Quote Originally Posted by JPinAZ View Post
Interesting video, but I can't see anything you are doing that could be termed 'wing chun' from even the basic of concepts/mechanics pov.
- No idea of self centerline
- No idea of facing to your opponent (A to B centerline)
- No fwd energy - running from attacks
- No control of your opponent.
(at least, not from what I can see on your video)
There are some points in this kind of training... but most probably (as wrote to Eric) the concepts behind are not the same because of the origin of the art (the origin of this system is WingTsun).... so:

- there is centerline idea
- if i want to fight against someone i need to face him, but to avoid the incoming power i need to "move" in any directions...
- fwd energy, there is but the goal is to hit the target and not to "press" on the opponent arms..
- The main idea of this sort of training is to be able to "control"/follow incoming power, so there is a lot of control on the opponent's body.... but everything is made differently...

Quote Originally Posted by JPinAZ View Post
All decent WC structure is based 'on the body'. WC structure comes from whole body alignment from the root up.....

If the wheel is already round, why would you reinvent it?

We are always living/working with a "cube wheel", this is not a concept made by myself but there are (in US you can find a lot of these guys!!) some methods which promote this kind of vision... i'm changing the system in order to respect the WT concepts in the application/training.... WC has WC structure, and it doesn't follow the body's one. Also in Europe there is this misunderstanding and people thinks that WC/WT is suitable for the body movement, but this is not true at all... i mean d you ever seen someone in the street walking with the "wc steps" (for example)?