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04-20-2011, 11:46 AM
This place is great!


04-20-2011, 11:48 AM
I don't think it's fair that Gene hasn't really been showing his face in the crazy people threads. :D

Where are you Gene!? Come out to visit the crazies! Are you scare!?

04-20-2011, 11:49 AM
maybe gene has been here all along?? :eek:

David Jamieson
04-20-2011, 11:51 AM
Put the bong down and finish those tps reports man.

geez, you're gonna get fired!


04-20-2011, 11:52 AM
lol kungfu gives you leet skeelz for dodgin work and having fun to get paid...thats the real secret of my martial arts

04-20-2011, 11:55 AM
just to keep this thread on topic...


04-20-2011, 12:00 PM

04-20-2011, 02:16 PM
Lucas, I'm busy trying to make some deadlines this week *and* in dialog with CYMac about the situation. :(

Glad you're having fun here. Please enjoy our forums.

04-20-2011, 02:33 PM
in dialog with CYMac about the situation.

this calls for a photoshop!


taai gihk yahn
04-20-2011, 02:45 PM
Lucas, I'm...in dialog with CYMac about the situation. :(
situation? SITUATION?!? he's a Celestial Master who received his training directly from the Taoverse Deities, offers Exorcism services on-line and thinks his forms are above being critiqued; I mean, he's PERFECT for this place!!! Don't let him change a singe THING!!!

04-20-2011, 03:10 PM
I mean, he's PERFECT for this place!!! Don't let him change a singe THING!!! I am inclined to agree. I'm trying to convince him to stay.

this calls for a photoshop! I am inclined to disagree. You should be punished for your photoshop fu. Punished!

04-20-2011, 03:48 PM
I think im the only person who actually welcomed him on his first posting thread. Im no meanie! Like i said, you guys are like wolves or sharks...or wolfsharks...maybe sharkwolves but thats just odd..

04-20-2011, 03:52 PM
Oh and Gene, I always have fun here ;)

taai gihk yahn
04-20-2011, 03:52 PM
I think im the only person who actually welcomed him on his first posting thread. Im no meanie! Like i said, you guys are like wolves or sharks...or wolfsharks...maybe sharkwolves but thats just odd..

yeah, but c'mon - the only way to take him at all seriously is to ignore pretty much everything about him, especially what's on his website - you'd basically have to pretend he's someone else; and what fun would that be, I ask you?

taai gihk yahn
04-20-2011, 03:55 PM
I am inclined to disagree. You should be punished for your photoshop fu. Punished!

if anyone should be punished for his photoshop fu, it should be CYMac!


04-20-2011, 03:57 PM
yeah, but c'mon - the only way to take him at all seriously is to ignore pretty much everything about him, especially what's on his website - you'd basically have to pretend he's someone else; and what fun would that be, I ask you?

if everyone was mean to him he wouldnt even stayed at all though. :mad:

you're welcome. :p

taai gihk yahn
04-20-2011, 03:59 PM
if everyone was mean to him he wouldnt even stayed at all though. :mad:

I don't think he's going anywhere - he'll justify everyone who's "against" him to fit his Weltanschauung; I mean, he's already done the "multiple storm-off", so I think he'll stick around in order to feed his martyr complex (he's very similar to Hendrick in his attitude)

04-20-2011, 04:00 PM
I don't think he's going anywhere - he'll justify everyone who's "against" him to fit his Weltanschauung; I mean, he's already done the "multiple storm-off", so I think he'll stick around in order to feed his martyr complex (he's very similar to Hendrick in his attitude)

so what you are saying is he fits in and fills a void lol

04-20-2011, 04:05 PM
tgy, you have been the only one so far named specifically as offensive. I'm sure you're proud of that. Friggin' sharkwolf.

04-20-2011, 04:12 PM
hahaha busted! TGY is officially a sharkwolf.

04-20-2011, 04:22 PM
So. . .

*looks around*

What did I miss?

Been lurking a bit trying to catch up. . .

I have no words.

04-20-2011, 04:28 PM
tgy, you have been the only one so far named specifically as offensive.

wait a minute! I have not been accused! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? :mad:

More photoshop clearly is needed

taai gihk yahn
04-20-2011, 05:06 PM
tgy, you have been the only one so far named specifically as offensive. I'm sure you're proud of that. Friggin' sharkwolf.

no, I'm a Fraud Salad...

taai gihk yahn
04-20-2011, 05:07 PM
wait a minute! I have not been accused! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? :mad:

the King is dead; long live the King...

Scott R. Brown
04-20-2011, 07:08 PM
Oh and Gene, I always have fun here ;)

Life is fun and fun is good!!!:)

tgy, you have been the only one so far named specifically as offensive. I'm sure you're proud of that. Friggin' sharkwolf.

Life is SOOOOOOO unfair!:( But that is what makes it fun!

no, I'm a Fraud Salad...

I always thought you were a Freud Salad!:p

04-20-2011, 07:12 PM
if anyone should be punished for his photoshop fu, it should be CYMac!


I like how he still stabs the kid in the front from behind. Its like a photo of an MC Escher (sp?).

04-20-2011, 07:22 PM
Thank you guys for liking my photoshop skills, it's funny eh? haha! :)

04-20-2011, 07:26 PM
FYI - the lady in the photo is Lau Jo Si, she is my fiancee, who live with me now since 2004, she is just the best woman I have ever met in my life. Love her so much. She is very good at gaming too! I think she can play you guys around!

04-20-2011, 07:30 PM
FYI - the lady in the photo is Lau Jo Si, she is my fiancee, who live with me now since 2004, she is just the best woman I have ever met in my life. Love her so much. She is very good at gaming too! I think she can play you guys around!
which one? The little black girl? or the man with the sword?

04-20-2011, 07:30 PM
the King is dead; long live the King...


04-20-2011, 07:32 PM
which one? The little black girl? or the man with the sword?


David Jamieson
04-20-2011, 08:14 PM
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd. ~ The Bard - Hamlet - Act 3/Scene 1 - Soliloquy

04-20-2011, 08:51 PM
I am inclined to agree. I'm trying to convince him to stay.

Gene trying to convince him to stay on the forum

04-20-2011, 08:53 PM
Gene trying to convince him to stay on the forum

Did you get your pills today? I think you are more psyco than that scotty girl! Good job, are you still studying in grade 6 or something and is your dream job a graphic designer? GDA aren't going to accept psyco you know?

04-20-2011, 09:07 PM
I like this guy, he's funny

04-20-2011, 09:09 PM
I like this guy, he's funny

F-king moron, get a life, go for your own mother. I am just feeling more disgusted for this kind of crap. Well yeah, it really show me your skills, good job there. Go on then, show your stupidness.

04-20-2011, 09:18 PM
good job there. Go on

this one is Tao-tastic as well!

04-20-2011, 10:07 PM
F-king moron, get a life, go for your own mother. I am just feeling more disgusted for this kind of crap. Well yeah, it really show me your skills, good job there. Go on then, show your stupidness.

my penus over 2.3 cm log
i rub it gently against your ear

Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 03:31 AM
F-king moron, get a life, go for your own mother. I am just feeling more disgusted for this kind of crap. Well yeah, it really show me your skills, good job there. Go on then, show your stupidness.

Gee Wiz...could you be any MORE of a wuss?

First you cry because we don't like your kung fu and your pretensions to be a Celestial Taoist Master.........

........NOW you are crying because you have competition for who is the most crazy!

If you can't take public ridicule, how can you claim to be a Celestial Master? Don't you understand ANYTHING? Only the exceptionally bizarre are publically ridiculed! Jesus was crucified, Buddha was threatened and ridiculed and Lao Tzu wussed out and hid in the shadows and then disappeared before anyone could ridicule him for his little book of ditties!

All this ridicule you have earned is either a sign that you are either as SPECIAL as you THINK you are.......


You are as SPECIAL as WE think you are!

Either way YOU ARE SPECIAL and SPECIAL people get ALWAYS get SPECIAL treatment!:D

PSST! aside......<If you can stand the ridicule long enough you will be accepted here, regardless of how crazy you are! As you have to have noted........EVERYONE here is crazy in the head! Some more than others. I am sure you MUST have observed....and quite rightly I must add......I am the only sane one in this Zoo! So you KNOW you can trust ME!>

And if you tell anyone I told you any of this I'll deny it and put a Celstial Curse on you!

Now go away you BIG BABY!

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 04:25 AM
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. - Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd. ~ The Bard - Hamlet - Act 3/Scene 1 - Soliloquy

No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Advise the prince; no doubt, an easy tool,
Deferential, glad to be of use,
Politic, cautious, and meticulous;
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse;
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous—
Almost, at times, the Fool.

I grow old … I grow old …
I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled.

Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?
I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach.
I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

I do not think that they will sing to me.

I have seen them riding seaward on the waves
Combing the white hair of the waves blown back
When the wind blows the water white and black.

We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown.
- T.S. Eliot (1888–1965).
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (excerpt)

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 04:26 AM

she looks like her laxative has worked...

04-21-2011, 06:03 AM

04-21-2011, 07:16 AM
what is tao

what is way

when you are able to say or describe it, it is no longer tao.

b/c you limit it.

so tao of no tao

or way of no way.

buddha say do not say

what is wei and what is wu wei

let it be or let it go, let the nature takes its course. that is nature, that is the way, that is the tao--

celestial or not.

que sera sera



ich sag nichts.

everything is nothing. everything is empty.

b/c everything is changing or not permanent.

so buddha said do not say.

what is tao?

let it be and do not answer/say.

if you say it, it is not the tao or the way.

white horse is not horse.

black horse is not horse.


04-21-2011, 07:18 AM
what is tao

what is way

when you are able to say or describe it, it is no longer tao.



Long post... but that's why Taoism must be spread by the knowledgeable one like me or else people all run into poetic stuff like you post.. and they just cloud their mind more and more when they read these poetic and no-way-to-go stuff... Taoism is NOT like that. PLUS Taoism is not like Buddhism, don't mix the two.

04-21-2011, 07:23 AM

we are only chased by our own thought.


like a wind mill. it is a circle.

so both taoist and buddhist

think of nothing

wu or empty.

either tao or chan/zen

tao of no tao

zen of no zen

mind of no mind

mindful on nonmindfulness

aware of non awareness


04-21-2011, 07:26 AM




etc etc


04-21-2011, 07:29 AM

we are only chased by our own thought.


like a wind mill. it is a circle.

so both taoist and buddhist

think of nothing

wu or empty.

either tao or chan/zen

tao of no tao

zen of no zen

mind of no mind

mindful on nonmindfulness

aware of non awareness


At least I gotta tell ya, that's not MY way of TAOISM. My way of Taoism is full of wisdom and thinking, nothing is such as "wu". You got the "western Taoism" only, which is all about new age and BS crap that the western scholars got wrong. Not to be offensive, but those who can mix buddhism and taoism together is not getting Taoism for sure. Taoism is Taoism. Taoism teach you to be wealthy and healthy, Buddhism like suffer and poor, look at what they are doing with all the begging and stuff, stressful life! Not a way for me!

04-21-2011, 07:31 AM
Mr Tao feels persecuted!

04-21-2011, 07:37 AM
taoism is about being natural, if you hunger, you eat, you eat what you have.

buddhism is actively persuing nothing by refraining from 6 of our wants/needs.

taoism is about cleaning our thoughts.

buddism is going beyond that by cleaning our hearts.


buddism is big on compassion. you feed the hungered and help the needed.

taoism does not care, let it be.

if you are rich, you are rich, if you are poor, you are poor, taoism is about not exerting any effort, just whatever whenever.



taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 07:45 AM
SPJ vs. CYMac - the uncarved block vs. the unkneaded dough - where WILL this end???

