View Full Version : Alita: Battle Angel

04-06-2017, 11:10 AM
This is dated but after working with Marko and director Robert Rodriguez on Man At Arms: Art of War (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70140-Man-at-Arms-Art-of-War-New-Original-Series-from-EL-REY-Network), I figured I'd better get this rolling for next year.

December 4, 7:13 pm
Marko Zaror Joins ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL (http://screenanarchy.com/2016/12/marko-zaror-joins-alita-battle-angel.html)
Peter Martin


Marko Zaror has been added to the cast of Alita: Battle Angel, which is currently in production in Austin, Texas.

Robert Rodriguez is directing the big-screen adaptation of Kishiro Yukito's manga series Gunnm, aka Battle Angel Alita. James Cameron cowrote the screenplay and is producing.

The manga followed a cyborg who has lost nearly all memories. Known as Alita, the cyborg is rebuilt by a cybernetics doctor. She remembers only one thing: that she was trained by a legendary martial artist/cyborg known as Panzer Kunst. So she becomes a bounty hunter and searches for her elusive past.

Rosa Salazar stars as Alita, with Christoph Waltz (as the cybernetics doctor), Mahershala Ali and Ed Skrein leading the cast of supporting players. According to the IMDb listing, Zaror is portraying a character named Ajakutty. In addition to the listing, we have confirmation on the news from a trusted source.

Alita: Battle Angel is scheduled for theatrical release on July 20, 2018.

12-08-2017, 02:15 PM

05-14-2018, 11:15 AM
I saw Robert while filming Man at Arms: Art of War Season 2 (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70140-Man-at-Arms-Art-of-War-New-Original-Series-from-EL-REY-Network) a few weeks ago. Unfortunately he was only on set for one day with me so I didn't get the chance to connect with him.

How Robert Rodriguez Is Planning To Bring Together His Own Cinematic Universe (https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2409821/how-robert-rodriguez-is-planning-to-bring-together-his-own-cinematic-universe)


Thanks to blockbuster comic book movies, cinematic universes are all the rage in modern Hollywood... but Robert Rodriguez has actually been playing with that concept for decades now. In addition to building multiple franchises, like the Mexico Trilogy, Spy Kids, and Machete, he's left clues all along the way suggesting that they take place in the same world. Sadly, there has never been any kind of Avengers-like crossover event to bring them together, but according to Rodriguez, that may not be true for much longer:

I have [thought about that] very many times for different mediums. Yeah, for sure. You may see something soon! I've definitely been aware of the connections all the characters could have in that world, in their own range of kind of larger than life superheroes. I definitely have been looking at it in the comic world. There was a comic company that wanted to do something with me, and I suggested that very thing, and they love that idea.

In promotion of his new series, Rebel Without A Crew, on Verizon's go90, Robert Rodriguez was kind enough to hop on the phone with me earlier this month, and it was at the end of the interview that I asked a question I've been thinking about for years. Being a long-time fan, I've known about his cinematic universe for years now, and have wondered if he's considered some way of coalescing everything to strengthen the connections. Rodriguez didn't disappoint, admitting that he has considered doing something with the idea in the comic book medium.

Thanks to his long-time collaboration with Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez's movieverse has actually been analyzed to exist as a Cinematic Universe inside the Tarantino-verse (as in they are the movies playing in cinemas that characters in Tarantino films go to see). As mentioned, this includes the Mexico trilogy, four Spy Kids features, and two Machete movies, but also everything related to From Dusk Till Dawn, and both halves of Grindhouse. Tarantino's specific contributions include bot Kill Bills, and Django Unchained (and things get even weirder from there because it's been said Shaft is a descendant of Jamie Foxx's character).

That clearly would be a lot to try and bring together in a movie, so it does make a lot of sense that the comic book route would be the way to go.

Continuing, Robert Rodriguez mentioned that one thing holding up the crossover project is the fact that he currently has a lot on his plate, and simply doesn't have the time necessary to pursue it. That being said, he also made it sound like he is actively looking at something different than comics for the idea as well, so we'll just have to wait and see. Said Rodriguez,

Sometimes there's just not enough hours in the day for all the fun stuff to do! But there's definitely another medium that might even be better than that. So we'll definitely keep in touch about that, because that's really a cool idea, and it's also a lot of fun how these things can cross pollinate.

Stay tuned for more updates about this potential venture -- but also be on the lookout for plenty of Robert Rodriguez's projects out this year. Rebel Without A Crew is currently six episodes into its first season (you can watch for free on Verizon's go90's website), and his latest film, Alita: Battle Angel will be arriving in theaters on December 21st.

07-23-2018, 08:29 AM

07-23-2018, 01:51 PM

10-09-2018, 08:57 AM
OCTOBER 08, 2018 4:20pm PT by Joi Childs
Robert Rodriguez Worried About Letting James Cameron Down on 'Alita: Battle Angel' (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/alita-robert-rodriguez-fears-letting-james-cameron-down-1150350)

20th Century Fox; Inset: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for IMDb
'Alita: Battle Angel' (Inset: Robert Rodriguez)

The filmmaker, who took over for the 'Avatar' director, notes, "The last thing I wanted was him to watch it and go, 'Uh, **** it, I knew I should have shot it myself.' "

Robert Rodriguez is stepping out of his comfort zone with Alita: Battle Angel. The filmmaker, known for working in the mid-budget range on films like 2005's Sin City and the Spy Kids franchise, is stepping decidedly into big-budget territory with the upcoming anime adaptation.

“I knew it's going to be a challenge to do a much bigger movie. I usually don't do movies beyond a certain budget," he told The Hollywood Reporter this weekend at New York Comic Con, noting more moderate budgets have allowed him to have more creative freedom. "I thought if I can keep it under a certain budget, if I just make it look good, I'm going to cast who I want, do whatever I want. I like living there.”

