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Thread: White Tiger Kung Fu ?

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  1. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, suffice to say, I have a rather "non-diplomatic" perspective; that said, bearing in mind that BFP claims minimal (if any) actual relationship to BMP, claiming instead that they are a secret 700 yr. + lineage (so secret, that no documentation at all exists of their existence aside from what they themselves provide); of course, the fact that some of their forms follow pretty much the same sequence as several BMP forms doesn't seem to matter to them too much; that, and if memory serves, Doo Wai was "outed" by a Canadian BMP group that he used to associate with (the details elude me, I believe that there was some evidence provided on the forum to this effect);
    If your memory is indeed correct, then I guess there is not that much left to discuss about this "lineage" of Pak mei. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn
    that all aside, one simply needs to look at the form, and, if one has had ANY experience in a viable system of BMP, so. mantis, etc., systems which share some core principles despite variations in expression, one can see many things that are missing (root, full-body connectivity, etc.; also, "shoulders up by your ears" is not a key tenet of any TCMA, at least not to my knowledge; nor is "stop the form when you run out of breath"...);
    I am kind of going to avoid making critics because I many then be accused of making demeaning and derogatory remarks regarding a "respected sifu". Also, no doubt someone may come here and say that the flaws we perceive are due to the master's age or health, etc.etc.etc.

    That is why I would have liked read Chusauli's diplomatic take on this.

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn
    the back pain "remedy" is just absurd - totally irresponsible, demonstrates a PROFOUND lack of understanding re: etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, etc.; even from a TCM perspective it's lacking significantly;

    but again, I lack diplomacy in this regard...
    addendum: there is a lot of "forbidden style" silliness surrounding bok mei; whatever, it's more in context of the politics, not the style itself; CTS studied a lot of BMP directly with and through a senior student of Cheung Lai Chung
    this is video of him teaching Mike Parella about 20 yrs. ago
    here is a vid of him demoing it at a faster speed as part of another demo, starting at about 00:55 to where he puts on the wires and then starting at about 02:15 until he breaks them; just to give you an idea of what it should look like...
    Thank you for the clips. They were very interesting. It must have been an experience studying under CTS. And yes he (and many other sifus) do their kung fu differently to what was demonstrated in that video clip.

    By the way, do you recall the name of the form being taught to Parrella?
    Last edited by Hardwork108; 01-18-2010 at 05:42 PM.

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