Writing one will do something tomorrow on a thread about the talkie Groundhog Day is quite a thing. I checked the date to see how long ago it had seemed to have been written...it checked out as running in the current state of time continuim local standard.

It seemed not so much French as French Literature. To read a book dedicatedly could be weeks for at least some. If you want to shine and do way better super but for the rest of humanity, weeks I will round to a month.
He read with comprehension (Ahhh yes and added factor of C o m p r e h e n s i o n). Making sense of foreign culture (classic) literature three months. Grasping the language through classic texts on the literature...two months...He knew at least one work of French literature if he new at least three...smaller book medium Literature work sixteen months
Reading French book Literature: 7 mo
reading French book work: 5 mo
Reading French book work: 5 mo
Grasping French to
speak from tutor: 2 mo
Uderstanding the
written works to be
conversant: 9 mo

French-- 28mo--3ys 4mo

chain saw witout cutting
Things around him: 1 wk
The basics of ice sculpting 3 wks
Grasping the basics enough to
be artistic (dedicated) 9 mo
Being able to Execute the
graspings 10 mo

Ice sculpt masterfully-- 20 mo--1 yr 8 mo

play piano by ear an mimic styles
outside of your training: 4 years

Card tricks with deftness 5 months

Nine years five months for the requested stuff.

To learn the town, explore and be michiveous four months.

To learn Ms. McDowell's responses and move forwards three months on top of the nine years nine months while doing the other mentioned stuff.

9 yrs 9 mo of Groundhog Day for the character played by Mister Murry~
