Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
Well, he was clearly refereeing the match. Other than that, I don't know...
He was indeed refereeing the match. I forget why he was appointed to that job, but I remember seeing it on TV when it occured. He was the sensai of the guy in the dark gi. This is the problem with supposed full contact fighting. Full contact is just that, and people get hit and often times get hurt. They get hacked off and others take sides in the matter. If it is done any other way it is not full contact. Full touch?
I suspect that this is why we see UFC guys hugging after a fight. It is an exibition of sportsmanship. It sort of eases the feeling some people might get about watching 2 men or women pound on one another. We know that some of these guys hate each other. That way they can refer to it as a friendly compitition.
Then again, maybe not.
Back when you made points on no contact techniques, before full contact, late 60's or early 70's, There was a white belt fighter that fought his way up through the compitition and even defeated some black belts. This hacked off lots of people because it was just not supposed to happen. No black belt would want to be whipped by a white belt. The white belt had a few moves that he practiced to perfection. He did not have near the arsenal of the black belts, but he pointed them out. More than anything I think this sort of pushed toward full contact eventually. If you are going to compitition fight you need to do it right. The more rules you have the less like real fighting it is, but you do have to have rules. The first time someone gets killed or perminently brain damaged you will see all sorts of legislation taking place. Big brother is going to look out for you, like it or not.