THR reported in 2016 ahead of filming that Alita was budgeted in the $175 million-$200 million range. The film has long been in development, with James Cameron attached to direct since the mid-2000s. So Rodriguez had big shoes to fill by taking over for Cameron, who opted to focus on 2009's Avatar and its sequels.

"My job was to go make what he created come to life so that he wouldn't have to because he was going to be busy with Avatar, because otherwise, we'd never see this movie,” Rodriguez said. “The last thing I wanted was him to watch it and go, ‘Uh, **** it, I knew I should have shot it myself.’ So I wanted him to feel like it was a Jim Cameron movie too.”

Based on the Japanese cyberpunk manga created by Yukito Kishiro in the '90s, the character Alita and manga is a well-loved property. Once Rodriguez took over the script, it was a matter of finding the right person to play the right star.

“We saw hundreds of girls," he says of casting Rosa Salazar as Alita. "She was just the most emotive, the most captured. From the first time we saw her, I couldn't imagine anybody else.”

Salazar recalled her long audition process as being about emotion and heart.

"I'm a very emotive person, so I think that was part of the thing that clinched it for me," she said.

During a Fox showcase Friday evening, press and fans had an opportunity to see more than 20 minutes of the film via various clips with producer Jon Landau setting up the clips showing off Alita’s strong relationship with her pseudo-father figure Dr. Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz) and her advanced fighting skills. Salazar had to train hard due to her character being skilled in Panzer Kunst, an amalgamation of several different martial arts techniques.

“I did Eagle Claw, Muay Thai, kickboxing, staff work," she said. "It was a well-rounded body stuff we worked on for about five months, two-and-a-half hours every day except for Sunday and changed my diet and my life."

To get the look of the film right, Rodriguez and his team teamed with Weta Digita, known for work on the Lord of the Rings films, King Kong, The Jungle Book, and Avatar. Rodriguez said the effects company continued to push itself with Alita, particularly the lead character's facial expressions.

“Even though they've done all those technological breakthroughs, we still have to keep adjusting and breaking the face," he said. "Every time they'd come up against a new scene where Rosa is very expressive, she does an expression that's not translating, they got to rebuild the face again and then change all the faces they did before to update them."

The film was recently pushed from December to a Feb. 14, 2019 release date, and Rodriguez hopes audiences will opt to see it on IMAX in 3D.

"We shot it in Native 3D. Jim [Cameron] and I had always been big 3D proponents," he said. "And because it's a true vision of the future. I mean, it's really so detailed and seen, heard, larger-than-life. I would want to see a Jim Cameron movie on the big screen. I saw Avatar on a huge IMAX screen and that marked my life.”

Hold the phone...panzer kunst?

10-09-2018, 09:02 AM
Jul 24, 2018, 09:13am
New 'Alita: Battle Angel' Trailer Shows Off More Panzer Kunst Action (https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2018/07/24/new-alita-battle-angel-trailer-shows-off-more-panzer-kunst-action/#669e477a3c58)
Ollie Barder
I cover gaming in Japan as well the pop-culture here.

https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/960x0/https%3A%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Folliebarder%2Ffiles%2F2018%2F0 7%2Falita_battle_angel_new-1200x675.jpg
'Alita: Battle Angel' has a very nice new trailer.CREDIT: 20TH CENTURY FOX

With all manner of new trailers dropping during Comic-Con, one of the latest is for the upcoming Alita: Battle Angel. After hints in the teaser trailer last year, it seems the movie will indeed be showing off more of Alita’s lethal Panzer Kunst skills.

In the original manga, Gunnm, the martial art known as Panzer Kunst is incredibly effective against other cyborgs, even those much bigger than Alita.

Originally developed for use in zero gravity, Panzer Kunst is a key part of the narrative in the original story and I am curious to see how it will be developed here.

While I still find Alita’s overly large eyes still quite disconcerting, the rest of the movie looks like it will be spot on and that makes me very happy.

This has been a big passion project for James Cameron and has been a long time in coming. It’s very clear that Cameron is well versed in the original manga and while he is not directing this movie adaptation, his hand in its production is all too apparent.

We knew that back in 2010, Cameron was looking at the first four volumes of the manga as the basis of the movie’s story and that he really wanted to include the sport of Motorball.

Considering how often Hollywood messes up when it comes to live-action adaptations of manga and anime, Alita: Battle Angel may end up being the first one that gets it right.

Alita: Battle Angel is released in theaters this December.


Alita: Battle Angel (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70210-Alita-Battle-Angel)
Panzer Kunst (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71003-Panzer-Kunst)

10-09-2018, 09:08 AM
Will this be the next Bartitsu (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?56256-Bartitsu-and-Sherlock-Holmes)?

Panzer Kunst (http://battleangel.wikia.com/wiki/Panzer_Kunst)

Tiger Sauer, the founder of Panzer Kunst, in Phase 32.
Origin Mars
Creator Tiger Sauer
Users Alita
TUNED AR Series 2
Zazie (incorporates elements of Panzer Kunst into her Zazie Style)
Related martial arts Space Karate
Ahat Mastade
Sechster Angriff
Zazie Style
Debut Battle 1
Panzer Kunst (パンツァークンスト Pantsakunsuto?) (more properly panzerkunst, German for "armored art") is the first martial art to anticipate combat in zero gravity, originating on Mars. It is the fighting style used by Alita and with the exception of a handful of practitioners is nearly extinct. The names of all Panzer Kunst moves and disciplines are in German and practitioners are called Künstler, German for "artist".

Panzer Kunst seeks oneness between the senses and is commonly referred to as the strongest of the cyborg martial arts. Especially effective at disabling and destroying larger opponents, it is the basis of other space martial arts such as Space Karate.

