Quote Originally Posted by mawali View Post
For all those who have an ON/OFF control on the tele, man up and turn it off if it bothers thee!

If thine instrument bothers thee, cut it of!

BTW, why is the government involved in the private lives of citizens?
No felonies were committed, the case closed by the Miami police departmemnt so WTF. Tiger is not a disciple of JC, nor was he appointed/anointed by the 3 Bears, 7 Samurai, 12 dwarfs, Bakers Dozen or a partridge in a pear tree
I don't know what half of that means. Anyway if you want to watch the news you have to put up with that garbage.

They were just saying that Jesper Parnevik, the guy who introduced his wife to him, just absolutely tore him a new one in the media today. Probably not the best move Jesper could have made but still funny!