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Thread: One more round of....

  1. #16
    1. There are plants of skilled kung fu fighters but they do not have any footage. Kinda like the tree that falls and no one is around to hear it make a sound.

    2. Kung fu has been refined for thousands of years yet most Kung fu people mostly do forms and film themselves doing form.
    3. All those years of refinement and look what wing chun turned into. I slap box too but I try not to hold hands first.

    4. Kung fu is so awesome but in order to compete in mma you have to study wrestling, kickboxing, bjj,
    5. Kung fu, trained on its own will not make you badass. It will make you bad. Type in wing chun into YouTube for reference.
    6. Swai jiao is traditional Kung fu...but unfortunately most traditional styles do not train like they do.

    7. San shao is not just traditional Kung fu because then it would not work.

    8. Mantis hooking is a viable technique...but I do not have any proof so just believe me.
    9. Most Kung fu is crappy but I train for real. Once again I do not carry a camera around so I have no proof.

    10. I once saw two gay guys dancing. It looked just like chi sao.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Shell Beach, CA, USA
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by RWilson View Post
    7. San shao is not just traditional Kung fu because then it would not work.
    No boxing, no MT, no wrestling, but longfist and SC. 100% TCMA here.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    No boxing, no MT, no wrestling, but longfist and SC. 100% TCMA here.
    Swai jiao is not representative of modern day forms based Kung fu. Swai Jiao is wrestling, joint locking, and some striking.

    Do you know how many claim their style has throws and joint locks? And that they are contained in the form movements? This is true. The fallacy comes when you do not do the throw, as it is in the form mechanics, and just do the form.

    You guys think I am not getting your points about my arguments. Sometimes I think I am just talking out of my a$$ but then I go on YouTube and my opinions are supported.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Augusta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by RWilson View Post
    Swai jiao is not representative of modern day forms based Kung fu. Swai Jiao is wrestling, joint locking, and some striking.

    Do you know how many claim their style has throws and joint locks? And that they are contained in the form movements? This is true. The fallacy comes when you do not do the throw, as it is in the form mechanics, and just do the form.

    You guys think I am not getting your points about my arguments. Sometimes I think I am just talking out of my a$$ but then I go on YouTube and my opinions are supported.
    Maybe you should get off the 'net and actually visit a school instead of deriving your entire concepts and "research" from youtube. Just sayin'...

    You want to learn how to keep safe? Learn how to use (AND SHOOT) a gun. That is currently the best method of self-defense when trained properly. Nothing can beat it.
    The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire.
    ~ Mark Twain

    Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.
    ~ Joe Lewis

    A warrior may choose pacifism; others are condemned to it.
    ~ Author unknown

    "You don't feel lonely.Because you have a lively monkey"

    "Ninja can HURT the Spartan, but the Spartan can KILL the Ninja"

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    if you put your hands up to protect your face, its not traditional kung fu.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    Have learned from posting here within a short matter of time:
    1. Get more bawang for yer buck than any other forum.
    2. Trollyboys prefer to tell TCMA'ers to stop doing forms over telling JTMA to cool it with the kata's or Sumo's to stop shuffling around and wrassel on the ground, or Western boxers to punch less and sniff crotch more.
    3. WC and VT'C are two different styles.
    4. Kung Food= most Chinese cooking.
    5. There is much to learn and fortunately all the time in the world.
    6. Most members mean well.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    Quote Originally Posted by RWilson View Post
    Swai jiao is not representative of modern day forms based Kung fu. Swai Jiao is wrestling, joint locking, and some striking.

    Do you know how many claim their style has throws and joint locks? And that they are contained in the form movements? This is true. The fallacy comes when you do not do the throw, as it is in the form mechanics, and just do the form.

    You guys think I am not getting your points about my arguments. Sometimes I think I am just talking out of my a$$ but then I go on YouTube and my opinions are supported.
    You are one of the funnier, civil , tolerable trolls as of late. Are you sure you need to try so hard not to fit in here? You wouldn't happen to possess any "mysterious powers" would you?
    Last edited by PalmStriker; 11-18-2011 at 09:46 PM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    if you put your hands up to protect your face, its not traditional kung fu.
    Hmmm... food for thought.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2009
    In The Hearts & Minds Of No One

    One More Round Of

    1. No matter how right some one may be on a subject another calls bs.

    2. 99% of us spend more time on the forum than in a class room.

