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Thread: Tiger Claw Foundation Events

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Tiger Claw Foundation Events

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is promoting two events right now.

    This first is the American portion of the Global talent search for Jackie Chan's Disciples. Jackie Chan has launched an international talent search for his new reality talent show Jackie Chan’s Disciples. Ten winners will be named “Descendants of the Dragon” on the show’s finale on top of the Great Wall in October 2007. The Descendants of the Dragon will each be awarded with a film contract, as well as receive personal training from Jackie Chan. The U.S.A. competition will be held on Friday, May 27 from 2 to 6 PM at the Wu Chi Kung Fu Academy, 40924 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538

    The second is Professor Wally Jay’s 90th Birthday Event on June 15-17, 2007 in Emeryville and Oakland, CA.

    Please go to for more information.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2

    Jackie Chan looking for a protege

    A TV show that looking for a "disciple" in acting.

    Kung fu is not required but acting is.

    Looks have to be like kids next door.

    boys and girls are both needed.


  3. #3
    looking for the next JC, next Jet Li--


    who would be the next "stars" in the Kung fu comedy or Kung fu action figures in the movies.


  4. #4

    the opening ceremonies in Shangri La hotel in Beijing China.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Jackie's Disciples

    You'll find some coverage in our July August '07 issue (on stands now). The American finalist awards presentation will be held this Sunday at IntMAT at 6:00PM. I'll be at IntMAT, but I don't think I'll be staying through to the awards ceremony. Our Publisher, Gigi Oh, will be there. She was one of the judges for the American audition in our area.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Not CMA but still worthy of mention

    Professor Wally Jay’s 90th Birthday Event

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting Professor Wally Jay’s 90th Birthday Event on June 15-17, 2007 in Emeryville and Oakland, CA. A Birthday Banquet will be held on Friday, June 15th at the Hong Kong East Ocean Seafood Restaurant ($60 per person). Registration for the banquet ends on June 8th (of when the table space sells out). Grandmaster Exhibition and Seminars will be held on Saturday, June 16th at the Oakland Convention Center ($139 at the door). Discount prices on the Grandmaster Exhibition and Seminars are available for early registration. A special private tour of Professor Wally Jay’s Home Dojo is offered to the first 50 people who pre-register. For more information, see

    In cooperation with,, and

    Tiger Claw Foundation
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    ttt for this weekend

    We are all looking forward to the festivities this weekend and are very eager to honor GM Wally Jay. If you've never met GM Jay, he is an outstanding gentleman, a pillar of the martial arts. Just don't shake hands with him.

    Here's a piece we did the last time I met with him:
    Tea with Grandmasters: Pearls of Wisdom from Martial Pioneers Ralph Castro, Ming Lum, Al Novak and Wally Jay by Gene Ching and Gigi Oh

    Ninety years - few masters can claim that kind of lifelong contribution to the martial arts. It will truly be an honor to witness this weekend.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #8
    I hope the events bring all involved complete enlightenment. Does Judo have any Ch'an/Zen affiliations?

  9. #9
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    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    No. Judo, is correctly spelled, jew-dough, and is what we use to make matzoh.
    We do not follow Buddhism, we follow the Torah.
    However, if you like I can circumcize you, with a mallet.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by FalunDafa=good View Post
    I hope the events bring all involved complete enlightenment.
    LOL. Imagine the advertising. "Tiger Claw events are fun for the whole family. For a reasonable price, you can attend seminars, meet world renowned martial artists, and attain complete enlightenment! Come and begin Buddhahood with Tiger Claw!”
    Last edited by The Xia; 06-20-2007 at 12:11 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    OK, back OT

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the 2nd International Traditional Kung Fu Wushu Tournament & Masters’ Exhibition on August 11th, 2007 in Oakland, CA. The event will be held at the Oakland Convention Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607. Contact Master Neal Lee (510) 928-2074 or Grandmaster Lily Lau (510) 301-3098. For more information, see
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #12
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    TCF update

    As always, see

    Shaolin Temple of Zen

    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting Shaolin Temple of Zen, photographs by Justin Guariglia’s on February 2nd to March 29th, 2008 at the Otis College of Art and Design, Ben Maltz Gallery, in Los Angeles, CA. The events include:
    FEB 2: Public Reception with special kung fu and calligraphy demonstration by Shaolin Monk Shi De Chao from Henan, China, followed by a book signing.
    FEB 4: Conversation with photographer Justin Guariglia of National Geographic Traveler; Gene Ching, Associate Publisher of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine; and Craig Reid, martial arts film historian, fight choreographer and martial artist.
    FEB 25: Cultural Representation in the Media - A panel discussion with Felix Guiteirrez, Lena Chao-Young, Clint C. Wilson II and led by Otis Director of Art History Parme Guitini.
    FEB 29: Film Screening - Double feature introduced by Craig Reid: 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) and Eight Diagram Pole Fighter (1983).

