Quote Originally Posted by JPinAZ View Post
Ignoring the poor attempt at sarcasm , yes for the most part.
Since I do not have personal experience with YKS, I was hoping you could share some of your insight with me regarding the drills, forms and yours and stan's training. I will use his clips as a reference since you are both YKS, come from the same WC family and train together.

You said:

Honestly, I'm a little surprised you say this. Would you then say this is a good representation of his skill in YKS WCK and do they represent YKS WC drills and training well? And please explain why. Thanks.


Is this how you train YKS WC? If so/not please explain why.

Lastly, here are 2 clips of his YKS SLT. Can you give me any feedback on this? Is this a good representation of YKS forms and Stans skills?


Side question, How is Stan your sihing if you have different teachers? Sihing means older kung fu brother, which means you both have to have the same teacher.
Yoshiyahu is one of the guys in the clips ?