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Thread: Chinese Zodiac

  1. #16
    there is a big camp of people

    that like to be positive thinking, and pro-active.

    but there are times that we just have to do nothing or wait it out.

    true, positive altitude and mood would effect people around you and may achieve more in a working environment.

    but there are times that nothing is needed either way.

    when it is all gloom and doom and nothing is going the right direction.

    may be hands off for a while and let the world spin by itself, or let things go its own way and take care of itself by itself.

    this is a very hard concept when I was young.

    when we do nothing, actually we let ourself out of the picture for a while, sometimes, that is all that is needed.


  2. #17
    when I feel down and out and nothing is working out for me.

    some music always cheer me up or comfort me.

    a dude is away and missing his love one. sad and depressed but with the anticipation of meeting her again that brought some sweetness and excitement and made the waiting and loneliness more bearable etc etc.

    I love this song since a little kid. I did not know what it was saying.

    but I sense that there is a great emotion of affection/love and anticipation.


    sort of confide our feeling/emotions in music and songs and let them vent or let them out.


    we may also confide our feeling/emotions in the mountain and water such as painting and touring the great scenic spots.

    watching the waves on the ocean and gaze at the stars at nite etc, including going to the zoo.


    they work for me.

    Last edited by SPJ; 06-09-2008 at 10:27 AM.

  3. #18

    Thumbs up

    chinese flute.

    it is a song about a young boy watching cows at play.

    the tempo is off, but it is a long note to remember and play.

    the music let me unwind, loosen up and free of worries.

    some times we have let our worried or worked mind rest.


    peace and harmony.


    etc etc.

    no want, no need, and then no worries.


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Siu Lum Fighter, our horoscopes are wildly popular

    To the best of my knowledge, we are the only magazine or website that does monthly Chinese horoscope forecasts. I am strangely proud of this, although if you had told me I'd be writing a horoscope ten years ago, I'd have thought you were being insulting. It came about in a most circuitous fashion. We had met with our feng shui horoscope columnist Wilson Sun and Gigi was very impressed by his skills. Personally, I take the Penn & Teller perspective on feng sham (I'm sure you've noticed my skepticism in some of my coverage). Much to my chagrin, feng shui was gaining huge popularity with the new millennium, so we even did a pseudo feng shui special to try to crossover to the new age audience (it did horribly on the newsstands - ironically today we are often found in the new age section next to the yoga, spirituality and renn faire mags , because the MMA mags have pushed us out of sports). Nevertheless, Gigi insisted we find a place for Wilson in the magazine, so we worked on a four-part series on Feng Shui for Kungfu Schools, which started in 2000 March and concluded in 2000 June. That was fun and relevant. Then Wilson floundered for a spell - he did a romance article which was really off topic (Feng Shui and Your Soulmate, 2000 July) and a two-part crystal piece, which is slightly connected to qigong but our readers didn't buy it at all (Crystal Qi-Feng Shui Power Healing for Kungfu, 2000 August, 2000 September). Things weren't looking up for Wilson.

    I should mention here that Wilson Sun is popular, established feng shui master in Taiwan. He has written newspaper columns and made T.V. appearances. He has immigrated to America, but still speaks little English.

    While researching magazine industry trends, I discovered that horoscopes are hugely popular in print. Think about it - every newspaper has a horoscope and they are simply irresistible reads, if only for your own. So I suggested he write a monthly Chinese horoscope, just because I'd never seen such a thing, and that it be themed towards kung fu practice. Thus in November 2000 (our Halloween issue because it was on newsstands in October - and that was not my idea either ), Kung Fu Horoscopes was born. God, I've been writing a horoscope for 8 years. What has become of me?

    At first it was really weird. Wilson would make strange forecasts like 'this month, diarrhea' or 'your mouth will be prone to sores'. Gigi did the heavy-lifting in translating, and then I massaged it into something more digestible for Western readers. Then it started getting eerie. Wilson started hitting. We were getting very positive responses. He even made several predictions that rang true in our office here. Keep in mind that we usually prep the horoscope a few months before its time and then forget about it. It's only later when we go back that sometimes we'll find something that resonated with what had happened. Now I don't do much to interpret Wilson. We just translate it as he gives it to us, fairly literally. So if he says 'misfortune coming' that's what I print. Half of his stuff is negative, but in a cautionary way.

    OK, end of Kung Fu Tai Chi history lesson. I'm moving this to our TC Media forum because I think it will live better there.

