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Thread: Beaten to death - one punch kill

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Slightly OT

    Two blows, but he was a martial arts expert.

    Mark Bloomfield 'killed by martial arts expert with two blows'
    13 minutes ago

    Mark Bloomfield died two days after being found injured outside a pub in Swansea

    A charity worker died after being struck by a martial arts expert with two "ferocious" blows following an argument in a pub, a court has heard.

    Mark Bloomfield, 54, who had previously worked as a special assistant to Mother Theresa, was found injured outside the Full Moon pub on the High Street in Swansea in July.

    He died two days later.

    Colin Payne, 61 and from the city, denies murder but has admitted manslaughter.

    Swansea Crown Court heard Mr Bloomfield had been sitting on a stool at the bar near Mr Payne and his partner.

    The jury was shown CCTV of a can of alcohol Mr Bloomfield was holding touching the back of Mr Payne's partner, and Mr Payne is then seen arguing with Mr Bloomfield before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the floor.

    He then kicked him in the head "for good measure", prosecuting barrister Christopher Clee QC said.

    He told the jury it will be up to them to decide whether Mr Payne "overreacted."

    Mr Bloomfield is then seen sitting back in his seat while Mr Payne's partner attempts to keep him away from the charity worker. Mr Payne then follows Mr Bloomfield outside.

    Head injury 'immediately apparent'

    A second CCTV clip shown to the jury showed Mr Bloomfield arguing with Mr Payne outside the premises.

    Mr Clee said the footage shows Mr Payne "spoiling for a fight" before "delivering two powerful blows in quick succession to Mark Bloomfield's face" which knock him to the ground.

    The court heard Mr Payne then returned to the pub while Mr Bloomfield was treated by paramedics.

    Mr Clee says it was "immediately apparent" Mr Bloomfield had sustained a "very serious head injury".

    "Blood was coming from inside his nose, his mouth, and very significantly, his ear," Mr Clee said, adding he sustained a "traumatic brain injury and multiple fractures across his face".

    The incident took place in Swansea's High Street

    Mr Payne gave "no comment" answers during his first police interview but in the second he said he did not intend to kill or cause grievous bodily harm to Mr Bloomfield, the court heard.

    Mr Payne said he was "acting in self-defence of another" when he threw Mr Bloomfield to the floor and kicked him, "inadvertently" striking him on the head.

    He said Mr Bloomfield "offered to fight me outside" and, concerned he may have had a weapon such as a glass, followed him.

    In his statement, Mr Payne said he threw two punches as he thought Mr Bloomfield was about to strike him.

    Mr Clee said the claims of self defence were "desperate attempts to cover up what he'd done" and his "martial arts expertise means he knew how to hurt somebody."

    The prosecution is expected to continue with its case on Tuesday before the defence begins on Wednesday.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #17
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on Payne

    If this wasn't so tragic, 'Payne'...really?

    Colin Payne 'truly remorseful', pub row murder case hears
    2 hours ago

    Mark Bloomfield died two days after being found injured outside a pub in Swansea

    A martial arts expert accused of murdering a 54-year-old man following a row in a pub is "truly remorseful", a court has heard.

    Colin Payne, 61, has admitted the manslaughter of Mark Bloomfield outside the Full Moon pub in Swansea in July, but denies murder.

    Mr Bloomfield was found injured outside the pub after two "ferocious" blows to the face, Swansea Crown Court heard.

    The defence chose not to present any evidence and Mr Payne did not testify.

    Judge Paul Thomas QC told the jury that decision was Mr Payne's "absolute right".

    "The prosecution brings an allegation of murder and therefore the prosecution have to prove it. Mr Payne does not have to prove anything," he told the jury.

    Jonathan Rees QC, defending, said Mr Payne accepted responsibility for Mr Bloomfield's death and "he's truly remorseful for it."

    However, he said: "The prosecution goes beyond that. They set out to prove that Mr Payne acted with a murderous intent, and they ask you to conclude that they are sure of it.

    "On the evidence of those two simple punches alone."

    He described Mr Bloomfield's behaviour in the pub as "erratic" and "unpredictable", and said he caused a young couple to leave the pub only eight minutes after entering by making them feel "uncomfortable".

    Mr Rees said Mr Bloomfield made a "gesture" with his fists towards Mr Payne and told the court it was the victim who suggested the pair step outside after a row over whether a can of alcohol touched Mr Payne's partner's back.

