This system of Bagua Quan comes from the famous Bagua Quan practitioner Gong Baotian who like his teachers before him worked as personal body guards to the Emporer during the Qing dynasty. His training was taught to him within the Imperial Palace, hence the name "Imperial Bagua Quan". Although it was taught to him by Yin Fu this system has many different aspects to it and to the untrained eye looks quite different, there are several theories as to why it is different to its cousin Yin style, as it is said that Gong Baotian also recieved training from Yin Fu's teacher, the creator of "Bagua Quan", Dong Haichuan. Regardless it is a proven and effective martial art which can be acquired through dedicated practice and training.

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Master Zou is living California, his students in Boston and Vancouver Canada are teaching BaGua as well.