04-21-2011, 07:51 AM
taoism is about being natural, if you hunger, you eat, you eat what you have.

buddhism is actively persuing nothing by refraining from 6 of our wants/needs.

taoism is about cleaning our thoughts.

buddism is going beyond that by cleaning our hearts.


buddism is big on compassion. you feed the hungered and help the needed.

taoism does not care, let it be.

if you are rich, you are rich, if you are poor, you are poor, taoism is about not exerting any effort, just whatever whenever.



That is why I say you don't have wisdom.

When you are hunger you eat? That's too late you dumbo, you have to cook before you are hungry and eat before you hunger, that is call PLANNING or else you starve and harm your body, learn from wisdom dude, you are not going anywhere by beleiving THIS is Taoism, it's just pure BS what you are talking about.

if you are rich you are rich? if you are poor you are poor? What the hell is this? when you are born, you are with nothing, so you don't get a job and earn you living? I feel sad for whoever you end up marrying with, they are gonna suffer their life like you!

In my way of Taoism, when you are poor, you use your wisdom to gain wealth~ it's because people think like what you typed, they go jobless, sleep on the street, total screwed in life and die by suicide...

Taoism is NOT like what you said, what you said is BS.

David Jamieson
04-21-2011, 08:04 AM
At least I gotta tell ya, that's not MY way of TAOISM. My way of Taoism is full of wisdom and thinking, nothing is such as "wu". You got the "western Taoism" only, which is all about new age and BS crap that the western scholars got wrong. Not to be offensive, but those who can mix buddhism and taoism together is not getting Taoism for sure. Taoism is Taoism. Taoism teach you to be wealthy and healthy, Buddhism like suffer and poor, look at what they are doing with all the begging and stuff, stressful life! Not a way for me!

Taoism is indeed taoism. It doesn't seem to teach you about how to get money and prescribes nothing for your health really. I guess it could be interpreted as such, but so could anything religious in nature. If a person sees their desire fulfilled as a benefit of their religious practice, they are deceiving themselves in actuality and allowing "demons" to rule them.

No offense taken. Taoism as a religion is strange, as a practice difficult and the tao cannot be known and taught, it can only be experienced and words cannot communicate the tao.

There is no such thing as "western taoism". Only taoism. Your idea of what it is is not the same as what someone else's may be.

Those who can mix buddhism and taoism together are called Shaolin. :-) I suppose the don't get it despite having done just that for more than 1000 years and certainly not in the west.

What have you drawn from teh tao te ching that makes you pursue external things such as money?

why do you desire validation in that?

I practice, I post no films, sell no lessons, write no dissertations on what I think of the world and instead observe and perhaps comment now and then. I am unconcerned with validation and more concerned with greater depth of understanding in order to improve my practice and be a better person for it. IN all things, not just Kung Fu, meditation, charity or fraternity.

the simple fact of the matter is this:

Tao is there whether you think it is or not.
Tao is there still and will be there when you are dust.
Your dust IS Tao.

Please explain "western" taoism and how it could possibly be different when it is the same river?

04-21-2011, 08:48 AM
That is why I say you don't have wisdom.

When you are hunger you eat? That's too late you dumbo, you have to cook before you are hungry and eat before you hunger, that is call PLANNING or else you starve and harm your body, learn from wisdom dude, you are not going anywhere by beleiving THIS is Taoism, it's just pure BS what you are talking about.

if you are rich you are rich? if you are poor you are poor? What the hell is this? when you are born, you are with nothing, so you don't get a job and earn you living? I feel sad for whoever you end up marrying with, they are gonna suffer their life like you!

In my way of Taoism, when you are poor, you use your wisdom to gain wealth~ it's because people think like what you typed, they go jobless, sleep on the street, total screwed in life and die by suicide...

Taoism is NOT like what you said, what you said is BS.

if you are actively persuing money, you are ruled by the money.

money is not evil, it is only an instrument.

incentive to work

yes, you work to earn your keeps.

but how much is enough?

we do not need much to feed, clothe and shelter ourself.

we do not need to be a billionare or gazillionare to do just that.


04-21-2011, 08:50 AM
there are other persuits in life.

money is not all of it.

if you see everything via money, you are blinded by the money.

it is like wearing a pair of eyeglasses with dollar signs.


if you may see beyond your bodily need, you find many other things valuable in life.


04-21-2011, 08:51 AM
That is why I say you don't have wisdom.

When you are hunger you eat? That's too late you dumbo, you have to cook before you are hungry and eat before you hunger, that is call PLANNING or else you starve and harm your body, learn from wisdom dude, you are not going anywhere by beleiving THIS is Taoism, it's just pure BS what you are talking about.

if you are rich you are rich? if you are poor you are poor? What the hell is this? when you are born, you are with nothing, so you don't get a job and earn you living? I feel sad for whoever you end up marrying with, they are gonna suffer their life like you!

In my way of Taoism, when you are poor, you use your wisdom to gain wealth~ it's because people think like what you typed, they go jobless, sleep on the street, total screwed in life and die by suicide...

Taoism is NOT like what you said, what you said is BS.

we do not need wisdom to eat.

we just eat.

04-21-2011, 08:53 AM
in short,

taoism is NOT about money or gaining wealth.

we may have wealth in health,

wealth in compassion

wealth in love for others and nature.


taosim is not money.

04-21-2011, 08:56 AM

04-21-2011, 09:35 AM
ive always been curious, Gene, do you get a big kick out of all the photo shop done with your face, i mean its pretty funny stuff...right?

if i were you i would save them all and make a collage :D or print them and make a paper mache tiger out of them!

or are you foaming at the mouth and just biding your time for sweet revenge? lol

04-21-2011, 09:59 AM
SPJ vs. CYMac - the uncarved block vs. the unkneaded dough - where WILL this end???

A wood fired brick oven.

With an accompanying youtube slideshow illustrating the celestial pizzaverse.

Ummmmmmm celestial pizzaverse.

04-21-2011, 10:26 AM
or are you foaming at the mouth and just biding your time for sweet revenge? lol

Gene sent 5 element super ninjas after me but I had my wooden Taoist bullet sword and killed all of them....

04-21-2011, 10:31 AM
Gene sent 5 element super ninjas after me but I had my wooden Taoist bullet sword and killed all of them....

luckily for you they were tiny black evils.

04-21-2011, 10:42 AM
luckily for you they were tiny black evils.

photoshop potential :D


04-21-2011, 11:03 AM
lol get on it man!

Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 11:13 AM
Long post... but that's why Taoism must be spread by the knowledgeable one like me....

THINKING you are knowledgeable does NOT make you knowledgeable!

Taoism is NOT like that. PLUS Taoism is not like Buddhism, don't mix the two.

Uhhhhhh!!!! Yes it is!

You are showing your youth and ignorance again!

I suggest you read the Nei Yei (Inner Training)! You can find it buried deep within the Guan Tzu, but you can also find it translated into English as a separate volume.

It predates Lao Tzu, dating to about 350 B.C. as a written document and some scholars have speculated it may go back as an oral tradition to around 1500 B.C. which, of course, predates Buddha by 800-900 years or so.

It clearly resembles Buddhist thought in many aspects!

Educate yourself if you are going to continue pretending to know what you are talking about and presume to educate others!

All you are doing is spreading your own ignorance to others!!!

Not to be offensive, but those who can mix buddhism and taoism together is not getting Taoism for sure. Taoism is Taoism.


STOP pretending you know what you are talking about!! Your ignorance of the topic you are pretending to be an expert on is MONUMENTAL!!!!! The sad thing is, you have no idea just how ignorant you truly ARE!!!

Buddhism and Taoism meshed, blended, separated, and recombined many many times for over 1,500 years or so in China!!!




SPJ vs. CYMac - the uncarved block vs. the unkneaded dough - where WILL this end???

The Humanity!!!!!

David Jamieson
04-21-2011, 11:20 AM


Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 11:43 AM


Is that YOU saying "Hi!" to my mom?:eek::D:p

I would call you "Daddy", but I think I am older than you!

04-21-2011, 12:19 PM
We seem to have reached an agreement, despite lkfmdc's photosh*t (don't you have bags to kick or something lkfmdc? :rolleyes:). To his credit, he seems to be a sport about it all. I've told him that I won't ban him or anyone else as long as things don't get out of hand. So let's keep it civil, or at least as civil as the wulin gets, and extend CYMac every courtesy here.

Please continue to enjoy our forum!

04-21-2011, 12:24 PM
We seem to have reached an agreement, despite lkfmdc's photosh*t

you actually encouraged him to stay? :eek:

(don't you have bags to kick or something lkfmdc? :rolleyes:).

bags AND sacks :p but I am quick with the photoshop and I am not afraid to use it

To his credit, he seems to be a sport about it all.

dwarf tossing is a sport too, equally as insane

I've told him that I won't ban him or anyone else

I'm sure he begged you to ban me, but then you explained to him I don't actually exist, I am just your mind playing tricks on him

04-21-2011, 12:25 PM
Gene Ching: Grand Ambassador of Peace, Love and Nachos!

04-21-2011, 12:26 PM
Gene Ching: Grand Ambassador of Peace, Love and Nachos!

I'm sure I can photoshop that!

04-21-2011, 12:27 PM
I'm sure I can photoshop that!

I challenge yOU!

04-21-2011, 12:34 PM
in the meantime


Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 12:40 PM
We seem to have reached an agreement, despite lkfmdc's photosh*t (don't you have bags to kick or something lkfmdc? :rolleyes:). To his credit, he seems to be a sport about it all. I've told him that I won't ban him or anyone else as long as things don't get out of hand. So let's keep it civil, or at least as civil as the wulin gets, and extend CYMac every courtesy here.

Please continue to enjoy our forum!

What? We ARE extending him EVERY courtesy!!!

This is how you get accepted into the MANLY KFM forum club!

You get mercilessly harassed!

If you can take it with humor and at least a little bit of aplomb.....you are as good as GOLD!

Look at uki!!!! If we'll accept him, we will accept ANYBODY!!

BTW...I PM'd him this morning and told him I think he is an alright guy even though he is a total NUT!!!!

However, I also told him that most of us here are NUTS!!!!:eek:

I recommended he just take it all with good humor and all this will pass soon....er....eventually!!!!

Or NOT!!!:eek:

Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 12:42 PM
I'm sure he begged you to ban me, but then you explained to him I don't actually exist, I am just your mind playing tricks on him

I always thought you were GOD'S mind playing tricks on EVERYONE!!!

Either that, or you are Leprechauns!:eek:

Which is almost the same thing!

04-21-2011, 12:42 PM
What? We ARE extending him EVERY courtesy!!!

This is how you get accepted into the MANLY KFM forum club!

You get mercilessly harassed!

If you can take it with humor and at least a little bit of aplomb.....you are as good as GOLD!

oh shut up

04-21-2011, 12:43 PM
I always thought you were GOD'S mind playing tricks on EVERYONE!!!

Our lord Gene, who are in kung fu land, hallowed be thy name, they will be done in forum as it is in office, and give us our daily photoshop, and forgive us, as we can't help ourselves

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 12:46 PM
oh shut up

what if he's got a pointed stick?

