprehend using my hand. The thought is if I can control my limbs when they are asleep I have better control with them when functioning not asleep.

    To me a cramp is a means to a level of development. A cramp can improve flexibility. If you get through the cramp the cramped zone is more flexible--letting the cramp process through or continue until it stops on its own. In Squirrel there is breathing or craming the cramp--squeezing the squeezing part. Somehow beating the squeeze to its squeeze seemed reasonable.


    My leg had an essence of feeling better--less stressed, more movement (without badness~).

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  4. #424
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    If I start doing more in the way of kung-fu now I could have been doing more all along-ish.


    But there Are situations there get to be obligations. Then there is conflicting thought. Be Live. Breathe. Understand your nature. Decide how you would like to be. When people try to convince you of something, feel warned there is a chance of set-up happening to you and Think. Feel. Be appropriate with all things in mind-~ish.

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  5. #425
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    With all the talk on squirrel style, has anyone talked about hamster style?
    Although the changes are infinite, the principles are the same.
    - Wang Tsung Yueh

    To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.
    - Sun Tzu

    Boards don't hit back.
    - Bruce Lee

  6. #426
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    Hamster Mention in Squirrel Thread

    Talk of bear, toad, doggy, dog and frog style got mention that they exist. Much like the video link you provided only suggestion or mention of it's existance but no details. Yet...

    In Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel there is a Hamster-Dog Style. I asked at another site if some one would like their own style and thought to design one for them. They were interested in a hamster style and connected a dog somehow. I assigned to them to improve their grip. The style was to be useful with multiple assailants (5 to 8). I said for person to twist the wet out of a wet cloth/towel. This should improve the grip. They were incapacitated at the moment (Hope they healed). I gave them the necessary function of the gripping. I went on to design the what-about-it of the Squirrel's Hamster-Dog style.

    Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Hamster-Dog Style stands on the ball areas of the foot. Like the paws of the wolf/dog with the heels up--a person wearing a high heeled shoe, the heel is elevateded. The knee of the supporting leg is bent for stability as balance is shifting some-what.

    The arms are out with elbows down / l l \ like lobster or scorpion front arms. The dropped elbows guard against getting sneaked from underneath. Also this lower position allows for rolling out of the forearms in a deflecting motion that would be used in a grab or strike. To strike, the position of the elblow determines the range of strikes.

    The hands are partially clenched as a curled Leopard's fist or open leopard's paw, or curved Ying Jow Pai claw hand (might be similar).

    This one support leg posture leaning forward with elbows half way up and half way down and hands that use the third nuckle of the fingers and the second nuckle of the thumb.

    For those with no thumb it would be a grab of the third nuckle of the fingers and the heel of the palm.

    An open fist or Tiger claw grab is possible but the fingers are at greater risk or compramisable fully extended as opposed to doubled-in--maintaining an ability to grab with less vulnerability for getting grabbed and damaged or grabbed and controled.

    The head faces down to watch the shins and feet. Turning the gaze one can see for greater than two hundred seventy degrees around. Proximity and intention by knee position over foot and foot pointing and heel position...unless they are grabbing they move from their feet. Feet tell who is acting where and how they are moving (to some extent).

    The lifted leg resembles what we might think of as the dog urinating posture of one leg up. The leg up might give hesitation to rushing in that way or approaching that side. The bent knee is prepped for snap kick (heel, top of foot, ball of foot) . Also, a lateral stomp kick or back kick. A knee down side kick to knee down back kick might be possibble. What is included is stomp/-thrust kick across the center line to the knees or shins opposite the side of the kicking leg; in front or behind the support leg.

    I suppose after some kicks one might switch feet as support legs. But this posture hopefully buys one some moments from getting attacked immediately.

    The support leg being bent can have some resistance to sweep except below the calf.

    Hamster might not have been mentioned until here in this thread.

    From the Squirrel's Hamster-Dog Posture it intimidates and jams leg movements to keep from closing and grab to off-set--grab twist or grab hard--bite with the grab, but release to knock or grab as needed. grabs last less than seconds to be available to deal with incomming or other situations. And avoid being used to pull off balance or into a grab. blocking or deflecting can be done with a knee guided calf/shin portion of the leg.

    Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel's Hamster-Dog Style...

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  7. #427
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    Sunday 25 October 2009A Stiff and Where I Am with My Walking and Condition

    Part of Squirrel is reliance. I might not have____later therefore I should do without..I will not always have a crutch. I should manage to walk free. I might not always have a place on which to lean, therefore I should rely on mechanics to manage to do other than lean on things. I am all that I am promised-ish and I must do as best as can with this.

    I am to Squirrel-Becomming Earth in dynamic tension thighs and abs (hopefully most muscle places and move as if within Earth. I should rock my heel backwards whilde holdting my muscles to the bone/joint This should stretch while holding the muscle somewhat in tact.. I should stomp gently and force the bone into the hip socket. I should conceptualize red balls that subatomicallyspace the molecules increasing flexibility allowing the muscles to not pull my legs and other areas askew as much.

    I should continue with my new Push-Ups; Squirrel's Wounded Leopard Push-Ups and variations of Hercules Elbow (I actually get off of the ground recently).

    And I should do Squirrel's Vacuum Cleaner Kicks or Squirrel's Open the Nine Gates Kick (I can at best do five gates recently-ish--The moment talks--one better knows after a moment than before that moment.-ish

    I shouls take-in the Sun and connect to the Earth. I should blend with the Wind and I should breathe through my skin...