    3. The majority of the members that like to criticize don’t like to be criticized.

    4. A lot of folks that get into a p ing contest on one thread bring it over to another.

    5. The brotherhood of martial arts on the forum is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

    6. With the vast amount of knowledge one kind find in the forum there is more polite f you than thank you passed out.

    7. You can tell a lot about one mans/women mentality with photos they may post.

    8. At the end of the day it’s easier to find a teacher that shares a common stance on a subject than understand a lesson a current teacher is giving.

    9. In today’s economy a persons 2 cents is worth less than 1 cent.

    10. See number 1.
    Last edited by dcrjradmonish; 11-19-2011 at 06:31 AM.

    My Goal In Life Is To Be A Better Person Today Than I Was Yesterday. Martial Art Is One Of The Tools I Use To Achieve This.

    The Equation For Good Kung Fu Is Based On Four Simple Principles Breathing, Relaxation, Continues Movement, Structure. Working Them Under Pressure Is What Good Kung Fu Training Is About.

    You Have To Breath To Relax, You Have To Relax To Move, You Have To Move To Keep Structure

    My Video Page

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    1. Fighters fight, and tend to be competitive online as well..

    2. If you don't fire up, you are worthless and weak, Bwang will have his way with you.

    3. People will argue one side on one thread, and another on a different thread. This is good web fu.

    4. Ronin is the King. He will eat you if you f**k with him.

    5. MMA guys like to hang out here, because everybody is so cool. They are out to steal our secrets! Its a conspiracy.

    6. Bruce Lee invented MMA, so its Kung Fu.
    Guangzhou Pak Mei Kung Fu School, Sydney Australia,
    Sifu Leung, Yuk Seng
    Established 1989, Glebe Australia

  11. #26


    Starting today I am going to try to be nicer to Kung fu.

    I am going to state. Some falloucies that should be corrected.

    1. It was used in China hundreds or thousands of years ago do that means it must be viable.

    2. Through different chi sao's you learn the skills of combat(Joy Choudhari).

    3. William Cheung's wc is good even though the only video of him is Emin knocking him on the floor and rolling on top of him. He was a good fighter before there were cameras(a famous claim by many Kung fuers).
    4. The softer your training gets in old age the more you refine your skills to be able to take on stronger younger fighters.
    5. You do not need to be strong(there are people who still believe this in the internal camp).
    6. If an old guy stops your forward motion during push hands it must mean he could have thrown you, struck you, or possibly harmed your life with his deadly force. (This is complete horse sh1t. I guess old people can also win marathons and strong man contests against younger people. The main reason these old guys seem skillful is because his students are not actually trying to do anything to him).

    7.Even though muay Thai guys destroyed wc guys in competition wc is still a viable fighting art. Gtfo. WC is good for fighting weaker, smaller people or people that are tied to a chair.

    8. I do not spar but I am an amazing fighter(through magic).
    9. Doing forms is better than lifting weights.
    10. I like to ban people that make me cry.
    11. Dave Ross is an amazing fighter and coach because he did lama forms with a famous Chinese guy...even though his san da fight showed him looking like an elk being killed by a predator.
    12. Posting random pictures of lama forms, and point out "techniques", constitutes good Kung fu material.
    13. My teacher won a "full contact" tournament so he must be good. Of course there is no video of these full contact events.

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood View Post
    Their are three kinds of people,

    1. People who know they know.

    2. People who know they don't know.

    3. People who don't know they don't know.
    4) People who don't know they know they don't know!

    5) People who know they don't know they don't know!

    6) People who don't know they know they don't know they know!

    7) Etc.

  13. #28
    1) I am smarter than YOU!

    2) Even though you THINK you are smarter than ME, you are DUMBER than you think!

    3) Bawang’s mother is a MAN MAN………..and she is strong!

    4) The Taoverse Deity is still around teaching people pretend martial arts!

    5) Opinions are free, therefore they are not worth much!

    6) Gene Ching is a very tolerant and patient man!

    7) David Jamieson thinks as much of himself as I think of myself! (And he is shamefully easy to bait!)

    8) David Ross does not post enough.

    9) TGY knows too much for his own good, and WON’T STAY DEAD!!!!!!

    10) Sanjuro NEVER posts enough pictures of babes, no matter how many he posts!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kung Fu is to non practitioners of it as calculus is to monkeys.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    Kung Fu is to non practitioners of it as calculus is to monkeys.
    Bad analogy. You are assuming that king fu has a use and is therefore worth learning about. For fighting? No. For other endeavors like exercise I am open to that.

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