Panzer Kunst is the first fighting style developed to anticipate cyborg combat. It emphasises combat against both unarmed and armed opponents, including those wielding ranged weapons. Its foundation is fighting in zero gravity, a prerequisite for all space age martial arts, which allows the practitioner to fight in any atmosphere. Panzer Kunst seems to emphasize speed as well as the use of vibration-based attacks to bypass an opponent's cyborg armour and directly cause damage to limbs or internal organs. The art is also quite effective against larger foes. Panzer Kunst also provides a definitive tactical advantage, since it gives its user the ability to analyse an opponent's fighting style and to retaliate accordingly. Therefore, a Künstler will rarely be defeated in a second combat with a given enemy. Künstlers also seem to have been imbued with a sense of fanaticism and willingness to sacrifice themselves if necessary to carry out a mission.

Five schools existed within the overall Panzer Kunst framework. So far, the only ones that appear to have survived are the Mauser School and the Schneider School. The only other school mentioned thus far, the Gossen School, had already been extinct for 200 years.

A Künstler can progress through nine ranks:[1]

Anfänger (Beginner)
Tzereter (Enthusiast)
Lehrling (Apprentice)
Geselle (War Artisan)
Krieger (Warrior)
Hoher Krieger (High Warrior)
Meister (Master)
Adept (Licensed Master)
Altmeister (Elder)
Other than these ranks, it is known that the Künstlers are often also divided into gruppen. One such group was the Mauser School's secret unit, the Kammer Gruppe. As a member of the Kammer Gruppe, Yoko was directly responsible for carrying out Operation Maulwurf in ES 386.[2]

Many of the actual training methods and regimen are lost. However Alita's flashbacks reveal that training began at a young age, as most began as Anfänger when they were still young children. The actual recruitment process was unknown, although some Anfänger were war orphans rescued from the battlefield by Künstlers, as was the case with Yoko and Erica.

Training sessions in zero gravity were not uncommon and a training satellite orbiting Mars was used to train young künstlers. They also received training from the leaders of the units they belonged to. The techniques were engraved within the Künstler's psyche and could still be recalled many decades or even centuries later. In Alita's case, the true extent of what she knows is still in the process of being rediscovered, usually by events or circumstances that act as triggers to jog her memory.

Known techniques
Most of the known techniques of Panzer Kunst are those that have been used by Alita at one point during her journey.

Schatten Forgen ("Shadow Tracking", most likely Schatten Folgen): A basic skill used primarily as a training exercise which teaches a künstler to stay in their target's blind spot. The only practical applications it has in actual combat is to dodge attacks. A favorite technique of Erica's to gauge her opponents.
Hertza Haeon ("Heart Strike", also called Hertzer Hauen - more accurately; Hertzschlag): One of Alita's most commonly used moves, the Hertza Haeon is a strike that delivers a high-frequency vibration to the victim, bypassing the victim's armour, and concentrating kinetic energy that, when used correctly, can be used to destroy or at least disrupt function of the brain or heart. It can be nullified with a vibration of the same wavelength. Figure Four can also use a modified form of this move thanks to his anti-cyber martial arts.
Elbow Blade
Kugel Keit ("Speed Ball"): A Mauser School technique by which the user fires a bullet hidden in their mouth to deflect a shot fired at them.
Kurz Bombe Kunst
Geschoss Schlag ("Missile Blow", also written as Geschoß Schlag): A supersonic punch that adds electromagnetism to the impact, delivering more force to the strike.
Ausser Stosse ("Outer Thrust", also written as Außer Stoße - more accurately; Ausstoß): By twisting into an attack made by the opponent, the Künstler is able to redirect that energy against them, resulting in a kicking counterattack that is stronger than would normally be launched.
Seinerweisen ("Personal Wisdom" or "Own Style"): Individual techniques created by each Künstler that are unique based on their own body's construction, and thus unteachable. Tzykrow's, for instance, was the ability to separate his head from his body and escape with it, due to minitaure retractable legs stored in its sides. While not considered part of Panzer Kunst, there was a tendency to consider Künstlers top-notch only once they had developed a Seinerweisen. Tzykrow has a Seinerweisen that is focused on escape and evasion. Alita's use of plasma can be considered a Seinerweisen as no other künstler has yet been shown to manipulate plasma.
Unnamed Dim Mak-like technique: An unnamed technique which causes thousands of soliton waves to reverberate inside the target's head, increasing in frequency until they will localize in one spot in a month and blow the target's head off. In the meantime, the Verschlag will be transmitted to anyone or anything who physically comes into contact with their head, blowing off the affected body part or piece of equipment. It is intended to isolate the target from others and cause them emotional anguish before their inevitable death. The technique cannot be cured by normal means. Erica used it against Zazie but Alita was able to cure it.
Unnamed suicide technique: Taught to Alita by Tzykrow to prevent the discovery of Grünthal's involvement in Operation Maulwurf, but she did not use it.

German for "secret" or "mystery", these moves are considered the "secret techniques" of Panzer Kunst.

Einzug Rüstungen("Armor Penetration"): By attuning their rhythm of movement to the opponent's, the Künstler then strikes when the opponent's guard is weakest.
Hertzer Nadel ("Heart Needle"): A two-part Übergeheimnis combination attack from the Schneider School, also called Hertzer Fahren ("Heart Driver").
Verschlag ("Partition" or "Box"): The first part of the attack, an initial Hertza Haeon-like strike is first applied in order to set loose a shockwave which bounces around inside the body, increasing in momentum and energy, before finally focusing on the extremities such as the limbs or joints. The opponent might notice this as a slight ringing in their ears. Note that while Hertza Haeon is usually delivered through the heel of the palm, Verschlag is done via the knuckles of the Künstler's fist.
Hertzer Nadel – The second strike, driving a second Verschlag into the focal point of the shock wave, which causes the pent-up energy to explode from within.
Einsatzrhythmen ("Rhythms Insertion" or "Operation Rhythms"): A technique associated with the long-dead Gossen School, existing only in books by the time of Grünthal's fall, 200 years prior. By attuning their own chi to that of their opponent's, the Künstler is able to fully nullify the opponent's chi, completely halting any attack they might have launched. Very few Künstlers were able to master the technique, but Alita can use it.