    I walk like a gorilla going from item to item--rail or wall; not letting go until I feel secure in my next hold or catch. I, in Squirrel, comprehend, conceptualize and be.


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  8. #428


    what is wrong with your walking? didn't quite catch that.

  9. #429
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    No_Know Just Used to Walk Differently

    Raipizo, It's muchly that I used to walk better. The clips on me doing T'ai Chi Ch'uan type stuff and No_Know's Street-Fight Self-Defense clips migh show better some of the walking thing about which I speak.

    The connection in my hip seems bad and weak. I wobble when I walk. I have been told I limp when I walk. I have to work at walking and sitting, at stepping-up stairs or down from a curb, I can hardly lift my legs when I am on the ground or move them to get from off the ground.

    When I walk away from the camera or to the camera in the myspace video clip I might seem to hobble or go from oneside to another...I No_Know

    If it looks like acceptable walking O.K. But I usually walk one foot in front of the other.

    I step cautiously though. My gait is short because there's a twinge when I step ****her. Too far out and my support hip...It feels like my thighs are not in the hip correctly. It feels as though my leg will seperate from my hip or slip out or slip off.

    My legs do not support me anymore--I do not have the strength to push up or push off as when standing or walking. I cannot take steps as easily as before. I constantly dread space between my feet and the ground, Depending on stepping I risk a seperation of my leg bone from my hip zone.

    I do not say I have pain when I walk, I merely have to adjust my breathing...the sensation is what it is. I hopefully do not define it. Once I define it I can grade it then I can suffer. I used to...I should not dwellin the passed nor regret...

    I can stand with my feet not more than nine inches apart. I cannot pick-up my knees to use steps without a feeling of weakness-to-failure and a wall or rail.

    When I begin to stand I use my hands as support near my knees and I go slow-ish as I have the the proximal thigh bone play in the hip until it pops into smooth-ness or I guard it and it seems safe to relenquish support.
    Last edited by No_Know; 10-27-2009 at 08:32 PM. Reason: More on my flexibility and strength
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  10. #430
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    Notes Pictured

    Squirrel technique names-some
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  11. #431
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    More techniques Squirrel-ish

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  12. #432
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    update Sunday 08 November 2009A

    I was able to do Kitetail Kick in Perpetual Wind--an Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel thing.

    I seem to be getting back minor functionality in some aspects of my legs--stability standing on one foot toes forward. Dynamic tension with flexion and extensionand short quick moves and stomping/jarring motions--use seems significant.

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  13. #433
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    Recent Squirrel's Summon the Four Winds Adjusting Ida 9, 11 November . 2009

    I 'd heard that south of the gulf of Mexico. It was indicated that it would come North into the United States of America. I did what I thought was a counter turning wind nicking the edge of H. Ida~ to take the wind out-of-it~diminish it. I heard the next day it was though unexpectedly, breaking-up.

    Saying after results happens leaves at least some to doubt you doid anything and that it happened other than you.~

    Tonight 1800HR East coast time USof A sent wind first east ward to blow the overhang Then thought that is the expected path though by tomorrow some time would be a day early. I thought that the middle of the country might could use the moisture. I sent Summoned the four Winds technique Summoning a East wind to go West.

    It was said it was still heading NorthI might should address that, yet that is still to be done.

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  14. #434
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    Recent days (Friday 13 November 2009 A)

    My right upper arm started to have a twinge-like a band across my bicep and part of my tricep.

    My legs get more than usual twinges. I think I stopped keeping-it-up what I had started doing.

    I had a calf cramp like three days two nights ago~. I breathed out of it but it left a dead zone. Like a broken patch in my calf where I forced the cramp away-early. There's tightening and my skin in places feels like I shrunk inside. Or as if I can feel the inside of my skin in my hands.

    Training my abdomin My legs worsened. There are several aspects. Improvements in an area yet fall-back in an area.

    I've effected improvements physically. With that I think. It Can happen. It is as all ways has perhaps been, for me to orchestrate how I procede and get that done.

    The breathing, the tension, the frequent doing, the comprehending, the perpetual or train-it 'til you Drain-it.--do moves repeatedly for increasing durations. Blah Blah Blah

    I weigh-in (clothed and with my day-to day stuff in my pockets at about 255 lbs (pounds-weight)

    Got to go water--emmerse in water or sleep in the bath (the cold while I sleep condenses my nuscles for a sustained gentle cramp or strain that conditions the muscles or something.

    More than likely is Sleeping on stairs. I have to find the good positions for my legs to set as I am unconcious. There's a variety. Theoretically I might something-or-other.

    If I say hopefully there might for at least one be benefit.

    "Whatever one gets out of whatever, whatever whatever."--Ernie Moore Jr


    Clearing happened in the evening. Did not track weather pattern of East to West. The current Then stuff might have been effected but not noticable-ish when new stuff replaces the older stuff and it looks the same--You might make a difference but cannnot tell or notice or understand that you make a difference.
    Last edited by No_Know; 11-13-2009 at 12:18 AM. Reason: About other than sure of result of Summoning the four winds East to West to clear Eastern Skies.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  15. #435
    Not trying to offend you, but your legs and hips would probably be better off if you lost a little weight, you may know this, just trying to help out buddy.

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