TCKFMC Volunteers TCKFMC Volunteers TCKFMC Volunteers TCKFMC Volunteers


If you would like to volunteer to help out at the 2020 Tiger Claw Elite KungFuMagazine.com Championship, we are looking for timers, scorekeepers, judges and other assorted services.  Contact the TCEKFMC volunteer coordinator Shirley Zhang at shirleytigerca@gmail.com (510-668-1100 X1008). 


All volunteers will receive an official T-shirt (note that there are different T-shirts for each day), All-Access Pass, and a Thank You Gift Bag.  If you volunteer for All Day (or two shifts), you will also receive a complimentary meal in our VIP Tent (for South Hall) and a Free One-Year Subscription to Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine. 