04-21-2011, 12:47 PM
what if he's got a pointed stick?

you eat the bannanna, thus disarming him

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 12:48 PM
you eat the bannanna, thus disarming him

what if he's got a whole bunch?

04-21-2011, 12:48 PM


I used to recite sutra in sankrit.

all the buddhist chanting would give you headache.

but if you turn it into a song, you may hum sutra along. not really sing along. but humming.


preaching is tough.

rake your own lawn

or mind your own yard.

good idea.



04-21-2011, 12:50 PM
what if he's got a whole bunch?

you shot him!

04-21-2011, 12:51 PM

heart sutra

xin jin.


Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 12:52 PM
oh shut up

I was gonna shut up once but then I got this great idea that I just had to tell everyone but everyone wasn't listening so I had to tell them louder and then they listened but didn't listen at the same time cuz I was so loud all they could think of was how loud I was and so they didn't really get the gist of what I was trying to say so I had to keep telling them over and over again so they could get it but they never really did until a went to each one individually and took them by the face and yelled it into their face but they didn't really like that either so they all punched me first one at a time and than all together and but I just kept trying to tell them my great idea and how great it was and how good it would be for all of them to hear it but they just kept punching and punching until I lost consciousness but eventually I woke up and they were all gone just like that they all disappeared and I never saw any of them again until the next I saw them but they weren't the same guys as the first guys but they were similar cuz they punched me into unconsciousness too and when I woke up they were gone just like the first bunch of guys which is why I am pretty sure they were all the same guys cuz no one can just disappear like that unless they are Leprechauns!!!!

See? It all makes sense if you would just listen to my great idea!!!

You Leprechaun you!!!!!

Do Leprechauns live in the Taoverse do you think?


04-21-2011, 12:53 PM
I was gonna shut up once but then I got this great idea that I just had to tell everyone but everyone wasn't listening so I had to tell them louder and then they listened but didn't listen at the same time cuz I was so loud all they could think of was how loud I was and so they didn't really get the gist of what I was trying to say so I had to keep telling them over and over again so they could get it but they never really did until a went to each one individually and took them by the face and yelled it into their face but they didn't really like that either so they all punched me first one at a time and than all together and but I just kept trying to tell them my great idea and how great it was and how good it would be for all of them to hear it but they just kept punching and punching until I lost consciousness but eventually I woke up and they were all gone just like that they all disappeared and I never saw any of them again until the next I saw them but they weren't the same guys as the first guys but they were similar cuz they punched me into unconsciousness too and when I woke up they were gone just like the first bunch of guys which is why I am pretty sure they were all the same guys cuz no one can just disappear like that unless they are Leprechauns!!!!

See? It all makes sense if you would just listen to my great idea!!!

You Leprechaun you!!!!!

Do Leprechauns live in the Taoverse do you think?


shut up shutting up

04-21-2011, 12:53 PM


04-21-2011, 12:54 PM
Aaryaavalokiteshvara-bodhisattvo gambhiiraayaam prajnaapaaramitaayaam caryaam caramaano vyavalokayati sma: panca skandhaah; taamshca svabhaava-shuunyaan pashyati sma.
-When Holy Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva performed the deep practice in the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom, he contemplated that there were five aggregates but observed that they were devoid of essential nature.

Iha Shaariputra ruupam shuunyataa shuunyataiva ruupam, ruupaan na prithak shuunyataa, shuunyataayaa na prithag ruupam, yad ruupam saa shuunyataa, yaa shuunyataa tad ruupam.
-In this case, Shaariputra, form is voidness and voidness is itself form; voidness is not different from form, and form is not different from voidness; that which is form is voidness, and that which is voidness is form.

Evem eva vedanaa-samjnaa-samskaara-vijnaanaani.
-So it is for perception, conception, volition and consciousness.

Iha Shaariputra sarva-dharmaah shuunyataa-lakshanaa, anutpannaa, aniruddhaa, amalaa, na vimalaa, nonaa, na paripuurnaah.
-In this case, Shaariputra, all things have the characteristics of voidness; they neither arise nor perish; they are neither defiled nor pure, neither deficient nor complete.

Tasmaac Chaariputra shuunyaayaam na ruupam na vedanaa na samjnaa na samskaaraa na vijnaanaani.
-Therefore, Shaariputra, within the voidness, there is no form, no perception, no conception, no volition, nor consciousness.

Na cakshuh-shrotra-ghraana-jihvaa-kaaya-manaamsi.
-Neither is there eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind.

Na ruupa-shabda-gandha-rasa-sprashtavya-dharmaah.
-Neither is there form, sound, smell, taste, touch nor concepts.

Na cakshurdhaatur yaavan na mano-vijnaana-dhaatuh.
-Neither is there realm of sight, etc., until we come to the non-existence of realm of consciousness.

Na vidyaa, naavidyaa, na vidyaa-kshayo, naavidyaa-kshayo, yaavan na jaraa-maranam na jaraamarana-kshayo, na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-maargaa, na jnaanam, na praaptir apraaptitvena.
-Neither is there wisdom, nor ignorance, nor extinction of wisdom, nor extinction of ignorance, etc., until we come to the non-existence of old age and death and the non-extinction of old age and death. Neither is there suffering, cause of suffering, extinction of suffering, nor the path leading to extinction of suffering. Neither is there wisdom nor acquisition because there is no grasping.

Bodhisattvasya prajnaapaaramitaam aashritya viharaty acittaavaranah. Cittaavarana-naastitvaad atrasto, viparyaasaatikraanto nishtha-nirvaanah.
-Depending on the bodhisattva's Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom, one dwells without any mental hindrance. Because of the absence of mental hindrance, one is fearless; freed from delusory thoughts, one will reach Nirvana.

Tryadhva-vyavasthitaah sarvabuddhaah prajnaapaaramitaam aashrityaanuttaraam samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhaah.
-All Buddhas dwelling in the three periods realize the highest, perfect enlightenment depending on the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.

Tasmaaj jnaatavyo prajnaapaaramitaa-mahaamantro mahaavidyaa-mantro 'nuttara-mantro 'samasama-mantrah, sarvadukha-prashamanah, satyam amithyatvaat, prajnaapaaramitaayaam ukto mantrah.
-For this reason, know that the Great Mantra of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom is the Great Wisdom Mantra, the Unsurpassed Mantra, and the Unequaled Mantra. It extinguishes all suffering, and is true and real because it is not false. It is the Mantra proclaimed in the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.

Tad yathaa gate gate paaragate paarasamgate bodhi svaaha.
-Namely, "Gone, gone, gone to the other shore;
Gone completely to the other shore.

Iti prajnaapaaramitaa-hridayam samaaptam.
-Thus ends the Essence of the Transcendent Wisdom Sutra

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 12:54 PM
you shot him!

well, he attacked me with a banana!

04-21-2011, 12:54 PM


04-21-2011, 12:55 PM


Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 12:56 PM
shut up shutting up

I was gonna shut up shutting up once but then I got this great idea that I just had to tell everyone but everyone wasn't listening so I had to tell them louder and then they listened but didn't listen at the same time cuz I was so loud all they could think of was how loud I was and so they didn't really get the gist of what I was trying to say so I had to keep telling them over and over again so they could get it but they never really did until a went to each one individually and took them by the face and yelled it into their face but they didn't really like that either so they all punched me first one at a time and than all together and but I just kept trying to tell them my great idea and how great it was and how good it would be for all of them to hear it but they just kept punching and punching until I lost consciousness but eventually I woke up and they were all gone just like that they all disappeared and I never saw any of them again until the next I saw them but they weren't the same guys as the first guys but they were similar cuz they punched me into unconsciousness too and when I woke up they were gone just like the first bunch of guys which is why I am pretty sure they were all the same guys cuz no one can just disappear like that unless they are Leprechauns!!!!

See? It all makes sense if you would just listen to my great idea!!!

You Leprechaun you!!!!!

Do Leprechauns live in the Taoverse do you think?


04-21-2011, 01:00 PM
I was gonna shut up shutting up once but then I got this great idea that I just had to tell everyone but everyone wasn't listening so I had to tell them louder and then they listened but didn't listen at the same time cuz I was so loud all they could think of was how loud I was and so they didn't really get the gist of what I was trying to say so I had to keep telling them over and over again so they could get it but they never really did until a went to each one individually and took them by the face and yelled it into their face but they didn't really like that either so they all punched me first one at a time and than all together and but I just kept trying to tell them my great idea and how great it was and how good it would be for all of them to hear it but they just kept punching and punching until I lost consciousness but eventually I woke up and they were all gone just like that they all disappeared and I never saw any of them again until the next I saw them but they weren't the same guys as the first guys but they were similar cuz they punched me into unconsciousness too and when I woke up they were gone just like the first bunch of guys which is why I am pretty sure they were all the same guys cuz no one can just disappear like that unless they are Leprechauns!!!!

See? It all makes sense if you would just listen to my great idea!!!

You Leprechaun you!!!!!

Do Leprechauns live in the Taoverse do you think?




Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 01:04 PM


I never had a Labrador, but my mom had a Labrador in fact my mom had two Labradors do you know why they are called Labradors cuz they were bred in Labrador but I always wondered why anyone would want to call a place Labrador when there are plenty of better sounding names for places other than Labrador........

I gotta get some sleep......I'll continue in my sleep and update you on everything when I get up.......hold your breath which I know you will cuz I know you want to know my great idea about why Labrador is called Labrador and not something else that isn't Labrador........

04-21-2011, 01:06 PM
I never had a Labrador, but my mom had a Labrador in fact my mom had two Labradors do you know why they are called Labradors cuz they were bred in Labrador but I always wondered why anyone would want to call a place Labrador when there are plenty of better sounding names for places other than Labrador........

I gotta get some sleep......I'll continue in my sleep and update you on everything when I get up.......hold your breath which I know you will cuz I know you want to know my great idea about why Labrador is called Labrador and not something else that isn't Labrador........


04-21-2011, 01:11 PM
I'm sure he begged you to ban me, but then you explained to him I don't actually exist, I am just your mind playing tricks on himActually you didn't come up. You must be losing your troll fu. ;)

Look at uki!!!! If we'll accept him, we will accept ANYBODY!!True that.

Enjoy our forums everyone! That's my motto for this week.

04-21-2011, 01:14 PM
Actually you didn't come up. You must be losing your troll fu. ;)


taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 01:20 PM
Actually you didn't come up. You must be losing your troll fu. ;)
it's always hard for an old grizzly to accept when a younger one can rub his scent higher up on the tree...

True that.
forget Uki - try HW108 for real longevity and ability to stick it out in the face of public rebuke!

Enjoy our forums everyone! That's my motto for this week.
I can see you repeating that over and over, as you sit in the corner of the white-padded cell (er, sorry, office), eyes wide, hugging your knees to your chest, as you rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

04-21-2011, 01:22 PM
forget Uki - try HW108 for real longevity and ability to stick it out in the face of public rebuke!


04-21-2011, 01:28 PM
twitter believe that there is a text message for everything. or a quote.

youtube believe that there is a video for everything, or video message.


internet believe that there is a link for everything.

forum believe that there is a troll for everything.


thinking, I am thinking

thinker believe that there is a thinking for everything


04-21-2011, 01:30 PM
twitter believe that there is a text message for everything. or a quote.

youtube believe that there is a video for everything, or video message.


internet believe that there is a link for everything.

forum believe that there is a troll for everything.


thinking, I am thinking

thinker believe that there is a thinking for everything



04-21-2011, 01:53 PM
I can see you repeating that over and over, as you sit in the corner of the white-padded cell (er, sorry, office), eyes wide, hugging your knees to your chest, as you rock back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...You sir, were mentioned by name, and I must add the mental image of you and lkfmdc competing at rubbing your scent glands on some poor tree is more disturbing than any of lkfmdc's photosh**. It's also the best metaphor for the situation.

