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Thread: White Tiger Kung Fu ?

  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    You will always be welcome in my neck of the woods.
    Then we can see how your authentic Kung fu stacks up to my "knucklehead kickboxing".
    If you are so keen to test your Knucklehead Kickboxing against Traditional Kung fu then you should have done so when my sifu standing in front of you in Rio.......

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin
    Let me know when you'll be by.
    Don't worry, I will.....

  2. #182
    Revolution, Ironic Cult Talk.............................................. ....................

    I paid my taxes. Cult

    I married. Cult

    I bought electricity. Cult

    I watched tv. Hypnotically...

    Jason Voorhees posts on these ch ch ha chaa.....CULT
    Last edited by sanjuro_ronin; 01-26-2010 at 12:30 PM. Reason: Profanity removed.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    actually you have never told us about TCMA's appraches, you have hinted you know these things but when asked won't go into details or tell us where you learned them so what knowledge you have or have not is open for debate
    I have always said enough for those who are familiar with a given methodology to recognize it. For those of you who are totally clueless about such methodologies, no amount of explanation on an internet forum will enlighten you!

    And then there are the stuff that are never discussed publicly, not even with outsiders who may be familiar with some of the methodology!

  4. #184
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If you are so keen to test your Knucklehead Kickboxing against Traditional Kung fu then you should have done so when my sifu standing in front of you in Rio......
    Its silly comments like that that makes people wonder if you have ANY notion of the authentic kung fu you like to spew about.
    IF your Sifu was truly a sifu of authentic kung fu you would know that is NOT how it is done, or ever was done, even if I was in the mood to challenge someone I had never met before and only heard inflate BS about from some guy on the internet, I would NEVER have passed over the proper way to issue a challenge to ANY Sifu.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  5. #185
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Its silly comments like that that makes people wonder if you have ANY notion of the authentic kung fu you like to spew about.
    IF your Sifu was truly a sifu of authentic kung fu you would know that is NOT how it is done, or ever was done, even if I was in the mood to challenge someone I had never met before and only heard inflate BS about from some guy on the internet, I would NEVER have passed over the proper way to issue a challenge to ANY Sifu.
    You did not have to challenge him. You could have found out some kung fu facts by just talking to him or even meeting up with him for discussion. He is an open person. That way you would have found out for yourself about his knowledge and abilities and not assume anything from what "some guy" told you on the internet, nor would you come here and make demeaning remarks about him, like you did in another thread......

    So how come you know about the traditional way of issuing challenges but are uninformed about basic respect principles when it comes to TCMA sifus???

  6. #186
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    You did not have to challenge him. You could have found out some kung fu facts by just talking to him or even meeting up with him for discussion. He is an open person. That way you would have found out for yourself about his knowledge and abilities and not assume anything from what "some guy" told you on the internet, nor would you come here and make demeaning remarks about him.......
    I assume you already forgot what I wrote earlier about the meeting, right?
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  7. #187
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    I assume you already forgot what I wrote earlier about the meeting, right?
    All you had to do was ask to find out more about his lineage of kung fu and he would have accommodated your request....

    And you would if your essence was that of a kung fu practitioner and not that of a modern cross training MMA-ist!

    However, what you are is your business. I just don't like the negative implications of the comments you made about a sifu that you have met but did not bother to "investigate" for yourself.

  8. #188
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    All you had to do was ask to find out more about his lineage of kung fu and he would have accommodated your request....

    And you would if your essence was that of a kung fu practitioner and not that of a modern cross training MMA-ist!

    However, what you are is your business. I just don't like the negative implications of the comments you made about a sifu that you have met but did not bother to "investigate" for yourself.
    You know so little...truly...
    Lineage !
    LMAO !!
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  9. #189
    Are you two in a cult?

    Which one?

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    You know so little...truly...
    Lineage !
    LMAO !!

    Now you have a lineage????

    I must have been underestimating the "history" of Knucklehead Fu for years....LOL!

    Look. I made a sensible point. If you have heard about a kung fu sifu but you are not sure what you believe and then suddenly you find yourself sitting next to him, then that is your chance to find out more about him. You DECIDED not to but that did not stop you from coming on these boards and making derogatory remarks about him.

    That is wrong and you know it!

  11. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by TAO YIN View Post
    Are you two in a cult?

    Which one?
    Well, Sanjuro is a member of the Grand Lodge of Cross Training MMA Knuckleheads of North America. They believe that being MA, jack of all trades, makes them kung fu experts.....LOL

    They have a semi naked statue of Roycon Gracie in their lodge HQ. They worship this statue with disturbing fanaticism. The statue is surrounded by a collection of dumbells, barbells and other types of weights that symbolize the knucklehead approach to strength training.

    They have their own secret codes and salutes. For example, every time they meet a fellow lodge member, they shake hands, take off their shirts and grapple each other on the ground for 15 minutes. This way they recognize their brotherhood members and of course the half naked grappling helps them to "bond" further.

    There is a lot more I can say about them but you will know more if you check out their clueless, not to mention hilarious, comments here in the forums, when the subject of discussion is any of the following:

    the internals; chi sao; the levels of forms practice; tendon development and so on.