Alita: Battle Angel (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70210-Alita-Battle-Angel)
Panzer Kunst (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71003-Panzer-Kunst)

11-15-2018, 09:20 AM

12-18-2018, 08:52 PM
DECEMBER 18, 2018 9:00AM PT
‘Alita: Battle Angel’ to Feature New Song by Dua Lipa (https://variety.com/2018/music/news/alita-battle-angel-to-feature-new-song-by-dua-lipa-1203092020/?fbclid=IwAR1CvQ0K-fIQmlQypxJqWs5Wuw0NY8vmJR6wb2iYOS5XFC_pPV_KQXA-PTY)
The Robert Rodriguez film opens on Valentine's Day.


Robert Rodriguez’s “Alita: Battle Angel” will feature a new song by Dua Lipa. “Swan Song,” co-written by Justin Tranter, Kennedi Lykken, Mattias Larsson, Robin Fredriksson and Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL), in addition to Dua Lipa, will drop ahead of the film’s U.S. opening on Feb. 14.

The Twentieth Century Fox action-adventure movie was produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau (“Avatar”) and tells the story of Alita, played by Rosa Salazar, who awakens with no memory of who she is in a future world she does not recognize, according to a synopsis. The film co-stars Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali and Keean Johnson. The screenplay was written by James Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis, based upon the graphic novel (“Manga”) series “GUNNM” by Yukito Kishiro.

Said Landau in announcing Lipa’s participation: “From the moment we saw her video for ‘New Rules,’ we knew that Dua Lipa would be the perfect artist to do a song for ‘Alita: Battle Angel.’ She has the kick-ass strength, power and attitude in her performances that Alita embodies in the movie. Jim, Robert and I are thrilled to have her onboard and are confident she will make ‘Swan Song’ the perfect inspiring and empowering anthem for our film.”

“I am intrigued at both Alita herself, and the amazing team of creators that came together to make this movie possible,” added Lipa. “I see a little of myself in her, in both her badass spirit and our shared haircut. Alita is all about empowerment and standing up for who you are, which are two things that resonate with me.”

I'm still most interested in Panzer Kunst

01-11-2019, 09:00 AM
This is the next big Hollywood action film that I'm excited about. Fingers crossed that we get invited to a screener.

JANUARY 11, 2019 1:10AM PT
‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Secures Theatrical Release in China (https://variety.com/2019/film/asia/alita-battle-angel-theatrical-release-in-china-1203105392/)


20th Century Fox’s effects-heavy sci-fi action film, “Alita: Battle Angel” has secured a theatrical release in mainland China. It will play in February as the first Hollywood title to enter Middle Kingdom theaters after the Chinese New Year holidays.

The Feb. 22 date is more than two weeks after the film’s commercial run begins Feb. 5 in Singapore. It comes only a week after the film’s North American outing.

Although director Robert Rodriguez and the cast are not well-known in China, the film’s screenwriter and producer, James Cameron, is highly regarded, thanks to “Avatar” and “Titanic.” Cameron, who has visited China on multiple occasions, including to the Beijing film festival, is expected to be a centerpiece of the promotional campaign.

Cameron, Rodriguez and cast are scheduled to visit China in the week before the release. Weta Workshop, which provided many of the special effects, is also expected to host an event. The digital marketing campaign is expected to lean on New Media rivals Taopiaopiao, part of Alibaba, and Tencent.

China’s movie industry regulators usually reserve the Chinese New Year season for the release of Chinese-language titles. This year, the period is expected to be especially packed with some of the biggest local titles of the year. Valentine’s Day, on Feb. 14, is also an important marketing hook for the release of local films in Chinese theaters.

“Alita: Battle Angel” is based on the first three books in a manga series written by Yukito Kishiro and originally released in Japan as “Gunnm.” It features a cyborg girl who begins to suspect her surrogate father and cyborg doctor of a series of crimes. But later she joins his quest for justice and unlocks her full powers.

01-16-2019, 09:14 AM

01-25-2019, 09:25 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Actor Marko Zaror Chats ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL!! (https://dansmoviereport.blogspot.com/2019/01/actor-marko-zaror-chats-alita-battle.html?m=1)
Danny Templegod! Exclusive!

Above: Alita Poster from IMDB. Used for promotional interview purposes only.

Greetings valued Dan's Movie Report readers and of course readers of Action-Flix.com Today is a special treat, I was holding this interview for a bit to celebrate the release of the massive Battle Angel film on Valentine's Day. The Interview was actually part three multi part interview, this is the final chapter for now. I plan to revisit Marko following the release date of Battle Angel and as we get closer to the release of Invincible! Sit back, relax, get some tea, and soak in the sun of action with Marko Zaror, Honor in action 3-2-1- GO!!!

DT: I know you are excited for the impending release of Alita: Battle Angel coming up on Valentine's Day amd are not allowed to chat about plot details, but chat about your experiences on the massive 200 million dollar production from James Cameron directed by Robert Rodriguez.

MZ: The experience on Battle Angel was great, I already completed all of my parts awhile back. I had a short period of rest then had to return to continue filming. I am just so honored to be part of this production. Robert (Rodriguez) just called me direct and said Marko, I have a role for you. I must say being part of that world is amazing. I can honestly say this is the most amazing experience I have ever had on film. In terms of production everything it was just on a massive scale. It was like being transported to another world. To be a part of this project was amazing, I am just so happy and grateful.

DT: Discuss the set of the production must have been astonishing.

MZ: What I can talk about is how amazed I am with the technology used in Battle Angel. The production size and scope is just huge, yet everyone on set is a total professional. How they are working integrating all this animation to the production while we are acting. It may be common, but I have never seen such a technologically advanced film set before. For example I never saw someone acting and then in a screen next to the actor, there is a CGI robot right next to them. It was asttonishing. I have dots on my face and body to superimpose my facial features in an animated yet realistic way. The camera used it to motion capture the movement. So in the screen next to it you see your character and what you are landowning acting next to you It was a surreal experience! I am really looking forward to the release and enjoying every moment!

