Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
I thank you for your consideration, but pray first for your own clear sight and leave others to be responsible for themselves!
that's the fact, Jack

(someone here seems to have forgotten that even the Buddha wouldn't offer teaching until 3 AM after most everyone had left and then only when asked 3 times...)

it's not that what Hendrik says is necessarily is bad or wrong, and indeed from a classical perspective it is correct, it's just that he comes across as a pompous asz by virtue of the fact that he seems to hod the opinion that this way is the only way, and that NO ONE in his estimation has got it right; now, if anyone of us had come to Hendrik for instruction, then that would be fine; but what he fails to understand is that this is a discussion board; meaning that no one is here to get instruction, but rather to engage in lively discourse as suits each person's wont; meaning that to some degree this is entertainment! but Hendrik appears to think that his utterances ought be met with all the seriousness he thinks that they deserve; and apart from this being somewhat untoward, it's really just dull...