    As for me, I don't belong to any cults. I am just a TCMA student who posts in a KUNG FU forum.
    Last edited by Hardwork108; 01-26-2010 at 02:25 PM.

  12. #192
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post

    Now you have a lineage????

    I must have been underestimating the "history" of Knucklehead Fu for years....LOL!

    Look. I made a sensible point. If you have heard about a kung fu sifu but you are not sure what you believe and then suddenly you find yourself sitting next to him, then that is your chance to find out more about him. You DECIDED not to but that did not stop you from coming on these boards and making derogatory remarks about him.

    That is wrong and you know it!
    And again you ignore what I wrote for you own agenda.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  13. #193
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    Well, Sanjuro is a member of the Grand Lodge of Cross Training MMA Knuckleheads of North America. They believe that being MA, jack of all trades, makes them kung fu experts.....LOL

    They have a semi naked statue of Roycon Gracie in their lodge HQ. They worship this statue with disturbing fanaticism. The statue is surrounded by a collection of dumbells, barbells and other types of weights that symbolize the knucklehead approach to strength training.

    They have their own secret codes and salutes. For example, every time they meet a fellow lodge member, they shake hands, take off their shirts and grapple each other on the ground for 15 minutes. This way they recognize their brotherhood members and of course the half naked grappling helps them to "bond" further.

    There is a lot more I can say about them but you will know more if you check out their clueless, not to mention hilarious, comments here in the forums, when the subject of discussion is any of the following:

    the internals; chi sao; the levels of forms practice; tendon development and so on.

    As for me, I don't belong to any cults. I am just a TCMA student.
    *Shakes head*

    Good luck with that.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    *Shakes head*
    So you should.........

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro-ronin
    Good luck with that.
    Nothing to do with luck. It is about authentic training. Of course, luck comes into it as regards finding an authentic kung fu school. So, good luck with that!
    Last edited by Hardwork108; 01-26-2010 at 06:19 PM.

  15. #195
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    The fact is that one trains in a certain way and sees the training working. Then one discusses the benefits of one's training (for example, without weights) and then one is met by ridicule
    you mean like the people who combine various training methods, discuss the benefits they've had, and are met with contempt and ridicule?

    There is one poster here, who will remain nameless, who even said once that he doubted that there was anything in kung fu that would surprise him anymore. That was because he had trained under some real deal masters. I wonder if the masters under whom he trained, were of the same opinion?
    The context of that "quote" you post revolved as much around charlatanry in Kung Fu not being surprising anymore as around true skill in Kung Fu not being surprising anymore. I think the masters under whom he trained would have shared similar views. I don't know, though, and neither do you, so it's all conjecture.

    which ever you look at it is your business. However, authentic kung fu practitioners will see it as a KUNG FU forum.
    ...meaning anyone who sees it otherwise is not an authentic Kung Fu practitioner, eh?

    Unfortunately, "most members" use a third description, which is, MMA/Cross Training Forum.

    Most members are clueless about authentic kung fu practice. See the Mcdojo phenomenom. If you think that this forum is immune from this then good luck to you!
    First, I do not think that this forum is not immune to such things. If it was, we would not be having this conversation. Second, your contemptuous behavior towards those who disagree with you is not only transparent; it is also very repetitive, dull and unoriginal.

    You are flattering them, as most of them would not know authentic kung fu if it fell on their heads!
    So, what should new students look for when they're deciding on an "authentic kung fu" teacher or school?

    Wrong. The Forum Gods here are anything but TCMA-ists. They see TCMA methodologies that they are unaware of or do not understand, as useless or irrelevant. They turn almost every TCMA discusssion into an MMA one - understandable, in view of the fact that their TCMA cups are nothing but empty!
    One wonders why they even post in a KUNG FU forum. Cult-like behavior, perhaps?
    That is a good example of contempt and ridicule. BTW, that kind of behavior is recognized internationally as having roots in insecurity and impotence; the resulting behaviors revolve around wanting to feel powerful, potent, and superior (hence the use of contempt through ridicule and name-calling to belittle others.) This kind of behavior is very damaging to social relationships, and whatever power/superiority is gained through these means is temporary at best. It's the little man's feel-good tool, basically, No matter who uses it.

    I am a kung fu student and I consider myself a beginner. I am not a Forum God!
    This seems to torment you to no end, seeing as how you speak incessantly of how YOU think the forum and its members should be... hey, hope springs eternal, right?

    Those of us who practice authentic kung fu cannot discuss everything on the World Wide Web. People like TenTigers appreciate that fact and I hope that you will as well, one day.....
    ...says the member who complains about the lack of kung fu discussion on the forum.

    Real secrets don't get labeled as secrets. In fact, there are no secrets. The stuff that gets labeled as secret is really poser marketing sh1t designed to fill the rice bowl and divert attention from the real stuff. Looks like someone in your lineage did a good job.

    Your "critical" TCMA thinking is based on your knowledge and hence it is limited by it. You need to think outside the box and by the way, no one is talking magic chi powers and flying over mountains. The methodology in question exists but it is not discussed with outsiders.
    That is not quite what I meant by outlandish either (although I am glad that you don't believe you can fly.) See my paragraph above.

    Sort out your fragile ego my friend and your kung fu will get much better.
    Likewise, and good luck.
    "It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own." -Cicero

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