Above: Autographed photo from Savage Dog, new contest to begin later in 2019!!!!

DT: Thanks Marko must have been a wonderful and enlightening experience, wrapping up this brief preliminary interview, what are some of your long term goals and what are things you would like to change about the action film world?

MZ: for future projects, I just first would like to state how happy I am for my career path this year. I am always trying to stay open to new experiences and new collaborations., that is my plan. I am wanting to stay open and connected to my inner self. I want to make the right decisions. I want to be picking and choosing the right projects to be involved in. I am hoping eventually we complete the Zambo Dende project ( it was never completed as of 2019) actor Darren Shahlavi passed soon after the initial short was completed) Zambo is a character I would love to represent. He is such a strong character. I have a lot of projects (Invincible just completed) I have a project that I am writing and developing so I will see where that goes.

DT: Thanks Marko as always great work on the interview.

MZ: Yes Danny, thanks to you for always supporting the action world, and my career.

Check out the Marko Savage Dog exclusive shoutout!

Follow Marko on his official Twitter feed @ https://twitter.com/markozaror?lang=en

His Official Facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/markozaroroficial/

I hope to reach out to Marko when this gets closer. If you don't know, we're castmates on Man at Arms: Art of War (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70140). :cool:

Read MAN AT ARMS: ART OF WAR – Season 2: Cutting Loose with Marko Zaror (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1450)


01-25-2019, 03:03 PM

02-01-2019, 03:46 PM

I saw the screener last night. My review will be posted on Valentine's Day.

02-05-2019, 09:06 AM

02-14-2019, 09:50 AM
Do Cyborgs do Martial Arts? READ ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL and Panzer Kunst (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1471) by Gene Ching


Alita: Battle Angel (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70210-Alita-Battle-Angel)
Panzer Kunst (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71003-Panzer-Kunst)

02-18-2019, 08:47 AM
It's more like Presidents Day is no match for the Lunar New Year (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71112-Year-of-the-Pig-2019).

FEBRUARY 17, 2019 11:58AM PT
Box Office: ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ No Match for China’s ‘Wandering Earth’ Overseas (https://variety.com/2019/film/news/box-office-alita-battle-angel-international-1203141972/)
News Editor, Online


Hollywood movies like “Alita: Battle Angel” and “How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World” are doing respectable business overseas, but they’re proving no match for foreign titles at the international box office.

The Chinese New Year is bringing in huge business in the Middle Kingdom. China’s sci-fi epic “The Wandering Earth” pulled in a massive $96.6 million from three territories, bringing its international tally to $606.8 million. Another movie from the Mainland, “Crazy Alien,” earned $28 million for an overseas total of $318 million, while fellow local title “Pegasus” brought in $25.7 million, taking its bounty to $238 million.

Fox’s “Alita: Battle Angel” led films on the Hollywood front, generated $56 million when it launched in 86 overseas markets this weekend. Directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, the sci-fi adventure has now grossed $94 million internationally. The movie saw the best opening in Russia, where it earned $6.5 million. “Alita” also had sizable debuts in Mexico ($4.2 million), Australia ($2.9 million), and Thailand ($2.5 million).

“Alita: Battle Angel” dominated the domestic box office with its $33 million debut over the long President’s Day weekend, but it will be an uphill battle for the $170 million movie to reach profitability. Since the movie is based on a popular Japanese manga title, the studio anticipates Asian markets to overperform. It launches in China and Japan next weekend.

Among holdovers, the third installment in Universal’s “How to Train Your Dragon” series made $21 million this weekend in 49 foreign territories. That brings its foreign bounty to $172 million. It releases in North America next weekend. “How to Train Your Dragon 3” debuted this weekend in Poland with $1.9 million and Ecuador with $600,000.

Meanwhile, Warner Bros.’ “The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part” added another $12.1 million from 69 international markets for an overseas haul of $34.7 million. The animated sequel is just shy of the $100 million mark worldwide, with ticket sales currently standing at $97.7 million. Its top markets include the United Kingdom ($3.1 million), Mexico ($1.5 million), and Russia ($792,000).

Alita: Battle Angel (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70210-Alita-Battle-Angel)
The Wandering Earth (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71046-The-Wandering-Earth)

02-25-2019, 09:05 AM
...the Warcraft Redemption for Alita (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70210-Alita-Battle-Angel). I was thinking this would happen but didn't make my prediction public. My bad. Doesn't count then.

Wandering Earth (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71046-The-Wandering-Earth) still going strong too. That prediction I did make publicly here.

‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Flies To $65M China Debut, Sets Fox & Imax Records – International Box Office (https://deadline.com/2019/02/alita-battle-angel-record-china-opening-james-cameron-how-to-train-your-dragon-the-hidden-world-global-international-box-office-1202563648/)
by Nancy Tartaglione
February 24, 2019 1:30pm

20th Century Fox

UPDATED, writethru: Fox/Lightstorm’s Alita: Battle Angel came out fighting in China this weekend, touching down with a $62.3 million debut, per Fox’s estimates. The figure is even higher — at $64.8M — according to local reporting. Whichever way the dust settles, this is Fox’s biggest opening of all time in the Middle Kingdom as well as a new February Imax record.

In total this session, Alita winged to another estimated $92.4M across 82 markets to lift the international box office cume to $202.7M. She is currently pacing 3% above Ready Player One and 64% over The Maze Runner in like-for-like markets and at today’s exchange rates. After a 58% drop domestically this weekend, the Robert Rodriguez-helmed sci-fi fantasy has grossed $263.3M globally (using the Fox estimates; actuals will be updated early in the week). A worldwide finish above $400M is expected, though Alita remains a pricey break-even proposition and only recoups 25% of Chinese turnstiles — finance sources still believe that Alita will have a hard time seeing profit.