    The incident took place in Swansea's High Street

    He said Mr Bloomfield was seen "pointing to the door" of the pub on CCTV and once outside, he "turns to the left, he places his bag down and he turns to face Mr Payne".

    In a police interview, Mr Payne said he "didn't want anything like this to happen".

    "If I could turn the clock back, believe me I would. There's not a day goes by that I don't regret what I did," he said.

    Christopher Clee QC, prosecuting, earlier told the jury Mr Payne was not acting in self defence, despite initially claiming so in a statement to police.

    "At no stage was he involved with a fight with Mark Bloomfield. He was unlawfully assaulted inside and outside the pub by the defendant."

    The jury was shown CCTV of a can of alcohol Mr Bloomfield was holding touching the back of Mr Payne's partner - Mr Payne is then seen arguing with Mr Bloomfield before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the floor.

    Mr Bloomfield is then seen sitting back in his seat while Mr Payne's partner attempts to keep him away. Mr Payne then follows Mr Bloomfield outside.

    A second CCTV clip showed Mr Bloomfield arguing with Mr Payne outside the premises before Mr Payne knocked Mr Bloomfield to the ground.

    The court heard Mr Payne then returned to the pub while Mr Bloomfield was treated by paramedics.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #18
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Payne found guilty

    Colin Payne guilty of Mark Bloomfield pub row murder
    4 December 2019

    Mark Bloomfield died two days after being found injured outside a pub in Swansea

    A martial arts expert has been found guilty of murdering a charity worker after a row in a pub.

    Mark Bloomfield, 54, who had previously worked as a special assistant to Mother Theresa, was found injured outside the Full Moon pub on High Street in Swansea in July.

    He died two days later.

    Colin Payne, 61 and from the city, had admitted manslaughter claiming self defence but was found guilty of murder by a jury at Swansea Crown Court.

    He will be sentenced on Thursday and was told to expect a life sentence.

    The court heard Payne previously admitted perverting the course of justice by watching CCTV footage of the murder from behind the bar, ripping the computer out and throwing it over the back wall of the pub - though police were able to retrieve it.

    Colin Payne tried to destroy CCTV footage of the murder

    The jury found Payne guilty of murder after deliberating for less than an hour.

    The trial had heard he followed Mr Bloomfield out of the pub and knocked him to the floor after a can of alcohol held by the charity worker touched Payne's partner's back - all of which was caught on the pub's CCTV.

    After Payne was found guilty, the court was told he was convicted of common assault in 2009 when he grabbed a hotel employee by the throat, and of affray for an incident involving his ex-wife last year for which he received a six-month sentence.

    The court was also told about an incident the night before the murder at the same pub, for which Payne was not charged after no criminal convictions were brought against him, when he grabbed the throat of another man at the bar until he fell to the ground unconscious.

    The court was disrupted as a person in the public gallery said this was "all for the papers", before addressing the convicted directly: "Colin, I loves you" and leaving the courtroom.

    The defence chose not to present any evidence during the trial and Payne did not testify.

    In a police interview, Payne said he "didn't want anything like this to happen".

    "If I could turn the clock back, believe me I would. There's not a day goes by that I don't regret what I did," he said.

    Christopher Clee QC, prosecuting, earlier told the jury Payne was not acting in self defence, despite initially claiming so in a statement to police.

    "At no stage was he involved with a fight with Mark Bloomfield. He was unlawfully assaulted inside and outside the pub by the defendant."

    The court was told a leaflet at Payne's home advertised his services as a martial arts expert.
    Sounds like Payne was a backyard 'expert'. No diss against backyard practitioners - some of them are great. But others might not know control.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    Sounds like Payne was a backyard 'expert'. No diss against backyard practitioners - some of them are great. But others might not know control.
    You don't even need to be an expert at anything to kill someone inadvertently or intentionally.
    Human beings are remarkably soft and easy to kill.
    We, as martial artists should consider this more especially those of us who still try to satisfy our ego during sparring and such.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  5. #20
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    You don't even need to be an expert at anything to kill someone inadvertently or intentionally.
    For sure. I don't track inadvertent one punch kills on the newsfeeds, just martial arts, so stuff like this pops. That being said, looking at those pix, Payne had Bloomfield way outgunned. A so-called martial arts expert should've shown more restraint.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #21
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    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    For sure. I don't track inadvertent one punch kills on the newsfeeds, just martial arts, so stuff like this pops. That being said, looking at those pix, Payne had Bloomfield way outgunned. A so-called martial arts expert should've shown more restraint.

