I think Shifu Jørn Brandt mainly studies Kung Fu now and he is very specialiced in Long Quan Pai. I could give you his website but it's in danish and I don't know if you'll get much out of it.

When Shigong Chen Gung Li (Brandts former teacher) fled China in 1972. Brandt was the first non-asian to study Long Quan Pai (Dragon Fist?maybe special type D F) that's why he one of the highest graduated in the world. 6.Toan (don’t know how good that is.) (I don't know if it's all tru, but I pretty sure it is)

One last thing I did not study Wing Tsun, but I do know quite a bit about it. I’m thinking about it though.

I also think you have to study Long Quan Pai before you can move on to another style.