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Thread: You and the qigong forum.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA

    You and the qigong forum.

    Welcome to the qigong forum! I hope this will be a place where you can find or share information on all kinds of topics related to qigong. I also hope to avoid any trouble with some general guidelines:

    Please treat other members with respect. If you have a problem with one of their idea's, attack the idea, not the poster.

    Please don't start an account just to push a specific school, product, book, etc. This is spam. Us mods don't take to kindly to it. I'm not saying never to mention anything or recommend anything, but use your discretion. If it is obvoius spam it will be deleted and you will be: First-warned. Second- banned.

    DO NOT START FALUN GONG THREADS. They are far too much trouble for what they are worth. I don't care which side your comments are on, every opinion has been covered on the issue on this forum before.

    Please enjoy the forum!
    Last edited by bodhitree; 06-22-2007 at 08:49 AM.
    Bless you

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