    I know that one should not underestimate anybody based purely on their appearance, but...I’m pretty sure that the “martial arts expert” took it as far as he did BECAUSE he knew the guy was an easy target. The only thing that would have restrained him is if he thought he could possibly lose or get hurt himself.

  7. #22
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Jonathan Dargan

    Another example from a U.K. pub.

    Martial arts instructor jailed for one punch killing
    Jonathan Dargan (49) found guilty of manslaughter of Patrick Mullally (56) in Dublin
    about 4 hours ago
    Declan Brennan

    Jonathan Dargan (49): jailed for manslaughter. Photograph: Collins Courts

    A professional martial arts instructor who killed an innocent passerby with a single punch in a late night street assault has been jailed for 5½ years.

    Jonathan Dargan (49) was found guilty of the manslaughter of Patrick Mullally (56) by knocking him to the ground with a punch after he victim and another man stopped to intervene in a drunken row between Dargan and his girlfriend.

    Mr Mullally and Shane Cunningham had been out celebrating Mr Mullally’s recent retirement from Guinness when they encountered Dargan on the Harold’s Cross Road in Dublin at about 4am on March 6th, 2016.

    When Dargan began “swinging” punches, Mr Mullally put his hands up to shield himself. At least one punch connected with him, shattering his jaw and cheekbone and knocking him to the ground. Mr Mullally suffered a subdural haemorrhage and brain trauma due to a blunt trauma to the face and head and died the next day.

    Dargan, of Belfry Manor, Citywest, Dublin, denied the unlawful killing of Mr Mullally. He also denied assault causing harm to Mr Cunningham and to Mr Mullally’s niece, Lauren Mullally, during the same incident.

    The defendant, a Taekwondo instructor who had worked as a doorman at Lillie’s Bordello nightclub for two decades, admitted “lashing out” with a punch. He claimed that he was surrounded by the men and felt in fear and was acting in self-defence.

    Dublin Circuit Criminal Court heard that Dargan shouted “bang bang” as he threw “fairly powerful” punches at the men.

    Ms Justice Pauline Codd said this was a particularly chilling aspect of the case and evidence of a man who was in control of the situation and not somebody in fear. She said the jury had rejected Dargan’s defence and that the independent CCTV evidence also showed this not to be the case.


    She noted that Dargan’s martial arts training meant he had a knowledge of the force and impact of his own strength and capacity. She said for a man with this strength and capacity to strike a defenceless and intoxicated man was an aggravating factor.

    She said the victims were entirely innocent and had approached Dargan to assist a woman and to “do the honourable thing”. The violence was unwarranted and Dargan was angry and in a state of intoxication.

    A passing cyclist told the trial that when he earlier stopped by the rowing couple, Dargan told him he to “f**k off and mind his own business” and that “he’d kill him or stamp on his head on the ground”.

    Ms Justice Codd noted in mitigation that Dargan had led a blameless life up to this point and that he had shown great support and strength to his family when his mother was the innocent victim of a fatal shooting by a neighbour. The killer was later found not guilty by reason of insanity.

    She suspended the final six months of a six year prison term.

    In a statement outside the court, Mr Mullally’s sister Mary Mullally thanked the judge, jury, witnesses, prosecution and others on behalf of the family for contributing to “getting Paddy justice”.

    “We’ll be forever grateful,” she said. “Four years later we’re still absolutely devastated by the loss of our beloved Paddy. His life revolved around being a devoted dad, caring brother, fun uncle and a cherished friend.

    “We as a family miss him everyday but there is also a huge group of friends who are grieving alongside us. No matter what happened today, sadly we’re left with a life sentence.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #23
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on Dargan

    Martial arts instructor jailed for killing 'beloved' innocent dad with one punch

    We’ve been left devastated by Paddy’s loss, says family

    Jonathan Dargan. Photo: Collins Courts
    Declan Brennan

    January 30 2020 02:30 AM

    A professional martial arts instructor who killed an innocent passer-by with a single punch in a late-night street assault has been jailed for five and a half years.

    Jonathan Dargan (49) was found guilty of killing Patrick 'Paddy' Mullally (56) by knocking him to the ground with a punch after the victim and another man had stopped to intervene in a drunken row Dargan was having with his girlfriend.

