Hi guys
Also, check out these 10 pages of Miao Dao variant number 1, a 2-handed saber form taught in China and dating from the early 17th century:
Warning: LARGE pics (So have a coffee break) and in Chinese only
The above form incorporates a lot of flowing, circular and sweeping moves and really exudes a lot of grace.
Its lineage is:
Founder: Shaolin Monk Cheng Zongyou (1561 - early 1600s?)
> Wu Shu (active : 1670s)
> Mr Yang (no name recorded, only surname is known; active: late 1800s ??)> Xie Jinfen (active: late 1800s - early 1900s)
> Liu Yuchun (active: 1920s-30s and instructor at the Nanking Central Martial Arts Academy)
> Guo Changsheng (active: 1920s-30s and instructor at the Nanking Central Martial Arts Academy)
> Guo Ruixiang (Guo Changsheng's son, still alive in his 70s)
There is a spin-off of this form, created by Guo Changsheng (mentioned above), which is a combination with Piguan Quan (Pigua Fists), and it's called the Miao Dao variant number 2, a Mainland Chinese official competition level form, which you can download the acrobat pdf files at:
Thomas Chen