I encountered some videos of the southern Luohan Quan style which include some background in the description:

"In Fujian, there are over 5 different lineages of Luohan Quan recognized ( 3 of which are in Fuzhou, one is Yong Tai Fang Guang Cliff Luohanquan, then there is Fuzhou Luohan Quan (which actually originated in Kai Yuan Temple, Quanzhou in the south) and finally Xiang Dian Quan.

This Luohan Quan which is performed originates in Yong Tai County at the Fang Guang Cliff where it was passed by Monk Bao Kong. 4th Generation Master Chen Dong Guan (who was Liang Shou Zhong's teacher) was one of its most recognized inheritors and taught the boxing in Fuzhou. "

Would this be the luohan quan/monk fist boxing that was part of the basis for fujian white crane? (according to the legend about Fang Qi Niang, who's father Fang Zhong Gong was an expert of monk fist boxing, which she blended with the movements of a crane) Or is this style contemporary or post white crane? The founding of fujian white crane goes back to 1700-1750 or thereabouts, right? Does any one know the dates that might be associated with the names mentioned in that description (monk Bao Kong, chen dong guan, liang shou zhong)?