    In cooperation with, and

    Tiger Claw named Official Sponsor of the U.S. Wushu National Team

    Tiger Claw has been named the Official Sponsor of both the Men’s and Women’s U.S. Wushu National Team and the Official Martial Arts Supplier for the United States of America Wushu Kungfu Federation (USAWKF). Both sponsorships will last until 2009. This will cover two major international modern wushu competitions that will be held in Beijing, China: the 9th World Wushu Championships from November 10-18, 2007 and the Wushu Tournament Beijing from August 21-24, 2008. The Wushu Tournament Beijing will run at the same time as the Olympic Games.

    In cooperation with
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    A Bay Area double-header

    For those in the S.F. Bay Area, we have two Tiger Claw Foundation events this weekend.

    Qigong Symposium and Training Workshop
    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the Qigong Symposium and Training Workshop on October 11-12, 2008 at Ohlone College in Newark, CA. For more information, visit their official website.
    In cooperation with, Chinese Health Qigong Association, and

    Annual Chess Kings Celebrity & Scholarship Tournament
    The Tiger Claw Foundation is supporting the Annual Chess Kings Celebrity & Scholarship Tournament on October 11th, 2008 at the Cow Palace in Daly City, CA.
    In cooperation with

    I'll be at both on Saturday - I'll be at the Chess Kings in the morning and the Qigong Symposium that afternoon. If you make it out and see me, say 'hi'
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    I recant

    The HHCF event has been postponed to FEB 28.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    In today's World Journal

    中國氣功團 帶來4套練功法
    展開健身、文化交流 盼在經濟不景氣時能給美國人「打氣」


    氣功是中華傳統文化的重要組成部分。源自中國的氣功,在各界人士積極推廣下,正在走向世界。中國氣功代表團 首次訪問美西地區,為民眾帶來親身學習健身氣功的良機。

    中國氣功代表團7日上午在歐羅尼學院(Ohlone College)紐華克新校區舉行記者會,介紹此次訪美活動。代表團由中國氣功協會主席呂實明率領,一行8 人,於6日抵達灣區。代表團將在灣區展開7天的健身、氣功和文化交流活動。他們還將於11日及12日在歐羅 尼學院紐華克校區舉行為期2天的健身氣功研習班。此次活動由歐羅尼學院、少林真功、功夫太極雜誌社共同主辦 。

    呂實明表示,這是中國官方氣功代表團首次訪問美西地區,希望把氣功健身方法介紹給美國民眾,通過此次訪問讓 大家對氣功有初步的認識。他並表示,期望能以此次訪問為契機,在今後與美國方面展開關於氣功健身的長期合作 。

    代表團此次帶來四套經中國氣功協會創編推廣的健身氣功法,分別是易筋經、八段錦、六字訣和五禽戲。呂實明表 示,這四套練功法經過創新改革,更適合現代人的需要;在節奏、力量、情緒及組織等方面,將傳統套路串編在一 起,整套動作在短時間內就可練完。

    「少林真功」主席徐德正表示,氣功對健康有好處,在經濟不景氣時期,希望氣功能給美國人「打氣」。他指出, 練氣功具有調節睡眠、消化系統、呼吸系統及氣血運行,改善人們行為模式,增強內在修養等功效。

    功夫雜誌社社長簡琪表示,美國的醫療健保體系面臨困境,加上大氣環境問題,更需要民眾保持健康的身體,才能 應對各種挑戰;她指出,練習健身氣功是強身健體的有效途徑。

    當天記者會上,中國氣功代表團成員現場表演八段錦和五禽戲,還帶領全場人士共同練習健身氣功的基本入門動作 。

    中國氣功代表團將舉辦兩場氣功講座,其中11日上午9時至11時講授六字訣,下午2時至5時講授八段錦;1 2日上午9時至11時講授易筋經,下午2時至5時講授五禽戲。地點:Fremont Meeting Center, Ohlone College, Newark Campus。地址:39399 Cherry Street, Newark, CA。
    You know me. I can't resist babelfishing this.