Enjoy our forums everyone!. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!

04-21-2011, 02:02 PM
You sir, were mentioned by name, and I must add the mental image of you and lkfmdc competing at rubbing your scent glands on some poor tree is more disturbing than any of lkfmdc's photosh**. It's also the best metaphor for the situation.

Enjoy our forums everyone!. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!

you know of course that this means WAR :mad:

04-21-2011, 02:04 PM
you know of course that this means WAR :mad:


04-21-2011, 02:14 PM

04-21-2011, 02:21 PM

haha, laugh so hard almost got hernia.

it is Japan--


taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 02:27 PM
You sir, were mentioned by name, and I must add the mental image of you and lkfmdc competing at rubbing your scent glands on some poor tree is more disturbing than any of lkfmdc's photosh**. It's also the best metaphor for the situation.
and yet oddly enough, he friend requested me - maybe he mistook my polemic for an overture to something more cuddly? perhaps he misconstrues derision for affection? how strange...

Enjoy our forums everyone!. Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy!
oh, we do; we do, we do, we do!

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 02:28 PM
you know of course that this means WAR :mad:

how could we ever be at war, my alter-ego doppelgänger?

04-21-2011, 03:20 PM
you know of course that this means WAR :mad:

I'm grabbing a front row seat, a drink and popcorn for this. Now I'm enjoying the forums too. ;)

04-21-2011, 03:28 PM
jackie chan like

"war what is good for? absolutely nothing."

his anti war movie theme in rush hour 3 in france.

and big soldier small general, "da bing xiao jian" in 2010


I just watched a new movie called zhang guo or warring period.

sun bing was depicted as not liking war and jumping to his death for love

pan juan was trapped in ma ling dao or horse tomb path

sun bing plunged to his death thinking that his love was going to marry qi king.

pan juan was qi general defected to wei


there is no bing fa from the teacher ghost valley mister or gui gu zhi.

there is no bing fa from sun bing


sun bing was said to be the grand son of sun wu/ sun zhi


it is an antiwar twist of the whole thing.


04-21-2011, 03:31 PM


taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 03:49 PM
I'm grabbing a front row seat, a drink and popcorn for this. Now I'm enjoying the forums too. ;)

popcorn? POPCORN?!?

Nacho Ninjettes everywhere weep tears of melted cheese...

04-21-2011, 04:49 PM
I'm grabbing a front row seat, a drink and popcorn for this. Now I'm enjoying the forums too. ;)

Well I'll tell you something my lad. When you're walking home tonight and some homicidal maniac comes after you with a bunch of loganberries, don't come crying to me!

taai gihk yahn
04-21-2011, 04:59 PM
Well I'll tell you something my lad. When you're walking home tonight and some homicidal maniac comes after you with a bunch of loganberries, don't come crying to me!

I hate when that happens...

Scott R. Brown
04-21-2011, 07:13 PM
and yet oddly enough, he friend requested me - maybe he mistook my polemic for an overture to something more cuddly? perhaps he misconstrues derision for affection? how strange...

And you can say this after re-showing your cute and cuddily sword form.

Cuddly is the best descripition of that form......well the way you perform it anyway. I'll bet watching that form is what made your wife fall in love with you. And I'll bet she watched it the night your son was conceived!

04-21-2011, 08:30 PM
Gene Ching: Grand Ambassador of Peace, Love and Nachos!

artist's rendering

04-22-2011, 09:07 AM
artist's rendering

omg that is magnificent!!!!!!

04-22-2011, 09:07 AM
popcorn? POPCORN?!?

Nacho Ninjettes everywhere weep tears of melted cheese...
Popcorn is the snack of choice for flame wars.

Silly rabbit. Nachos are for ninjettes.

tgy vs. lkfmdc = popcorn - no ninjettes there. quite the opposite.

Now if only there would be a ninjette flame war, this here forum would really get hits and it would be popcorn dipped in nacho cheese all around.

04-22-2011, 09:11 AM
Popcorn is the snack of choice for flame wars.

Silly rabbit. Nachos are for ninjettes.

tgy vs. lkfmdc = popcorn - no ninjettes there. quite the opposite.

Now if only there would be a ninjette flame war, this here forum would really get hits and it would be popcorn dipped in nacho cheese all around.

So says the god of peace, love and nachos

04-22-2011, 09:17 AM
Now if only there would be a ninjette flame war, this here forum would really get hits and it would be popcorn dipped in nacho cheese all around.

I patiently wait for that day.

04-22-2011, 09:36 AM
I patiently wait for that day.

TGY in a dress? No, really, don't go there

04-22-2011, 10:03 AM
taoism is about being natural, if you hunger, you eat, you eat what you have.

buddhism is actively persuing nothing by refraining from 6 of our wants/needs.

taoism is about cleaning our thoughts.

buddism is going beyond that by cleaning our hearts.


buddism is big on compassion. you feed the hungered and help the needed.

taoism does not care, let it be.

if you are rich, you are rich, if you are poor, you are poor, taoism is about not exerting any effort, just whatever whenever.



Let me respond again to this post -

you don eat when you are hungry, you eat when you are not hungry, because you need to plan your meals and when to eat to avoid over-starve. If you only eat when you are hungry, your body will get weaker and weaker by that over starving.

It's like you don't get a job when you run out of money. You plan your career in school and get a job when you are out of school or even in school time. Then you start off a life like that. If you get done in school then think about getting a job when you need money, that's already too late.

Taoism wisdom is about reality and things that are real, not things that are abstract and pointless. What you wrote are pointless, abstract and not true.

Taoism doesn't teach you how to gain wealth, that's too bad, your way of Taoism is missing a ton of things then. Mine does and that is why people learn from me because it brings them a better life, not suffer like you.

With no wealth, people have stress, with stress, people cannot think straight, cannot act properly, cannot eat well, cannot function well, cannot think well and so there is of course no wisdom gained. To gain wisdom, you must first improve your living style, relief and remove all stress creating factors and correct bad hibits from your life and so you can become positive and very positive to have a good life. That is what my way of Taoism is about, plus I know how to teach it to others as well, and I see it happen too. They did improved and get much better. From a hot headed man to a always happy smiling man.

You better find a better path than that you know now, it's ruining your life because it's not what real Taoism is about.

Again, Taoism is my profession, if you wanna talk Taoism, as long as Gene say it's okay to respond, I am okay to talk and tell ya what I got.

04-22-2011, 10:08 AM
Let me respond again to this post -

you don eat when you are hungry, you eat when you are not hungry, because you need to plan your meals and when to eat to avoid over-starve. If you only eat when you are hungry, your body will get weaker and weaker by that over starving.

It's like you don't get a job when you run out of money. You plan your career in school and get a job when you are out of school or even in school time. Then you start off a life like that. If you get done in school then think about getting a job when you need money, that's already too late.

Taoism wisdom is about reality and things that are real, not things that are abstract and pointless. What you wrote are pointless, abstract and not true.

Taoism doesn't teach you how to gain wealth, that's too bad, your way of Taoism is missing a ton of things then. Mine does and that is why people learn from me because it brings them a better life, not suffer like you.

With no wealth, people have stress, with stress, people cannot think straight, cannot act properly, cannot eat well, cannot function well, cannot think well and so there is of course no wisdom gained. To gain wisdom, you must first improve your living style, relief and remove all stress creating factors and correct bad hibits from your life and so you can become positive and very positive to have a good life. That is what my way of Taoism is about, plus I know how to teach it to others as well, and I see it happen too. They did improved and get much better. From a hot headed man to a always happy smiling man.

You better find a better path than that you know now, it's ruining your life because it's not what real Taoism is about.

Again, Taoism is my profession, if you wanna talk Taoism, as long as Gene say it's okay to respond, I am okay to talk and tell ya what I got.

What do you do again?

04-22-2011, 10:16 AM
continue from the last respond...

Peace and love are achieved by having power and force. In the Tao Te Ching I translated, there is a chapter that talks about weapons, virtues with weapons.

The concept is, to have virtues, you must know how to use weapons. Weapons are not bad and evil, it is what protect you when you need them, when you are in bad times, being threaten, you need weapon to protect you and your family or love ones. Without weapon, you will be dead, your family will be gone and your home will be gone, everything is gone. What happen is you made the bad guy stronger and more confident about his own action, so he go harm more people like you afterward. You are not only harming yourself, your relatives, your love one, but also the world by creating a beast.

To know how to be good in virtue with weapons, you need to know the amount of force you need to be able to protect yourself and others. If the bad guy have a knife, you need a knife or stronger. If they have a gun, you need a gun as well. If you use a bare fist and expect to win, you are day dreaming and RISKING yourself and other's life. That is stupid, not skillful or confident.

With effective force, you and suppress threats and avoid danger, then you will have love and peace. Without force, your peave and love will be gone already. Protect your own love and achieve peace with virtues and weapons. Know the virtues, master the weapons and peace will be with you.

That is why I say kungfu is not good for self defense anymore in the modern days. It's effective in hand to hand combat but not in real life self defense when you are facing robberies, burglars and theives with all these firearms they got in the black market for a few hundred bucks.

04-22-2011, 10:17 AM
i disagree. taichi shotgun form is one of the beginner forms of wombat kombat. u must combine the old witht he new.

04-22-2011, 10:19 AM
i disagree. taichi shotgun form is one of the beginner forms of wombat kombat. u must combine the old witht he new.

Can I learn that from you? how much you charge per lesson?

I only have some rifles, is that still okay with a .22?

04-22-2011, 10:21 AM
That is why I say kungfu is not good for self defense anymore in the modern days. It's effective in hand to hand combat but not in real life self defense when you are facing robberies, burglars and theives with all these firearms they got in the black market for a few hundred bucks.

What if you're attacked with Surprise Buttsecks in the shower?

04-22-2011, 10:24 AM
You have no defense


04-22-2011, 10:24 AM
What if you're attacked with Surprise Buttsecks in the shower?

Don't you know that I got a gun on me all the time even naked? Don't worry, it's a magnum, surely lethal to any body~!

04-22-2011, 10:25 AM
money comes and goes.

just like tides come and go.


i find wealth in music and poetry

music has your emotions, wealth of feeling, touches your soul.

poetry has wisdom, decribing things in a beautiful way or use of languages smartly


I feel rich and wealthy with music and poems.



some find friendship as treasures for life.

in the end, whatever makes you happy.

if it is money for your tao, so be it.



04-22-2011, 10:25 AM
Can I learn that from you? how much you charge per lesson?

I only have some rifles, is that still okay with a .22?

you can look at some bayonet drills on youtube and create your gun kata for tao gunning

04-22-2011, 10:27 AM
Don't you know that I got a gun on me all the time even naked? Don't worry, it's a magnum, surely lethal to any body~!

So does this mean you hide it in your "prison wallet?" :eek:

04-22-2011, 10:29 AM
friend ship for life, one cup of wine

yi sheng qin, yi bei jiu.

some find comfort and treasure in wine


or beer.


04-22-2011, 10:42 AM
you can look at some bayonet drills on youtube and create your gun kata for tao gunning

I thought you teach them and I will be your first student in the class!