    Speaking after sentencing at the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court yesterday, Mr Mullally's family said they were the ones who had been left with a life sentence.

    "Four years later, we're still absolutely devastated by the loss of our beloved Paddy.

    "His life revolved around being a devoted dad, caring brother, fun uncle and a cherished friend," they said in a statement.

    "We as a family miss him every day but there is also a huge group of friends who are grieving alongside us.

    "No matter what happened today, sadly we're left with a life sentence."

    Mr Mullally and another man, Shane Cunningham, had been out celebrating Mr Mullally's retirement from Guinness weeks earlier when they encountered Dargan on the Harold's Cross Road, Dublin, about 4am on March 6, 2016.

    When Dargan began "swinging" punches, Mr Mullally put his hands up to shield himself. At least one punch connected with him, shattering his jaw and cheekbone and knocking him to the ground.

    Mr Mullally suffered a subdural haemorrhage and brain trauma due to a blunt trauma to the face and head and died the next day.

    The defendant, a taekwondo instructor who worked as a doorman at Lillie's Bordello nightclub for two decades, admitted "lashing out" with a punch. He claimed he was surrounded by the men, felt in fear and was acting in self-defence.

    The court was told that Dargan shouted "bang bang" as he threw "fairly powerful" punches at the men.

    Ms Justice Pauline Codd said this was a particularly chilling aspect of the case and evidence of a man who was in control of the situation and not somebody in fear.

    She said the jury had rejected Dargan's defence that he was in fear and felt he was being surrounded and that independent CCTV evidence also showed this not to be the case.

    The judge noted that Dargan's martial arts training meant he had a knowledge of the force and impact of his own strength and capacity. She said for a man with this strength and capacity to strike a defenceless and intoxicated man was an aggravating factor.

    She said the victims were entirely innocent and had approached Dargan to assist a woman and to "do the honourable thing".

    The violence was unwarranted and Dargan was in a state of intoxication and an angry mood.

    A cyclist told the trial that when he had earlier stopped as the couple were rowing, Dargan had told him to "f*** off and mind his own business" and that "he'd kill him or stamp on his head on the ground".

    Judge Codd noted in mitigation that Dargan had led a blameless life up to that point and that he had shown great support and strength to his family when his own mother was the innocent victim of a fatal shooting by a neighbour.

    She suspended the final six months of a six-year prison term.

    Dargan, of Belfry Manor, City*west, Dublin, denied the unlawful killing of Mr Mullally. He also denied assault causing harm to Mr Cunningham and to Mr Mullally's niece, Lauren Mullally, during the same incident.

    At the sentence hearing on Monday, Vincent Heneghan SC, defending, said his client did not drink regularly and was very intoxicated on the night of the attack.

    Irish Independent
    Such a senseless waste
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #24
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    punched once

    U.S. airman is killed by MMA fighter in brawl outside Florida bar, officials say
    Dayvon Larry, 31, who died after being punched once, did not appear to have much to do with an ongoing altercation when he was hit, police said.

    April 11, 2023, 5:34 PM PDT
    By Dennis Romero

    An amateur mixed martial arts fighter is accused in the death of a U.S. airman who was fatally struck outside a Florida bar.

    Ross Johnson, 23, of Carterville, Illinois, has been charged with manslaughter in the death of Air Force Airman 1st Class Dayvon Larry, 31, of Malone, Florida, authorities said Tuesday.

    It was not immediately clear whether Johnson had legal representation, and the area public defender did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    The Coyote Ugly Saloon in Panama City Beach, Fla.Google Maps

    Fights broke out Sunday both outside and inside the Coyote Ugly Saloon. Larry did not participate but may have known someone involved in an argument that preceded the fights, according to an incident report from the Panama City Beach Police Department.

    Larry was punched once in a parking lot near the bar, police said.

    Security personnel broke up the fight outside, found Larry and called first responders, who administered CPR before they took him to a hospital, where he died, police said.

    Johnson was identified as a suspect based on security video, police said. Investigators said he gave conflicting narratives about what led up to his altercation with Larry but ultimately confessed, police said in a statement.

    Coyote Ugly did not respond to a request for comment.

    Larry was from Malone, a small town 70 miles north of Panama City Beach, police said.

    A spokesperson for Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, confirmed an airman died Monday but did not identify the person.

    Police identified Johnson as an MMA fighter.

    Dennis Romero
    Dennis Romero is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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