    To address your question specifically, Siu Lum Fighter, in Chinese horoscopes, you actually do poorly in the year of your birth. I'm not sure why exactly, but this is often a confusing issue for Westerners. If you are a rat this year, it doesn't bode well. Gigi is a rat, so I totally sympathize. Things should get better next year.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post

    'this month, diarrhea'
    Gene is a fountain of sig lines
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I'd love to claim that quote...

    ...but it was just my translation of something submitted from our feng shui columnist, Wilson Sun.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #22
    checking horoscope is ok. My brothers are big fans.

    I used to travel alot so I always check weather forecast before I go.

    now that I am no longer traveling not much, somehow I still check weather channel before I leave for work.

    if you are a farmer or fisherman, absolutely, you would check farmer almanac, due to tide and the moon, where to find fish, when do what farming etc.

    now that we are no longer in agricultural only society anymore,


    It is always of interests to read signs, or whatever said in chinese farmer almanac


    Feng Shui is a big thing, in Taiwan, China, singapore and Japan.

    may be catching on in the west.


    I have a good friend who is a Feng Shui Shi. He always carries a complicated compass. He confuses me alot, but sometimes, he does make sense.

    as far as fortune telling, and palm or face reading, --

    may be just for fun?


  8. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Cool 12 energies, chinese zodiac, kung fu.

    in classical chinese zodiac, the twelve animals relate to the 12 different types of energy. the animals themselves were chosen to reflect the best possible way for humans to understand the individual energy of whatever sign or type in question. by applying this understanding we can further enhance our practice by taking into account the 12 energies in relation to martial arts practice, not to mention any given situation wish arises during the course of our lives. so a breaking it down i will to each of the twelve energies and the lessons which can applied to practice.

    ox- determination, willpower, straightforwardness. it is very hard to stop a rampaging bull ox.

    rat- assimilation, intelligence, resourcefulness. the rat has an adept ability to have a well organized library of technique and method.

    pig- logic, reasoning, balance. the pigs low center of gravity and logical, well-balanced applications of techniques is superb.

    dog- loyalty, protection, security. dogs are faithful in serving their masters and ideals, they have both a bark and a bite and will risk their lives for family and friends(vital areas).

    rooster- cautious, alertness, quickness. it's very hard to catch a rooster by suprise, let alone catch one running away from you.

    monkey- cunning, deceptive, irritating. the monkey's superb ability to get under the skin allows others concentration to become unfocused.

    goat- agility, mobility, dexterity. a goat is always poised to headbutt you.

    horse- endurance, strength, nobility. the horse has the endearing qualities of continuation... to press on with a sheer and noble will to finish the task at hand.

    snake- precision, patience, stealth. waiting until the proper time to strike quickly, accurately, and fatally...

    dragon- presence, power, transcience. the powerful dragon has the uncanny ability to vanish and reappear instantenously.

    rabbit- luck, speed, intellect. no martial artist is complete without the rabbit.

    tiger- courage, ferocity, versitality. the tiger is nearly unstoppable and can attack from almost any position.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    San Diego, CA.
    Ok so you're year of the there a question here or just a statement.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hebrew Hammer View Post
    Ok so you're year of the there a question here or just a statement.
    depends on if you're asking a question or making a statement.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    San Diego, CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by uki View Post
    depends on if you're asking a question or making a statement.
    depends on whether we're really having a conversation.

  12. #27
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hebrew Hammer View Post
    depends on whether we're really having a conversation.
    there's nothing wrong with attempting to have one... who knows, maybe it will become interesting during the process.

  13. #28
    Join Date
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    In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
    My wife is a Tiger. My 1 daughter is a rabbit. My son is a Snake. My other daughter is rat. I am a friggen sheep/ram/goat. How is that even fair?

    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

  14. #29
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCloudCLF View Post
    My wife is a Tiger. My 1 daughter is a rabbit. My son is a Snake. My other daughter is rat. I am a friggen sheep/ram/goat. How is that even fair?
    the lesson is different for all involved... your wife being a tiger natural describes the chaos surrounding her, not considering the fact that tigers tend to eat the goats... your only comfort(relatively speaking in energy terms) would be your rabbit daughter as you and her share a trinity. considering you and your tiger wife have a near 2 on a scale of 10 in relationships, if and when you two split up, even if you find your most harmonious match(the pig) it will be in direct conflict with your son(the snake) which is opposite the pig... as for the rat, heck they do fine where-ever they go. so all in all... this explains why the goat is always whining BAAAAA!!! BBBBAAAAAA!!! and why it is always poised to ram heads with something...

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Quote Originally Posted by uki;[I
    BLAH BLAH BLAH [/I] tigers tend to eat the goatsBLAH BLAH BLAH
    What I actually read.

    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

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