Quote Originally Posted by BPWT View Post
Personally, I don't think of our training as 'anti-boxing'.

It doesn't matter to me what name we give to a given strike. In the clip I posted my interest was in what was happening - not what we 'call' the initial attack.

So if you guys say, "Hey, that's not a hook." Okay, so it's not a hook. And?

I didn't post it as an example of 'how to beat a boxer'. A guy swings a punch, the other guy shows a method of dealing with it.

Whether a hook was there or not wasn't really the point. But if panties are in a twist, don't worry about it.

Do people here train their Wing Chun specifically to deal with a trained boxer?

I don't. And I don't train to deal specifically with any particular type of professional fighter.
Actually, i wasnt starting this post in response to yours. Theres been a million "anti-boxing" clips put up here