    Gui the great J7 ら kitchen is old

    The fragrance \ 琌 い stomach senate ゅ て contains 璶 cabin THETA field だ C Fang Zhiぐ halberd cold fragrance \ AbU throat Hh 縩 to cut down collapses approximately UA タ bǐV@ umbrella C い petal fragrance \ the N xu reed evil to bestow on X does obeisance ﹁a postscript A ya to collect tide a luxurious ㄓ gram ō stable plan amine ō fragrance \} knack C

    い petal fragrance \ N xu 7 ら W と the b crops mildew ェ stable 皘] Ohlone College^ Gui great J 穝 gazes slender|︽li Tan|A ざ remnant merit bestows on X “saves CN xu to disobey gorgeously ぐ counterfeits a trademark the fragrance \ midge|D 畊 the f turtle 瞯 braises A@ ︽8HA6 ら ╄ 笷 芖 postscript CN xu the false Nb 芖 postscript 甶 秨 7 ぱ to shout that law B fragrance \ ㎝ ゅ て ユ 瑈 “saves CL pond companion N11 ら の 12 ら b crops mildew ェ stable 皘 Gui great J to gaze slender|︽before 2 ぱ shouted that law fragrance \ the emaciated too ZC merit dried meat “the Saint duck shifts attacks ь|B ぶ 狶 痷 \ B \ ひ び cuts down steamed bread 粁 bunch of @PD quick C

    the f turtle depends **** dividing watercourses A 硂 琌 い petal ﹛よ fragrance \ the N xu reed evil to bestow on X does obeisance ﹁a postscript A ticket da monkey fragrance \ the amine ō よ 猭 ざ remnant petal チ Bohai Sea A 硄 筁 merit to bestow on but actually X does obeisance four stringed instrument j to produce last of the ten Heavenly Stems fragrance \ TAU xi B hang {the ether CL anchor to depend the **** dividing watercourses A stamp to distinguish lang the H merit to bestow on X does obeisance short pure ao Ab さ yi P petal よ tablet i 秨 Fujian zhong fragrance \ amine ō Dan Hantan to poke X@C

    N xu mast merit vice-a ㄓ|甅 竒 い petal fragrance \ midge|Receives 絪 collapses approximately shouted that law fragrance \ 猭 A だ O 琌 bao 竒 BK jade 繟 B せ r 砕 ㎝ き 竀 the fence Cf turtle depends **** dividing watercourses A 硂|What 甅 絤 does \ 猭 竒 筁 receive 穝 э gets sick A fou AX 瞷 NH hang e nFb to steal negligent BO 秖 B thin fox の cabin foothill Shan よbo a 盢 stomach senate 甅 to separate ﹃絪 b@ ringworm A Ju 甅ba @b 祏 · to defend Ni 絤 чc

    u ぶ 狶 痷 \ the vD 畊 畗 fine white silk タ depends **** dividing watercourses A fragrance \ decyl amine 眃 τn 矪 Ab 竒 flower bud ぃ spring Ningpo gauze dysentery A ticket beautiful fragrance \ sigh palace petal Hu ゴ luxuriant vCLXA 絤 the fragrance \ ㄣ TAU straw to steal He 痸b the て ╰ senate B㊣l╰ senate の stalk to raise high B ︽Aэ to H liver moss rao concave Yao A糤 眏 ず b clumsy i Shan \mo C

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    Satirizes ぱ li Tan|WA い petal fragrance \ N xu mast ō 瞷 at the beginning of che tK jade 繟 ㎝ き 竀 fence A near 盿 braises at the beginning of Hh@P 絤 plan amine ō fragrance \ to shout that the chin protects J active @C

    い petal fragrance \ N xu false N 羭 quick ㄢ at the beginning of fragrance \ quantity 畒 A ㄤ い 11 ら W と 9 scratch with the finger 11 dodges compares Gansu Shanghai r 砕 AU と 2 to scratch with the finger 5 dodges compares Gansu K jade 繟 F12 ら W と 9 to scratch with the finger 11 dodges compares leaks bao 竒 AU と 2 to scratch with the finger 5 dodges compares Gansu 竀 fence Ca 翴 GFremont Meeting Center, Ohlone College, Newark CampusCa} G39399 Cherry Street, Newark, CAC
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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