04-22-2011, 10:42 AM
So does this mean you hide it in your "prison wallet?" :eek:


04-22-2011, 10:43 AM
i dont teach jook sing

04-22-2011, 10:46 AM

I knew it.

Forrest hides his gun inside his prison wallet. So ghey.

04-22-2011, 10:49 AM
money comes and goes.

just like tides come and go.


i find wealth in music and poetry

music has your emotions, wealth of feeling, touches your soul.

poetry has wisdom, decribing things in a beautiful way or use of languages smartly


I feel rich and wealthy with music and poems.



some find friendship as treasures for life.

in the end, whatever makes you happy.

if it is money for your tao, so be it.



Money do not come and go, it come and go only because you do not have the wisdom to have "savings". No worry, many people nowadays don't have savings too and so no matter how many jobs they get they still get in debt. You need to know that you must have wisdom to gain and accumulate wealth and you will never run out of it. It's call budgeting, planning, and you get savings. Money do not come and go, money come, and transform, and come more.

When you buy things, or buy food, or pay for a service, you just transform the money into something else you want, something useful for you. So money have not "go", it converted to something else. Like if you like kungfu weapons, you can buy weapons with money and so the weapon is yours, you did not lose the money, your money value transform into the weapon now, so you are happy. Without money at first, you cannot have it.

Money come and go for people who just cannot plan and budget their bank account and all that stuff. Like how you think "you eat when you are hungry", that kind of thinking lead you to a disaster in life, because you do not PLAN for anything by doing this kind of actions, so you will never know how money can come and convert then come again. You never enjoy the feeling of having savings, and so your life get insecure from time to time when the bill comes at the end of the month.

Some people will find escape though, escape of reality to feel better. Like they smoke when they see these bills, or they go to rave, or they listen to music or they make up poems to express their feelings. What happen is next time they go check the mail again, they feel empty, hollow and stressed again. It's all because they do not have the wisdom to plan.

It's what I teach, Taoism, the wisdom of Taoism.

04-22-2011, 10:50 AM
i dont teach jook sing

我不是 jook sing, 我是香港大的, 中文還行, 吟詩作對也可以, 要不要來一次行酒令看看?

04-22-2011, 10:51 AM
I knew it.

Forrest hides his gun inside his prison wallet. So ghey.

I told you to call me McPorcupine Taoism Celestial MASTER!!! Bad student!!! You are not allow to eat porcupine meat today until you know your sin!

04-22-2011, 10:53 AM
Forrest is so ghey. Forrest is such a joker!

Forrest has large prison wallet for lots savings good. When Forrest want withdraw he sit on toilet.

04-22-2011, 10:54 AM
Forrest is so ghey. Forrest is such a joker!

Forrest has large prison wallet for lots savings good. When Forrest want withdraw he sit on toilet.


04-22-2011, 10:56 AM
But, I thought you said I could call you Forrest?

04-22-2011, 11:02 AM

yeah, we know you like *****s

04-22-2011, 11:02 AM
Lmao! That's friggin' hilarious.

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:10 AM

um, dude, this would only be funny if you didn't seriously refer to yourself as Celestial Master; but you do; so it's not - and it's actually quite sad; and demonstrates how desperate you are - I mean, a true "master" stays only where he is accepted - a true "master" would have quit the forum by now, because he would have no need to stay where he is not needed - but you are staying here because your ego dictates to you that there is no way you can back down after being ridiculed so thoroughly;

you understand, that by doing you're not "rolling w the punches" or engaging in good-natured bon hommie, you are just making more of an asz out of yourself than you already have via your preposterous web-site and mediocre kung fu videos;

the sound you hear is NOT people laughing with you...

04-22-2011, 11:13 AM
demonstrates how desperate you are -

you are staying here because your ego dictates to you that there is no way you can back down after being ridiculed so thoroughly;


word to da muther

04-22-2011, 11:15 AM
word to da muther

Your honor has been restored

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:15 AM
word to da muther

seriously, he's just making it worse - I mean, he's degenerated into acting like a small child, perseverating on this whole porcupine thing; he seems to have missed the point that a true "celestial master" would in no way, shape or form engage in something as unseemly as all this...

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:16 AM
Your honor has been restored

not until he does some Legion of Doom photoshopping...(a la Doo Wai and Kwai Chang)

04-22-2011, 11:17 AM
not until he does some Legion of Doom photoshopping...(a la Doo Wai and Kwai Chang)

Hmmm...you DO have a point there.

04-22-2011, 11:25 AM
Peace and love are achieved by having power and force.
It's the nachos. Nachos beat power and force. Didn't you see lkfmdc's photocrapic evidence above (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6106&stc=1&d=1303443017)? Proof positive right there.

04-22-2011, 11:36 AM
It's the nachos. Nachos beat power and force. Didn't you see lkfmdc's photocrapic evidence above (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6106&stc=1&d=1303443017)? Proof positive right there.

the lord almighty has come down from high above and endorsed my efforts, yes, truly, no man before has been so blessed

04-22-2011, 11:42 AM
...is the rainbow peace sign. I'm more of a rasta (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58144) red, green and gold peace sign sort of lord almighty. After all these years, you'd think you knew that.


taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:44 AM
Peace and love are achieved by having power and force..

nope sorry; wrong;

peace and love are achieved only by actively practicing peace and love; that's it;

in the absence of another option, power and force are useful to keep oneself from being abused / hurt / killed by others who are NOT practicing peace and love; but it is no guarantee that once they are dealt with, that peace and love will arise spontaneously, and in fact, having used power and force to manage oneself, it is very difficult to them "turn it off" to go practice peace and love...

I know what's it's like to see the world in black and white, and the allure thereof; unfortunately for you, it's all really just shades of gray...

04-22-2011, 11:45 AM
To who it may concern about the Taoism "CELESTIAL MASTER" term.

Yes, that is a real term I use. Tin Si. Celestial Master. It's not referring to kungfu in any way, it's purely a Taoism term or title. I have used this title since 2008 because of one incident happen. It's a magical warfare that I got into and it was the evil and crooked masters who were fighting me and my fiancee, they are paid to do sorcery to knock us down, dead. Yes, you might think I am going crazy but this is not. When you know someone is attacking with magic and you really get sick and unable to move off your bed, you know you are not fighting imaginary people there. When I get up and fight their @ss off, I get better. Nothing works, medicine, herbs, nothing. Only way out is to fight with magic. I won the battle and I gained help from a deity back then which I call him "Fau Lai Yuen Chi Tin Juen, he granted us the position or title "Tin Si" and gave us tasks to do. It's all about magic and stuff, this is what the title is for, it's not for show, it's a job title you know? To be able to use this title, it's not given by yourself, it's just a title we got from the deity. Of course, if you are not into believing these, I won't convince you because we got different belief, so who cares. It's like a Christian seeing Taoism, of course they say we are crazy. So do I say they are crazy too. If you don't like my religion, so just bypass. I am just telling you guys who want to talk about this title, I am not being funny, I am being serious here to explain you the details of what this is all about.

If you want to make fun of it, you are just not understanding because you are not in the field of magic. There are many paths of magic in the west as well such as people doing wicca, witchcraft, voodoo, and many other forms of magic. In the east, there are millions of paths as well. It's not something new or rare in the world now. If you aren't exposed to it, then too bad. But it is just very common because you can see psychic signs and ads all over the place now on the street and newspaper all the time. Don't laught at others, laugh only at yourself for being in the well, look up the sky, it's a big world out there.

Magical warfare can kill you and it is surely deadly. We have gone through it and ew got beaten up like hell before when we are weak, that is why we know it's important to stay strong. We survived till today because we have gone through the experience. Serisouly, this is not a joke, it's real magic I am talking about. People get cursed or some bad @ss guy cast sorcery to make people sick, ill, die, suffer whatever, it's not funny looking when you see these patients suffer from the black magic, it's really a pain. If you laugh, you are just being more atupid looking and not understanding. Magic is real and there are MANY people into magic in the world as well. If you aren't, look up the sky, the world is bigger than you think.

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:46 AM
the lord almighty has come down from high above and endorsed my efforts, yes, truly, no man before has been so blessed

I think that it's fair to say while I have achieved mastery of the written word, you have gained dominance vis a vis the visual image - no contention, one supports the other - we're like the Wonder Twins!

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:48 AM
To who it may concern about the Taoism "CELESTIAL MASTER" term.

Yes, that is a real term I use. Tin Si. Celestial Master. It's not referring to kungfu in any way, it's purely a Taoism term or title. I have used this title since 2008 because of one incident happen. It's a magical warfare that I got into and it was the evil and crooked masters who were fighting me and my fiancee, they are paid to do sorcery to knock us down, dead. Yes, you might think I am going crazy but this is not. When you know someone is attacking with magic and you really get sick and unable to move off your bed, you know you are not fighting imaginary people there. When I get up and fight their @ss off, I get better. Nothing works, medicine, herbs, nothing. Only way out is to fight with magic. I won the battle and I gained help from a deity back then which I call him "Fau Lai Yuen Chi Tin Juen, he granted us the position or title "Tin Si" and gave us tasks to do. It's all about magic and stuff, this is what the title is for, it's not for show, it's a job title you know? To be able to use this title, it's not given by yourself, it's just a title we got from the deity. Of course, if you are not into believing these, I won't convince you because we got different belief, so who cares. It's like a Christian seeing Taoism, of course they say we are crazy. So do I say they are crazy too. If you don't like my religion, so just bypass. I am just telling you guys who want to talk about this title, I am not being funny, I am being serious here to explain you the details of what this is all about.

If you want to make fun of it, you are just not understanding because you are not in the field of magic. There are many paths of magic in the west as well such as people doing wicca, witchcraft, voodoo, and many other forms of magic. In the east, there are millions of paths as well. It's not something new or rare in the world now. If you aren't exposed to it, then too bad. But it is just very common because you can see psychic signs and ads all over the place now on the street and newspaper all the time. Don't laught at others, laugh only at yourself for being in the well, look up the sky, it's a big world out there.

Magical warfare can kill you and it is surely deadly. We have gone through it and ew got beaten up like hell before when we are weak, that is why we know it's important to stay strong. We survived till today because we have gone through the experience. Serisouly, this is not a joke, it's real magic I am talking about. People get cursed or some bad @ss guy cast sorcery to make people sick, ill, die, suffer whatever, it's not funny looking when you see these patients suffer from the black magic, it's really a pain. If you laugh, you are just being more atupid looking and not understanding. Magic is real and there are MANY people into magic in the world as well. If you aren't, look up the sky, the world is bigger than you think.

Because a mind is a terrible thing.

04-22-2011, 11:49 AM
To who it may concern about the Taoism "CELESTIAL MASTER" term.

Yes, that is a real term I use. Tin Si. Celestial Master. It's not referring to kungfu in any way, it's purely a Taoism term or title. I have used this title since 2008 because of one incident happen. It's a magical warfare that I got into and it was the evil and crooked masters who were fighting me and my fiancee, they are paid to do sorcery to knock us down, dead. Yes, you might think I am going crazy but this is not. When you know someone is attacking with magic and you really get sick and unable to move off your bed, you know you are not fighting imaginary people there. When I get up and fight their @ss off, I get better. Nothing works, medicine, herbs, nothing. Only way out is to fight with magic. I won the battle and I gained help from a deity back then which I call him "Fau Lai Yuen Chi Tin Juen, he granted us the position or title "Tin Si" and gave us tasks to do. It's all about magic and stuff, this is what the title is for, it's not for show, it's a job title you know? To be able to use this title, it's not given by yourself, it's just a title we got from the deity. Of course, if you are not into believing these, I won't convince you because we got different belief, so who cares. It's like a Christian seeing Taoism, of course they say we are crazy. So do I say they are crazy too. If you don't like my religion, so just bypass. I am just telling you guys who want to talk about this title, I am not being funny, I am being serious here to explain you the details of what this is all about.

