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Thread: Styles in Canton

  1. #16

  2. #17

    Canton styles

    This link was given to me on another question:

  3. #18

    Canton styles

    That link is awesome, Taiping. Thank you.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008
    43rd parallel
    Quote Originally Posted by Baritsumaster View Post
    Jow Ga, but not officially until about 1915. Lau Ga. Lots of Ga's
    Then there's Lei Dee Ga Gar Kuen.

    (Sorry, couldn't resist )

  5. #20

    Styles of Canton

    Here's the list, borrowed from the TaiPing website:

    Style Origin Area Province Further Information
    Luo Fou Shan Pai
    罗浮山拳 Shi Pan, Pun Ning, Shantou Guangdong
    Nan Zhi Quan
    Shantou Guangdong
    Hong Jia Quan (Hung Ga Kuen)
    洪家拳 Tai Shan, Foshan Guangdong ●
    Mo Jia Quan (Mok Ga Kuen)
    莫家拳 Hai Feng, Hui Zhou Guangdong
    Cai Jia Quan (Choy Ga Kuen)
    Zhong Shan Guangdong
    Li Jia Quan (Lee Ga Kuen - San Wui)
    Xin Hui Guangdong
    Li Jia Quan (Lee Boxing - Wai Yeung)
    惠州李家拳 Hui Yang Guangdong
    Liu Jia Quan (Lau Ga Kuen)
    蔡李佛 Lian Jiang, Fuzhou Guangdong
    Yong Chun (Wing Chun)
    咏春 Ming Qing, Bai Yan Shan Guangdong
    Xia Jia Quan (Hap Ga)
    Luo Yuan, Ning De Guangdong
    Cai Li Fo (Choy Lee Fut)
    蔡李佛 Fuzhou, Ningbo Guangdong
    Long Xing Quan (Dragon Style)
    Ge Chuan, Long Yan Guangdong ●
    Bai Mei Quan (White Eyebrow Style)
    白眉拳 Sha Yang Zhen, Gu Tian, Min Hou Guangdong ●
    Fo Jia Quan (Fut Ga Kuen)
    佛家拳 Lu Feng Xiang, Shang Hang Guangdong
    Yue Jia Jiao (Ngok Ga Gao)
    岳家教 Meixian Guangdong
    Diao Jia Jiao (Diu Ga Gao)
    刁家教 Meixian Guangdong
    Li Jia Jiao (Lee Ga Gao)
    李家教 Meixian, Shantou Guangdong
    Zhu Jia Jiao (Chu Ga Gao)
    朱家教 Meixian Guangdong
    Zhong Jia Jiao (Chong Ga Gao)
    钟家教 Meixian Guangdong
    Kunlun Quan (Gwun Lun Kuen)
    昆仑拳 Meixian Guangdong
    Liu Feng Shan Pai (Lau Fung San)
    刘凤山派 Shantou, Meixian Guangdong
    Zhou Jia Quan (Jow Ga Kuen)
    周家拳 Xinhui, Guangxi Guangdong/Guangxi
    Hong Fo Quan (Hung Fut Kuen)
    洪佛拳 Foshan, Guangzhou Guangdong
    Rou Gong Men (Yau Kung Mun)
    柔功门 Xin Hui Guangdong
    Hu Shi Quan (Tiger Lion Boxing)

    Hai Feng, Lu Feng, Tou Wei Guangdong
    Tu Long Quan (Slaughter Dragon)
    屠龙拳 Wu Zhou Guangxi

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Are most of the above Shaolin related?

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    "Shaolin" is a meaningless term these days. Most Southern Fist was created by people not related to Shaolin at all.

    And most Shaolin was civilian or military fists that were collected at Shaolin, not created there.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by chusauli View Post
    "Shaolin" is a meaningless term these days. Most Southern Fist was created by people not related to Shaolin at all.

    And most Shaolin was civilian or military fists that were collected at Shaolin, not created there.
    Yes, I understand.
    To rephrase, where the above ever practiced and redeveloped in a Buddhist monastery? I think you see where I'm going?

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    I do not know about all the systems listed above... I would say that the following were not developed or reformulated at a temple:

    Nan Zhi Quan
    Shantou Guangdong
    Hong Jia Quan (Hung Ga Kuen)
    洪家拳 Tai Shan, Foshan Guangdong
    Mo Jia Quan (Mok Ga Kuen)
    莫家拳 Hai Feng, Hui Zhou Guangdong
    Cai Jia Quan (Choy Ga Kuen)
    Zhong Shan Guangdong
    Li Jia Quan (Lee Ga Kuen - San Wui)
    Liu Jia Quan (Lau Ga Kuen)
    蔡李佛 Lian Jiang, Fuzhou Guangdong
    Yong Chun (Wing Chun)
    咏春 Ming Qing, Bai Yan Shan Guangdong
    Xia Jia Quan (Hap Ga)
    Luo Yuan, Ning De Guangdong
    Cai Li Fo (Choy Lee Fut)
    蔡李佛 Fuzhou, Ningbo Guangdong
    Long Xing Quan (Dragon Style)
    Ge Chuan, Long Yan Guangdong ●
    Bai Mei Quan (White Eyebrow Style)
    白眉拳 Sha Yang Zhen, Gu Tian, Min Hou Guangdong ●
    Fo Jia Quan (Fut Ga Kuen)
    佛家拳 Lu Feng Xiang, Shang Hang Guangdong
    Li Jia Jiao (Lee Ga Gao)
    李家教 Meixian, Shantou Guangdong
    Zhu Jia Jiao (Chu Ga Gao)
    朱家教 Meixian Guangdong
    Zhou Jia Quan (Jow Ga Kuen)
    周家拳 Xinhui, Guangxi Guangdong/Guangxi
    Hong Fo Quan (Hung Fut Kuen)
    洪佛拳 Foshan, Guangzhou Guangdong
    Rou Gong Men (Yau Kung Mun)
    柔功门 Xin Hui Guangdong

    Mostly, these arts were created by civilian martial artists. As for practiced there, I can see people renting out a hall at a monastary and having classes held there...

    I do not get where you are going with this. Why would an art allegedly be developed in a Buddhist temple be any more effective?

    If you ever studied Buddhism or saw how a monk lived and cultivated the Dharma, they would have precious little time for martial arts.

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