Tule/ZCOOL HelloRF/REX/Shutterstock

While the Middle Kingdom has been feasting on its own homegrown sci-fi epic, The Wandering Earth ($647M in China through Sunday and counting), it had plenty of appetite left for Alita which this weekend became the first Hollywood title in the market following the Lunar New Year holiday rush. Having revered figure James Cameron on hand didn’t hurt. He, along with Rodriguez, producer Jon Landau, stars Rosa Salazar and Christoph Waltz, and the source material’s author Yukito Kishiro, visited Beijing on Monday for a well-attended press conference. In a savvy stroke of synergy, Cameron also delighted fans by sitting down with the author of The Wandering Earth’s source material and for an interview by that film’s director.

From there, a lot went right with Alita in China. It made $9M from 603 Imax screens to log the top Fox opening in the format and the best China Imax start for February ever. The Maoyan score is a terrific 8.9 while Douban is 7.6 and even the Chinese poster has generated strong social sentiment. Depending on the holds this week and next weekend, Alita has a shot at $150M in China, but will significantly lose screens when Captain Marvel opens on March 8.

The manga adaptation is in its third weekend of offshore release after Fox went out early in many South East Asia markets to tap into the Chinese New Year holiday. Driven by Asia, overseas is the play on Alita which will rely on international to carry the bulk of the box office. The drop in holdovers this session was 45% with some tight grips in France, Germany and more.

Down the line, if Cameron — who is delivering Avatar 2 for Christmas 2020 — has his druthers, sequels could certainly be in the offing. He recently told Reuters, “If people show up, we’re definitely going to do at least one more if not two. It’s mapped out for three in total.”

DreamWorks Animation
In other international play, there were no new wide Hollywood releases this weekend. Universal/DreamWorks Animation’s domestic opener, How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, has already been zooming around the globe for weeks, and continued its charmed ride with a $34.7M session in 53 markets this frame. The offshore cume on Hiccup and Toothless’ threequel is now $216.9M. Combined with the domestic debut, the worldwide total is $275M. China opens next weekend.

Meanwhile, as noted above, The Wandering Earth continued its stellar trajectory. The Chinese New Year title has grossed $679.3M in three markets, including $647M in the Middle Kingdom where it became the No. 2 movie ever last week (Netflix this week acquired SVOD rights outside China). The Imax total is $45M in China. Combined with Alita, IMAX has had a record February at the Chinese box office, reaching RMB 418M/$61.7M.

Yorgos Lanthimos
And, as we head into the Oscars tonight, co-leading nominee The Favourite has crossed $50M internationally while Green Book is closing in on $75M and Bohemian Rhapsody has risen to $648M.

Next weekend will be more of the same with no major new wide release until Captain Marvel starts offshore rollout on March 6. As with the past several frames, China will be the one to watch as Alita continues, HTTYD3 bows, and Green Book could see an Oscar halo there.

In the meantime, breakdowns on the films above and more have been updated below.

continued next post

02-25-2019, 09:05 AM

20th Century Fox
Fox/Lightstorm’s sci-fi fantasy was No. 1 in 18 markets this session, with a 45% drop in holdovers. The frame was led, predictably, by China where the start is $62.3M according to Fox but higher per local box office reporting at $64.8M. Sunday is coming in at $20.3M, an 18% Saturday to Sunday drop (better than predicted) in the Middle Kingdom where word of mouth has been solid with a strong 8.9 score on ticketing platform Maoyan. Midweeks will help ascertain how front-loaded the film is. The opening set a new record for Fox and an IMAX February record at $9M or 14% of the local take. Alita will lose some of those screens to How To Train Your Dragon 3 next weekend, and then be pushed out entirely by Captain Marvel the following session. The question now becomes how high it can fly across the $100M Middle Kingdom mark.

The film has a similar underdog vs The Man theme to Ready Player One, and a hope has been to see Alita emulate the China success that RP1 enjoyed in 2018 when it bowed to $61.7M and cumed over $218M there. That included an extended run with the film also tapping into video game culture. Alita has James Cameron — revered in China — in its favor, but it is also facing competition ahead.

With a global total of $263.3M through Sunday, the expensive movie is looking to final at a worldwide cume above $400M, though getting to profit is still a tricky proposition. The current weekend grossed $92.4M in 82 markets and saw some good holds. France was off 29% for an $11.14M cume; Germany dipped 32% for $5.3M to date; and Australia held No. 1 to cume $5.3M so far.

Asia is the driver with a debut of $3.2M in Japan for the No. 1 spot. Korea is the lead market behind China at $16M and Taiwan has cumed $8M in first place for the third weekend in a row.

The international total is now $202.7M, which is bigger than Ready Player One (+3%) and The Maze Runner (+64%) at current exchange rates.


DreamWorks Animation
Hiccup and Toothless had a franchise-high domestic debut this weekend, several frames after their threequel began offshore rollout in early January. The current weekend overseas on the Universal/DreamWorks Animation title was $34.7M with strong play through European school vacations. Internationally, the total is now $216.9M for $275M worldwide.

HTTYD3 is playing in 53 offshore markets including nine new homes this session. They’re led by Russia’s $11.2M from 1,810 locations at No. 1. That’s followed by Spain at No. 1 with $2.8M from 352 sites, and the Philippines with $1.7M at 212 locations and No. 1. In holds, the UK was up 5% for a $20.3M cume, France dipped just 27% for $16.7M to date and Germany was down 39% for $13.9M. Mexico likewise fell 39% for an $18.7M total after four frames. Still to come are China and Japan with the former opening on Friday.


Lego Movie 2
Warner Bros
Warner Bros’ sequel, the fourth movie in the franchise to be released in just the past few years, added $10.3M from 8,572 screens in 73 overseas markets. An underwhelming performance thus far, the film has now cumed $53M internationally and $136.6M worldwide.