If you want to make fun of it, you are just not understanding because you are not in the field of magic. There are many paths of magic in the west as well such as people doing wicca, witchcraft, voodoo, and many other forms of magic. In the east, there are millions of paths as well. It's not something new or rare in the world now. If you aren't exposed to it, then too bad. But it is just very common because you can see psychic signs and ads all over the place now on the street and newspaper all the time. Don't laught at others, laugh only at yourself for being in the well, look up the sky, it's a big world out there.

Magical warfare can kill you and it is surely deadly. We have gone through it and ew got beaten up like hell before when we are weak, that is why we know it's important to stay strong. We survived till today because we have gone through the experience. Serisouly, this is not a joke, it's real magic I am talking about. People get cursed or some bad @ss guy cast sorcery to make people sick, ill, die, suffer whatever, it's not funny looking when you see these patients suffer from the black magic, it's really a pain. If you laugh, you are just being more atupid looking and not understanding. Magic is real and there are MANY people into magic in the world as well. If you aren't, look up the sky, the world is bigger than you think.

Do I even have to say anything?

04-22-2011, 11:52 AM
nope sorry; wrong;

peace and love are achieved only by actively practicing peace and love; that's it;

in the absence of another option, power and force are useful to keep oneself from being abused / hurt / killed by others who are NOT practicing peace and love; but it is no guarantee that once they are dealt with, that peace and love will arise spontaneously, and in fact, having used power and force to manage oneself, it is very difficult to them "turn it off" to go practice peace and love...

I know what's it's like to see the world in black and white, and the allure thereof; unfortunately for you, it's all really just shades of gray...

Our country achieve peace to allow us to survive and stay safe. Without the military, the world is going to be chaos. Without the country, there are no home. When the country collapse, all home and family will crash and shatter. When the country have not got enough force in military, others will invade and harm the civil in the country. Therefore, peace of a country is gained by the military and law enforcement unit.

We human also run the same pattern. Our peace and love will not be kept long if you do not know how to protect yourself and your love one in all perspective. If your kids are being harm, you must protect them and kno who to protect them with proper method. If you don't, you will spoil them and ruin their life.

When we face threats, we must have the force to be able to keep ourselves safe. you know how long it takes for cops to arrive when your home call 911 at night? Let me tell you, standard is about 30-45mins, crazy eh? If you are not emergency, maybe 1-2 hrs. As all firearm association promotes "stay alive, until help arrive". If you can't stay alive, you are not going to get the help you want. That is why modern society now promote firearm self defense and home defense. It's those who are not being practical enough to think logically always thinking a pair of fist will do the job. Or they think forgiving, love and all that will do the job. No it won't. When people break into your home or they point a gun at you on the street, you gotta kill or you gotta be killed. That's it. No peace, no talk, no negotiation.

04-22-2011, 11:54 AM
...is the rainbow peace sign. I'm more of a rasta (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58144) red, green and gold peace sign sort of lord almighty. After all these years, you'd think you knew that.


i cant tell from that hot babes picture cuz the shirt is black, do you fly black in your rasta flag?

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 11:58 AM
Our country achieve peace to allow us to survive and stay safe. Without the military, the world is going to be chaos. Without the country, there are no home. When the country collapse, all home and family will crash and shatter. When the country have not got enough force in military, others will invade and harm the civil in the country. Therefore, peace of a country is gained by the military and law enforcement unit.

We human also run the same pattern. Our peace and love will not be kept long if you do not know how to protect yourself and your love one in all perspective. If your kids are being harm, you must protect them and kno who to protect them with proper method. If you don't, you will spoil them and ruin their life.

When we face threats, we must have the force to be able to keep ourselves safe. you know how long it takes for cops to arrive when your home call 911 at night? Let me tell you, standard is about 30-45mins, crazy eh? If you are not emergency, maybe 1-2 hrs. As all firearm association promotes "stay alive, until help arrive". If you can't stay alive, you are not going to get the help you want. That is why modern society now promote firearm self defense and home defense. It's those who are not being practical enough to think logically always thinking a pair of fist will do the job. Or they think forgiving, love and all that will do the job. No it won't. When people break into your home or they point a gun at you on the street, you gotta kill or you gotta be killed. That's it. No peace, no talk, no negotiation.
you should have paid more attention in school during reading comp class, because not only have you failed to get my point, you are arguing a point that I didn't even address;

no one is arguing that use of force can be an effective measure to protect oneself (or one's country); but use of force to protect oneself is NOT a guarantee of peace and love, and is actually counterproductive to establishing it, as having used force, one is less likely to not use it; not saying it shouldn't be used appropriately, but that it's not going to then lead to peace and love having been exercised;

but you are caught up in some sort of survivalist mode, where you've got it all down to a single line of linear equation, and therefore your ability to understand this concept is non-existant

04-22-2011, 11:58 AM
Because a mind is a terrible thing.

It's not the mind. When your body got a fever, it is a fever. You can try to THINK you get a fever and it will not give you a fever no matter how hard you think of it. Don't be silly. You did not have the experience as I do, of course you can laugh it off. If you do, you only know the tears and sweats behind the scene and you know it by yourself that nobody will understand.

My patients all say the same thing too, they say they tried to get help from friends and relatives, all say it's the mind that is the worst thing which bring them the pain. It's their imagination. But hey, these patients all know it's not the mind. It's real. But well, who on earth will understand it unless they are professional or experienced in the subject?

I am one of those professional with experience myself and so that is why I understand, deeply inside my heart. I know if I do not stay strong in the field, I will be killed, because I was almost close to death in 2008 from the battle, and I know it. No medicine helps even prescription medicine, can you believe it? I was shaking like crazy in the hot shower for 45mins and still freezing cold, trembling, and cannot touch the floor or else it get worst.. then I stay on the bed, shaking, and seeing stuff around, and my health drop dramatically like crazy.. it was so horrible, scary, freaky, whatever. Until I make the move to fight, then I get well after without a pill or any herbal tea. that's how magical it is.

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 12:00 PM
um, dude, this would only be funny if you didn't seriously refer to yourself as Celestial Master; but you do; so it's not - and it's actually quite sad; and demonstrates how desperate you are - I mean, a true "master" stays only where he is accepted - a true "master" would have quit the forum by now, because he would have no need to stay where he is not needed - but you are staying here because your ego dictates to you that there is no way you can back down after being ridiculed so thoroughly;

you understand, that by doing you're not "rolling w the punches" or engaging in good-natured bon hommie, you are just making more of an asz out of yourself than you already have via your preposterous web-site and mediocre kung fu videos;

the sound you hear is NOT people laughing with you...

What are you talking about?

I am a True Master and I'M still here slumming with yous guys!

Here is my latest dittie PROVING I am a Master.........if you can't make up ditties off the top of your head......YOU AIN'T NO MASTER!

"Life is like a box of chocolates........you never know which one will be CRAZY!!"

You may quote me!

04-22-2011, 12:00 PM
Actually, I'll fly a Jamaican flag before I'll fly a rasta flag, and there's black in that. You can't take the black out of rasta.


04-22-2011, 12:01 PM
you should have paid more attention in school during reading comp class, because not only have you failed to get my point, you are arguing a point that I didn't even address;

no one is arguing that use of force can be an effective measure to protect oneself (or one's country); but use of force to protect oneself is NOT a guarantee of peace and love, and is actually counterproductive to establishing it, as having used force, one is less likely to not use it; not saying it shouldn't be used appropriately, but that it's not going to then lead to peace and love having been exercised;

but you are caught up in some sort of survivalist mode, where you've got it all down to a single line of linear equation, and therefore your ability to understand this concept is non-existant

You don't understand what I am trying to bring up to you, and so it's okay. I understand yours but you don't get mine. Oh well.

04-22-2011, 12:03 PM
wu liang tian zhun

enormously unmeasurable heavenly respected

they are refered to gods

not demi god

not human

tai shang lao jun

extreme upper old gentlemen

he is a god that rides the waterbuffalo



04-22-2011, 12:04 PM
we're like the Wonder Twins!

speaking of super friends

04-22-2011, 12:05 PM
celestial is refering to things in the heaven



04-22-2011, 12:07 PM
wu liang tian zhun

enormously unmeasurable heavenly respected

they are refered to gods

not demi god

not human

tai shang lao jun

extreme upper old gentlemen

he is a god that rides the waterbuffalo




太上老君 is the Taoverse Deity I have been talking about, but indeed, he is not old looking in real person, he is actually very "modern" now and not like those in the Chinese culture, (always dressed in old robes and han dynasty clothing) Chinese made up the image of him back then using the fashion during that period of time, but it's not the real him.

When you gain 通神法, you will be able to 溝通虛界, and you will see him and his people. It's not the same as how it is in the stories! That's what amazed me at first too, I thought he is not real, but in one year, he just gave me millions of proof. He is real.

04-22-2011, 12:08 PM
celestial is refering to things in the heaven



Yes, my magical power is from heaven, the title is from heaven, and so I do respect my magic as heavenly granted gift.

Celestial Master I refer to Tin Si (or Tien Shi) 天師.

04-22-2011, 12:10 PM
Actually, I'll fly a Jamaican flag before I'll fly a rasta flag, and there's black in that. You can't take the black out of rasta.


what about the blood then? im not familiar with the development, was rasta founded after jamaica? or was jamaica around first?

the best thing is when i was in trinidad all you had to do was find a guy with dreads and call out 'eh rasta mon' and then u got your hook up lol

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 12:14 PM
speaking of super friends

I think that the head which is currently on top of Mr. Freeze's body should be on top of the big ape, but kick me if I know why...

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 12:17 PM
Yes, my magical power is from heaven, the title is from heaven, and so I do respect my magic as heavenly granted gift.

Celestial Master I refer to Tin Si (or Tien Shi) 天師.

and yet you have to complain to Gene about my "bullying", instead of sending Heavenly Monkeys of Vengeance to silence my tongue...

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 12:27 PM
and yet you have to complain to Gene about my "bullying", instead of sending Heavenly Monkeys of Vengeance to silence my tongue...

COME ON!!!!!


Clearly he is a Taoverse minion!!!:eek:

04-22-2011, 12:28 PM
and yet you have to complain to Gene about my "bullying", instead of sending Heavenly Monkeys of Vengeance to silence my tongue...

Seriously talking now. I do not do sorcery and I am not going to do these kinds of things because I know it's not good. When I fight in magical warfare, I only fight the evil people or those who are trying to harm me with magic. If they try to kill me with magic, they are going to suffer as much or even die when I backfire all the magic back, that's what I am good at. I don't kill them, it's their own magic that kill them back.

Honestly, why I contacted Gene is because I am just way too shocked by all your spikes and thorns. But I am not that kind of person who will use magic on people who have no defense on magic. When it's internet problem I contact the admin or moderators. That's all I do. See, I won't go to your houe and shoot you in the @ss with my guns, right?

04-22-2011, 12:39 PM
我不是 jook sing, 我是香港大的, 中文還行, 吟詩作對也可以, 要不要來一次行酒令看看?


Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 12:53 PM

DUDE!!!! I was JUST going to say that!!!


04-22-2011, 12:55 PM

對, 我是仙, 無錯. 真真正正的仙.



「仙氣混混透三光, 毫現華峰燿八方, 殺盡千萬邪走遠, 拜我劍下命絕亡.」

04-22-2011, 01:06 PM
very nice i also have a the poem for you gift please accept


04-22-2011, 01:13 PM
It's the nachos. Nachos beat power and force. Didn't you see lkfmdc's photocrapic evidence above (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=6106&stc=1&d=1303443017)? Proof positive right there.

all hail to the power of nacho

I meant nacho libre

the catholic monk also wrestles and won enough money to feed the orphaned kids and built a new monestry

starred by jack black.

I like his new movie gulliver in 3 d

so hilarious


nacho nacho nacho, a special jump in the ring

nacho nacho nacho


hail to thy power.


04-22-2011, 01:16 PM


04-22-2011, 01:22 PM
very nice i also have a the poem for you gift please accept


就連「行酒令」的玩法都不懂, 你的狗屁詩真形容自己得不錯. 文盲, 下賤, 無文化, 說甚麼中國話都只會令你露餡~!

讓我來教你如何玩行酒令吧! 對你的爛詩...

yours: 江湖腐糊虫,食屎禽兽又何同。红眼日下黄金梦,白毛尿裤一身空

Mine : 山河隔仙境, 瓊漿玉液幾回聞, 冷眼當前愚賤人, 血流成河不見鋒.

兄台, 我仙隔千里, 你真令我大開眼界, 何等下賤, 還談修養? 文筆已露了你的真面目, 接招吧!

04-22-2011, 01:28 PM
hello i make more poem im pimp like da mo


*rubs testicles

04-22-2011, 01:36 PM
I've been Babelfishing this whole exchange.

The combination of the horrible translation and the silliness of the source material is hilarious. :D

04-22-2011, 01:37 PM
hello i make more poem im pimp like da mo


*rubs testicles

hey, can you play by the rule? don't just flip things out of your mouth, you must follow my theme or structure to move on. In the game of 行酒令, you lose already you know?
====== ==================
CYMAC +1 | Bawang 0

yours: 敗國氣,傷族良,響屁連環放。玉帝怒,菩薩哭,野狗稱天鹿

mine: 弘道法, 殺邪鬼, 靈符霹靂發. 太上笑, 仙嘲愚, 賤傻擋神風!

nicely structured, totally responding to YOU and YOUR poem. come on, my turn!

mine: 八王王八賤格愚隔仙塔. (上聯) 請對..

解釋: 你這個 "BAWANG 八王" 是個王八, 賤格的王八, 因你愚所以看不到高高的仙塔. "低"賤也. 對得好給你吃 porcupine cake!

04-22-2011, 01:37 PM

04-22-2011, 01:39 PM
Reference to all westerners, the game of 行酒令 is like a marathon of poem, which date back long time ago in Chinese history. People get punish to drink the cup of wine if they fail to connect the second part of the poem or go on....

it used to be played by a table, the cup of wine will be pass from one player to another and when you hold the cup, you say the line you can connect to the person before you.. in any form of connection that make it goes on or oppose to the poem.

Bawang accepted the challenge bravely but failed to do a "good poem" that can coorespond to mine.

04-22-2011, 01:41 PM
dont believe him, i verbal raped him confucius style, like rosie odonald at a bisexual bridal shower

im de best mayne
i deed it

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 01:42 PM
dont believe him, i verbal raped him confucius style

USA is dominate

I knew you had him when you rubbed your 2.3 cm penus gently against his ear...

04-22-2011, 01:44 PM
his poem "i am immortal, i will slay you with my sward"

my come back
"prostitute, magical adventure, fat butter, learn my dvd"

im de best mayne
i deet it

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 01:48 PM
Actually I think bawang has you there Mak!

04-22-2011, 01:48 PM
bawang: 江湖腐糊虫,食屎禽兽又何同。红眼日下黄金梦,白毛尿裤一身空
"the rotten worm of the kungfu circle, eat sh!t beast is useless, jealous of your golden dream now, white furs and pants full of sh!t with nothing possess on you.

Mine : 山河隔仙境, 瓊漿玉液幾回聞, 冷眼當前愚賤人, 血流成河不見鋒.
The mountain and rivers just separates the celestial realm, the jade like liquor of the celestial realm is so seldom heard by people, we just look away from the stupid and "cheap" person here infront of us, he is already so bloody and all his blood is filling up a river but he just don't see there is a mountain in front ... (he is not even getting close to the immortals or celestials. no wonder he don't understand there is such things)


bawang: 敗國氣,傷族良,響屁連環放。玉帝怒,菩薩哭,野狗稱天鹿
You are disgrace of the country's reputation, harm our races good man, you **** like a machine gun. The jade emperor (the deity) mad, Buddha(s) cry, wild dog calling himself a heavenly deer.

mine: 弘道法, 殺邪鬼, 靈符霹靂發. 太上笑, 仙嘲愚, 賤傻擋神風!

Spreading the Taoism's magic, kill the evil ghost, the taoism magical FU (talisman) bomb out in a "pik-plak" sound like thunder. The taoverse Deity smile, the immortals laugh at you, the stupid idiot blocking the wind and power of heaven!


mine: 八王王八賤格愚隔仙塔. (上聯) 請對..

bawang (name), wang ba (b@st@rd in madarine), cheap and stupid, the stupidness is what blocks you seeing the tall immortal tower above.

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 01:52 PM
Don't you see the beauty is in the short directness of his retorts.

You are trying to be wordy and profound while he defeats you with straight and simple!

Bawang is a genus with a 2.3 cm penus!

04-22-2011, 01:53 PM

bawangs : 歌舞妓当西游记,肥油腻,学伍dvd

The prositute like "journey to the west", fat greasy, learn my dvd.

Mine: 妙韻昏碎封神榜, 修清道, 拜我做大師!

I am going more "crappy" here..
"the magical melody shatter the story of "fung sun bong" (god tales in Chinese), cultivate the pure taoism, now call me the master!

04-22-2011, 01:53 PM
my first poem is
"rotting insect floating on the river, are you any different from the feces eating beasts of the earth. red eyed, you dream of riches. your life is empty until the day you are an old man sh1tting in your diapers"

second poem he translated pretty good

chinese rap battle taoist style

i put my yang in ur ying

04-22-2011, 01:55 PM
Don't you see the beauty is in the short directness of his retorts.

You are trying to be wordy and profound while he defeats you with straight and simple!

Bawang is a genus with a 2.3 cm penus!

let me give you some nice crappy words then.. maybe bawang like this more:

周短陽衰老無用, 莫待青頭白紅霜, 早歸懂, 莫待老無用....!
mine: oh man.. how can I put this in english.. haha! please help! it's getting X-rated soon!

04-22-2011, 01:56 PM
Bawang is the clear winner.

04-22-2011, 01:57 PM
COME ON!!!!!


Clearly he is a Taoverse minion!!!:eek: Taoverse doesn't even advertise (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/about/adrates.php) with us. Spam doesn't count.

We were discussing this and have a theory that this is all an elaborate prank by David Jamieson (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/member.php?u=6242). When in doubt, blame a Canadian. ;)

04-22-2011, 01:59 PM
不打不相識, 長短亦出色, 各花有各眼, 深宵亦霹靂
mine: we dont' know each others until we fight, no matter you are long or short, it's still good, everybody see things different and like things differently, but no matter you are long or short, you are still thundering at night time... (um..) X-rated.

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 02:00 PM
Bawang is the clear winner.

Get with the program......


Bawang is the clear weiner!!

And you think I'm the insane one!:rolleyes:

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 02:01 PM
Taoverse doesn't even advertise (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/about/adrates.php) with us. Spam doesn't count.

We were discussing this and have a theory that this is all an elaborate prank by David Jamieson (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/member.php?u=6242). When in doubt, blame a Canadian. ;)

Who is David Jamieson?

Never heard of him!

04-22-2011, 02:02 PM
its on broham. i only kiss ass of the white peopres. i show no mercy to fellow chilese.



prease to transrate

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 02:03 PM
不打不相識, 長短亦出色, 各花有各眼, 深宵亦霹靂
mine: we dont' know each others until we fight, no matter you are long or short, it's still good, everybody see things different and like things differently, but no matter you are long or short, you are still thundering at night time... (um..) X-rated.

Still too wordy....

Make them shorter and more pithy! Keep practicing! Watch bawang and learn.

04-22-2011, 02:04 PM
its on broham. i only kiss ass of the white peopres. i show no mercy to fellow chilese.



prease to transrate

說得對, 我老母真的是... 我已一早和她無關係了, 這招好, 繼續!!!! 罵我老母西! 罵得好!!!!!! 我一早想殺她了, 請自便. 可只萬人壓, 我說要憶萬人壓"死"她才行!

兄台高章! 請 continue!

04-22-2011, 02:05 PM
its on broham. i only kiss ass of the white peopres. i show no mercy to fellow chilese.



prease to transrate

Our day will not be boring as long as we have bawang around. :D

Scott R. Brown
04-22-2011, 02:05 PM
Everybody stand back and give them some room!

Bawang is putting on the war paint!

04-22-2011, 02:06 PM
how about this?

砍家鏟, 鏟你媽, 鏟出你王八後開花! now give me some poem!

04-22-2011, 02:24 PM
chu ba wang

arch enemy

han xin



04-22-2011, 02:27 PM
CYMac vs. bawang in a poetry duel.

Clearly not a battle to watch snacking on nachos or popcorn. I'm at a loss to think of what the appropriate snack is for this. I'm thinking minnows and nuts.


04-22-2011, 02:48 PM
Just when you thought it wouldn't get any weirder...

CYMac vs. bawang in a poetry duel.

sometimes, you really do feel for Gene :D

taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 03:07 PM
CYMac vs. bawang in a poetry duel.
yeah, I guess this thing has kinda gotten taken on a life of its own...

Clearly not a battle to watch snacking on nachos or popcorn. I'm at a loss to think of what the appropriate snack is for this. I'm thinking minnows and nuts.


I guess you're supplying the minnows, seeing as CYMac already supplied the nuts...

04-22-2011, 03:11 PM
tiny dry fish

it goes well with toufu, see weeds in a mi so soup.



04-22-2011, 03:12 PM

have to watch out for the high salt contents.


04-22-2011, 03:13 PM
a good chef

is also called tian chu

celestial cook



taai gihk yahn
04-22-2011, 03:13 PM
sometimes, you really do feel for Gene :D

probably just before the last time he reincarnated, they gave him the choice to go to that Buddhist Hell where you have to ride around backwards on flaming iron donkeys while it rains nails, or this; he said, "I'll take the one that burns off bad karma more quickly", and here we are...

04-22-2011, 03:42 PM
Luckily I hate Buddhism and is never going to touch that religion. Really not my type. A suffering path!

where is the bawang?

Fei Ling Skool
04-22-2011, 03:45 PM
Luckily I hate Buddhism and is never going to touch that religion. Really not my type. A suffering path!

where is the bawang?

hate is a waste of energy...

you can't find your bawang? Try lowering your stance.

04-22-2011, 03:48 PM
buddhist is cool.

you get to eat luo han zhai.

you get to eat all the fake or pretend meat, fish out of soy product.

have to watch out for kidney stone


shaved head

orange or deep purple monk robe

taoist robe is blue

buddha king kang/diamond septer

is way better then dust brush from taoist


oops, I was talking about journey to the west

monkey king et al


04-22-2011, 03:51 PM
hate is a waste of energy...

you can't find your bawang? Try lowering your stance.

