Quote Originally Posted by kwaichang View Post
LKFMDC, So your teacher was abandoned as an Orphan and inherited a style , must not have been much to choose a student like you you are a Moron. So prove your points you say much but proove little. as you are little minded or purile. Air and opportunity prove what you say or say nothing at all and hey BQL ignore this creton KC
you idiots are a laugh riot- trying to divert the topic with irrelevant side chatter and when that fails, lame insults

I guess you haven't noticed how many people on the board think Shaolin Do is watered down pig slop?

My guess, is you've heard it a thousand times before, and just like now, you stick your fingers in your ears and try to not listen

Typical of the brain washed....

I'd suggest the only morons here are you guys who bought stories a 9 year old would questions, sunk cash and time into learning sub-standard kenpo and think they are learning "shaolin"

sucker born every minute