School holidays in Europe helped propel some better business this weekend with the UK up 3% for a running cume of $18.3M at No. 1. France and Italy both opened this frame with $1.2M from 452 screens and $963K from 500, respectively.

The UK leads all play, followed by Russia ($3.2M), Poland ($3M), Germany ($2.7M) and Mexico ($2.5M). The final key market release is Australia on March 21.


Green Book
Universal Pictures
As it heads into Oscar night, Best Picture nominee Green Book added $8.6M at the international box office this weekend. That’s across 59 combined Lionsgate and Amblin markets and brings the running cume to $74.4M ahead of the China opening (off a flat sale) next session. Lionsgate’s markets have amassed $41.2M so far; Denmark was a No. 1 opener this weekend at $709K while France topped the 1M admissions milestone for $8.2M to date (France’s national news radio today was predicting Green Book as the Oscar winner). For Amblin, the drop this weekend was 14% across 11 markets for a $33.17M cume to date and strong holds. Behind France, the UK ($8.1M), Italy ($6.7M), Australia ($6.4M) and Russia ($6M) round out the Top 5. China and Japan open Friday.


Universal/Blumhouse’s sequel unwrapped $6.1M in the second offshore session, cuming $20.9M internationally and $42.5M worldwide. Strong horror market Brazil was the top opening in the frame at $844K from 494 locations and 13% ahead of Truth Or Dare. Malaysia had a good start at No. 2 with $411K from 139 locations and 58% above the previous microbudget installment. Germany led the way for holdovers, dipping 28% to cume $1.8M so far. The lead market overall is Korea at $2.9M, followed by Germany, the UK and France ($1.7M) and Indonesia ($1.34M). Still on deck are Italy, Russia and Japan among others.


Ralph Breaks The Internet (DIS): $5.1M intl weekend (26 markets); $314.6M intl cume
The Favourite (FOX): $3.7M intl weekend (49 markets); $51.1M intl cume
Bohemian Rhapsody (FOX): $3.2M intl weekend (33 markets); $647.7M intl cume
Instant Family (PAR): $3M intl weekend (22 markets); $43.5M intl cume
The Mule (WB): $3M intl weekend (35 markets); $44.7M intl cume
Nicky Larson And Cupid’s Perfume (SNY): $2M intl weekend (France only); $10.2M France cume
Aquaman (WB): $1.9M intl weekend (58 markets); $805.9M intl cume ($1.13B WW)
Escape Room (SNY): $1.8M intl weekend (41 markets); $62.5M intl cume
Loudspeaker (SNY): $1.8M intl weekend (Russia only); $6M Russia cume
Glass (DIS): $1.6M intl weekend (35 markets); $133M intl cume
What Men Want (PAR): $1.6M intl weekend (10 markets); $4.6M intl cume
A Dog’s Way Home (SNY): $1.4M intl weekend (32 markets); $21.9M intl cume
Mary Poppins Returns (DIS): $1.2M intl weekend (16 markets); $174.1M intl cume
The Kid Who Would Be King (FOX): $913K intl weekend (14 markets); $9.4M intl cume
My Best Friend’s Wedding (SNY): $810K intl weekend (Mexico only); $4.1M Mexico cume


Fox Star
Fox Star’s Bollywood comedy Total Dhamaal grossed $9.6M at No. 1 in India this weekend, seeing increases throughout the frame. In total in two Fox Star markets, the Indra Kumar-directed entry into the franchise made $9.9M. An adventure comedy, it stars Ajay Devgn, Madhuri Dixit and Anil Kapoor. In Korea, Svaha: The Sixth Finger grossed $8.9M at No. 1 per local reporting. The thriller from director Jang Jae-hyn connects a cult to a series of mysterious cases of missing teenage girls. didn't bother to migrate all the pix. :rolleyes:

03-04-2019, 02:39 PM
Come on now. Give us your reviews. :cool:

'Alita: Battle Angel's Booming Box Office Defies Original Predictions (https://comicbook.com/anime/2019/03/01/alita-battle-angel-box-office-sequel-plans/)
By KOFI OUTLAW - March 1, 2019

Alita: Battle Angel has shattered (low) expectations for its performance of the box office, and the run is still ongoing. As of writing this, Alita: Battle Angel has made $286 million at the worldwide box office (on a $170M budget). The film has shown impressive staying power, still scoring in the top 3 a the US box office this week.

As Exhibitor Relations points out, the film is now sitting on the bubble of questions surrounding its franchise potential - starting with a sequel:

Exhibitor Relations Co.
Fox's ALITA: BATTLE ANGEL has now assembled $223M internationally.

4:25 PM - Feb 27, 2019
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Exhibitor Relations Co.
Replying to @Daniel23hardy
And the biggest question—is that enough? Only Fox, er Disney, knows for sure. Plus, Cameron is now full tilt into AVATAR sequels. This would be up to RR to move it forward, most likely. And he’ll need to reel in the budget to make that happen, obviously.

10:11 AM - Feb 28, 2019
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Daniel Hardy
· Feb 28, 2019
Replying to @ERCboxoffice
But Disney/ex-Fox will now be entering the business of keeping Cameron happy. If RR can deliver a sequel for 130 mill on the next round, it might be worth it to them (especially if Alita does well on streaming etc.)

Exhibitor Relations Co.
Agreed. It's worth pursuing as long as the budget is restrained and Disney figures out how to capitalize on the potential merch. Hear they're pretty good at that sort of thing.

10:58 AM - Feb 28, 2019
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Battle Angel has gotten a surge thanks to its strong overseas openings - particularly in Japan and China. Those foreign markets are proving to be very lucrative to the anime adaptation genre, whose fans can be terribly fickle, proving that director Robert Rodriguez and producer James Cameron managed to do right by the original Alita manga and anime, in the eyes of fans.

