With the exception of rhythm development and bag work these are all basic techniques containing no strategic information. This comes from the coach, and is personal to him based upon experience. Bag and pad work and understanding varies a great deal.
Rubbish, absolute rubbish.
The whole premise of boxing is "to hit and not get hit", its in everything boxing does. That's the strategy.

Boxing is not a good approach to fighting for old people because it relies upon excellent conditioning
You have got to be joking.

teaches no strategy apart from ring strategy (is not a martial art), focuses only upon punching with no consideration of other aspects of fighting, focuses only on gloved punching (unsuitable for ungloved fighting), and teaches a sparring (ring strategy) rather than a fighting mindset.
Once again, its the art of hitting without being hit..... not a bad strategy in a street fight.
The rest of your post is even more nonsense, what the hell do you base your "ideas" on boxing on???
Youve obviously done none.