Well since everyone has got me hyped up :) I think i'll post what i am thinking about. i HATE to lift weights :) But i still think i could go and do it if i have some agenda to get stronger like i really want to know, however all these excersizes you mention seem to involve a LOT of muscle growth, and wouldnt that make me heavy as hell? I know this may sound weird but i dont want to gain too much muscle, although i can take on at least 10Kgs without worrying. But the reason i ask is because i will be competing in TKD tournements and i have to worry about weightclasses, and the last thing i want is to go into the heavyweight devision. I'd also like to know what a deadlift is :) I recognized most of the other excersizes being mentioned. And also will this all work when i have no lifting partner? I really dont think i can get myself a weight lifting partner cause i'm pretty new both at my gym and at my neighborhood. Replies greatly appreciated :)

Free thinkers are dangerous.