Maybe you are Bawang in another account?:p

04-22-2011, 03:55 PM
probably just before the last time he reincarnated, they gave him the choice to go to that Buddhist Hell where you have to ride around backwards on flaming iron donkeys while it rains nails, or this; he said, "I'll take the one that burns off bad karma more quickly", and here we are...

It was more like this (a quote from Essentials of Salvation by Genshin (942-1017) that I keep on my desk):

...the demons of hell seize those who have fallen into hell and put them into a forest, whose trees have leaves that are sword blades. As [the evildoers] look up to the treetops, they see beautiful, well-dressed women, whose faces have regular features. Seeing them, [the evildoers] immediately start climing the trees, but when they do, the leaves pierce their flesh like swords and cut their sinews. When at last they reach the tops of the trees, their bodies all lacerated, they find that the women [suddenly] looking up at them with eyes full of passion and coquetry and saying "for love of you I have come to this place. Why do you not come to where I am and embrace me?" Seeing [them] the evildoers, buring with passion, begin to climb down again. The blade-like leaves turn upward and lacerate their bodies as before. When they finally reach the bottom, the women again are at the tops to the trees. seeing [this], the evildoers begin to climb the tree again. This continues for 10 trillion years.
Man, I should have chose those sword trees and coquettish women. :(

04-22-2011, 03:56 PM
Yeah, i ate those veggie too, horrible and it's so much MSG in the products. It makes you feel ill and sick. PLUS you never feel full with these junks, you eat and then you feel hungry after awhile.. just junk!

Sorry, you got it wrong, Taoist robe is not blue. Mine have one yellow, one black, one blue with black, one yellow with black, one red (see my picture?) and then a few fancy ones with a lot of cool graphics too. Plus don't forget the HAT!

AND we do not worship any MONKEY, we don't put animals on the god table, that's just way too hilarious.

buddhist is cool.

you get to eat luo han zhai.

you get to eat all the fake or pretend meat, fish out of soy product.

have to watch out for kidney stone


shaved head

orange or deep purple monk robe

taoist robe is blue

buddha king kang/diamond septer

is way better then dust brush from taoist


oops, I was talking about journey to the west

monkey king et al


04-22-2011, 04:00 PM
see? this looks cool

04-22-2011, 04:04 PM
see? this looks cool

No, no it doesn't.

04-22-2011, 04:06 PM
This is cooler


Also, LOL at you putting up another face pic of yourself. I guess you enjoy being photoshopped.

My photos are all over the website already, it doesn't makes a difference. It's just that some people have nothing to do who do all these silly crap.

04-22-2011, 04:07 PM
My photos are all over the website already, it doesn't makes a difference. It's just that some people have nothing to do who do all these silly crap.

Oh my god you're like herpes. Will you just STAY gone?

04-22-2011, 04:16 PM
the heavenly book has no words.

wu zhi tian shu.


04-22-2011, 04:17 PM
see? this looks cool

why the dragon on the collar?


04-22-2011, 04:18 PM
Yeah, i ate those veggie too, horrible and it's so much MSG in the products. It makes you feel ill and sick. PLUS you never feel full with these junks, you eat and then you feel hungry after awhile.. just junk!

Sorry, you got it wrong, Taoist robe is not blue. Mine have one yellow, one black, one blue with black, one yellow with black, one red (see my picture?) and then a few fancy ones with a lot of cool graphics too. Plus don't forget the HAT!

AND we do not worship any MONKEY, we don't put animals on the god table, that's just way too hilarious.

yes, but the idea is not to eat another life.

you may fry all these stuff, or add some seasoning

etc etc.


04-22-2011, 04:38 PM
noe one can withstan my pyroclastic flow. im ferocious, i wanna eat your children. praise be to allah.


04-22-2011, 05:42 PM
taoists do worship animals.

crane, snake and a turtle.


04-22-2011, 05:48 PM
i worship great singers

we call them celestial king giant star

tian wang ju xing.


my point is celestial master is very mundane.

my foot was big, when I was a kid.

i was called celestial foot

or tian jiao.

just means i got big foot.



04-22-2011, 06:08 PM

christina voice is great

it may be called celestial voice

tian lai.

etc etc


this is celestial voice, too.


04-22-2011, 06:36 PM
probably just before the last time he reincarnated, they gave him the choice to go to that Buddhist Hell where you have to ride around backwards on flaming iron donkeys while it rains nails, or this; he said, "I'll take the one that burns off bad karma more quickly", and here we are...

how long did it take you to think that up? :D

04-22-2011, 06:41 PM
why the dragon on the collar?


cool looking~

04-22-2011, 06:41 PM
taoists do worship animals.

crane, snake and a turtle.


No, that's not what my way of Taoism worship. Too bad, yours is different then.

04-27-2011, 08:32 AM
I feel so dirty for choosing this thread to my first post in the forums:eek:

Just finished reading the whole thing and I must say, this is one of the funniest freaking threads I have ever had the misfortune to come across and actually read.

I think, I inadvertently stumbled to the end of the Internet!


04-27-2011, 08:48 AM
I feel so dirty for choosing this thread to my first post in the forums:eek:

Just finished reading the whole thing and I must say, this is one of the funniest freaking threads I have ever had the misfortune to come across and actually read.

I think, I inadvertently stumbled to the end of the Internet!


Isn't the end-guy hard?

Scott R. Brown
04-27-2011, 08:53 AM
I feel so dirty for choosing this thread to my first post in the forums:eek:

Just finished reading the whole thing and I must say, this is one of the funniest freaking threads I have ever had the misfortune to come across and actually read.

I think, I inadvertently stumbled to the end of the Internet!


Glad to finally have a Commander on board to straighten this bunch of rabble rousers out!!

If you think this thread is funny you ain't seen nothing yet!

04-27-2011, 08:57 AM
If you think this thread is funny you ain't seen nothing yet!

this one was MILD :D

04-27-2011, 09:03 AM
2 things

1. tao is up to your interpretation

I believe that it is about understanding nature and go along with or in harmony with nature etc etc, nothing to do with getting rich--

2. godly or heavenly master/teacher or tian shi

it is a very mundane name, or not godly or heavenly at all

we are just or only human etc etc


Scott R. Brown
04-27-2011, 09:04 AM
this one was MILD :D

You ain't kidding me. This forum is for MEN, not lilly-livered, yellow-bellied, momma's-teat-sucking, crybabies!!!!!

.....and as far as funny.....

....about 9 or ten years ago I came across one that had me rolling on the floor in stitches....

....now THAT one was funny!!! Ahhhhhh! The good old days!!!!:)

Whatever happened to those day??:(

Scott R. Brown
04-27-2011, 09:05 AM
2 things

1. tao is up to your interpretation

I believe that it is about understanding nature and go along with or in harmony with nature etc etc, nothing to do with getting rich--

2. godly or heavenly master/teacher or tian shi

it is a very mundane name, or not godly or heavenly at all

we are just or only human etc etc


And that is the way its been for a couple of thousand years!!

taai gihk yahn
04-27-2011, 09:07 AM
I think, I inadvertently stumbled to the end of the Internet!


That happens here all the time - two or three times a day sometimes in fact...Gene fields a lot of calls from irate theoretical physicists about the whole space/time continuum thing...

04-27-2011, 09:10 AM
I feel so dirty for choosing this thread to my first post in the forums:eek:

Just finished reading the whole thing and I must say, this is one of the funniest freaking threads I have ever had the misfortune to come across and actually read.

I think, I inadvertently stumbled to the end of the Internet!


ya man you are pretty awful and filthy for picking this one! ;)

welcome aboard!

Scott R. Brown
04-27-2011, 09:12 AM
Just be sure to wash your hands before you eat or pick up small children!

04-27-2011, 09:21 AM
That happens here all the time - two or three times a day sometimes in fact...Gene fields a lot of calls from irate theoretical physicists about the whole space/time continuum thing...

This was originally posted in a thread here but Gene had to delete it due to complaints about it's implications for the Taoverse.

Internal Note
Report number ATL-COM-PHYS-2011-415
Title Observation of a γγ resonance at a mass in the vicinity of 115 GeV/c2 at ATLAS and its Higgs interpretation
Author(s) Fang, Y (-) ; Flores Castillo, L R (-) ; Wang, H (-) ; Wu, S L (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Imprint 21 Apr 2011. – mult. p.
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Free keywords Diphoton ; Resonance ; EWEAK ; HIGGS ; SUSY ; EXOTICS ; EGAMMA
Abstract Motivated by the result of the Higgs boson candidates at LEP with a mass of about 115~GeV/c2, the observation given in ATLAS note ATL-COM-PHYS-2010-935 (November 18, 2010) and the publication “Production of isolated Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider Physics” (Letters B 683 2010 354-357), we studied the γγ invariant mass distribution over the range of 80 to 150 GeV/c2. With 37.5~pb−1 data from 2010 and 26.0~pb−1 from 2011, we observe a γγ resonance around 115~GeV/c2 with a significance of 4σ. The event rate for this resonance is about thirty times larger than the expectation from Higgs to γγ in the standard model. This channel H→γγ is of great importance because the presence of new heavy particles can enhance strongly both the Higgs production cross section and the decay branching ratio. This large enhancement over the standard model rate implies that the present result is the first definitive observation of physics beyond the standard model. Exciting new physics, including new particles, may be expected to be found in the very near future.

See: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1346326?

04-27-2011, 09:34 AM
That happens here all the time - two or three times a day sometimes in fact...Gene fields a lot of calls from irate theoretical physicists about the whole space/time continuum thing...

This was originally posted in a thread here but Gene had to delete it due to complaints about it's implications for the Taoverse.

I have yet to receive a single complaint about the space-time continuum or Taoverse implications. Being stationed by this great wormhole that is CMA, both the Department of Temporal Investigations and those knuckleheads at Taoverse control give me a lot of leeway in such matters.

04-27-2011, 09:37 AM
And that is the way its been for a couple of thousand years!!

the tao of teaching

the tao of gardening

the tao of cooking

the tao of fighting or bu do


the techniques of teaching

the techniques of gardening

the techniques of cooking

the techniques of fighting bu jitsu


Scott R. Brown
04-27-2011, 09:43 AM
I have yet to receive a single complaint about the space-time continuum or Taoverse implications. Being stationed by this great wormhole that is CMA, both the Department of Temporal Investigations and those knuckleheads at Taoverse control give me a lot of leeway in such matters.

That's how it starts Gene. Everything appears to be going along swimmingly and then you wake up one morning with the Men In Black at your door. You disappear for a couple of days and when you show up you are walking funny from all the rectal probing and you have an implant shoved up your nose into your brain!

04-27-2011, 09:48 AM
My nose has been a little itchy lately. I was thinking it was allergies... :confused:

Scott R. Brown
04-27-2011, 09:56 AM
My nose has been a little itchy lately. I was thinking it was allergies... :confused:

Wait until you start having dreams of being rectally probed, and/or hearing voices telling you, "the end is near", and/or you see or feel people following you and/or talking behind your back in whispers and then stopping when you look at them only to go back to their whispering when you look away!

If two or more of these things start to happen, it is time to put on the tin foil hat and wear it all times, and record your every move so when the CIA comes to pick you up your friends will have the evidence to show you were abducted!