Alita now finds itself alongside another anime-inspired blockbuster film, which also struggled with the question of whether there was franchise potential: Pacific Rim. That film also scored well at the international box office ($309M) and did well enough domestically ($101M), but due to the film's nearly $200M budget, it was deemed a risk for full franchise rollout. It would take half a decade before Pacific Rim: Uprising arrived in theaters. While the sequel did a lot less business stateside ($50M), it still held strong internationally ($231M).

That's a pretty clear example for 20th Century Fox (and now Disney) to weigh in consideration. The question is how executives are looking at the industry; some see great opportunity in making film aimed more at the foreign market, while others still view the domestic box office as *the* only gold standard for a film's success. If there's one last lesson to learn from Pacific Rim, it may be this: once the visual effects deisgns get done the first time around, it's much easier to implement them in a sequel. A more fixed budget could be all the swaying Fox needs.

Alita: Battle Angel is now playing in theaters.

08-06-2019, 09:21 AM
‘Alita: Battle Angel’ Star Understands Why Disney Has Not Yet Ordered a Sequel (https://observer.com/2019/08/alita-battle-angel-2-rosa-salazar-sequel-update-disney-fox-box-office/)
By Brandon Katz • 08/05/19 10:09am

https://nyoobserver.files.wordpress.com/2019/08/mv5bmzrlzgmxzmitmzk1zs00mdi4lwi2zgitmdhhmja0mje3zd azxkeyxkfqcgdeqxvynzi1nzmxnzm40._v1_sx1777_cr00177 7999_al_.jpg?quality=80&w=768
Will we ever see a sequel to Alita: Battle Angel? Fox

Amid mixed-to-negative critical reviews but a surprisingly positive reception from audiences, 21st Century Fox’s risky $170 million blockbuster Alita: Battle Angel fared far better than expected when it hit theaters back in February. However, even at north of $400 million worldwide, the James Cameron-produced fantasy epic still may not have earned enough money to warrant a sequel.

The picture totaled just $84 million in North America, falling behind other notable disappointments, such as Disney’s John Carter and Paramount’s Terminator: Genisys when accounting for inflation. Neither of those would-be franchise launching pads were given sequels.

Studios keep a greater percentage of domestic dollars compared to overseas ticket sales, so a strong North American showing is typically required for franchising. While Alita performed impressively in China ($133 million), which can often serve as a bailout for under-performing domestic tentpoles (see: Pacific Rim), the remainder of its foreign sales ($185 million) left something to be desired.

If Fox remained an independent studio, its executive team might look at the vocal online fan support and the strong early returns Alita is generating in at-home entertainment sales and move forward with a sequel. However, Fox is no longer an independent entity after being swallowed up by Disney. Even the film’s star Rosa Salazar understands that the mega-merger has complicated the future of countless projects.

“Yeah, I mean, they had a crazy merger,” she told SlashFilm. “People are gaining jobs, people are losing jobs. The whole Disney/Fox acquisition is so involved, this isn’t the right time for me to call [Walt Disney Studios CEO] Alan Horn and be like, ‘Hey bro, I know you got a lotta stuff going on, but like what about Alita 2?’

The crown jewel of Disney’s Fox acquisition in terms of big screen IP is the Avatar franchise, also overseen by James Cameron. Outside of that, Disney plans to pare down Fox’s release schedule, which had an average of nearly 15 films per year from 2015-2018.

“I’m guessing there will be five or six films a year from Fox, but we’re not locking ourselves into that,” Disney CEO Bob Iger said in May.

Shortly before those comments, Disney announced an ambitious release schedule stretching as far as 2025. It included the planned $1 billion-plus Avatar sequels but no mention of Alita 2.

I just want to see more Panzer Kunst (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71003-Panzer-Kunst).

12-16-2019, 04:46 PM
92ND OSCARS SHORTLISTS (https://oscars.org/oscars/92nd-oscars-shortlists?fbclid=IwAR02mKCODlUz_9umBLqpLmg65OZodE pRLCB4zNtcp3b41qp9A6vsOSj4JZY)
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced shortlists in consideration for the 92nd Academy Awards in nine categories: Documentary Feature, Documentary Short Subject, International Feature Film, Makeup and Hairstyling, Music (Original Score), Music (Original Song), Animated Short Film, Live Action Short Film and Visual Effects.

Ten films will advance to the next round of voting in the International Feature Film category (formerly known as Foreign Language Film) for the 92nd Academy Awards. Ninety-one films were eligible in the category.

Academy members from all branches were invited to participate in the preliminary round. They must have viewed the submitted films theatrically and met a minimum viewing requirement to be eligible to vote in the category. Their seven choices, augmented by three additional selections voted by the Academy’s International Feature Film Award Executive Committee, constitute the shortlist.

In the nominations round, Academy members from all branches are invited to opt-in to participate and must view all 10 shortlisted films in order to cast a ballot.

The films, listed in alphabetical order by country, are:

Czech Republic, “The Painted Bird”
Estonia, “Truth and Justice”
France, “Les Misérables”
Hungary, “Those Who Remained”
North Macedonia, “Honeyland”
Poland, “Corpus Christi”
Russia, “Beanpole”
Senegal, “Atlantics”
South Korea, “Parasite”
Spain, “Pain and Glory”

Ten films will advance in the Makeup and Hairstyling category for the 92nd Academy Awards. All members of the Academy’s Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Branch will be invited to view seven-minute excerpts from each of the 10 shortlisted films on Saturday, January 4, 2020. Members will vote to nominate five films for final Oscar consideration.

The films, listed in alphabetical order by title, are:

“Dolemite Is My Name”
“Downton Abbey”
“Little Women”
“Maleficent: Mistress of Evil”
“Once upon a Time…in Hollywood”

Fifteen scores will advance in the Original Score category for the 92nd Academy Awards. One hundred seventy scores were eligible in the category. Members of the Music Branch vote to determine the shortlist and the nominees.

The scores, listed in alphabetical order by film title, are:

“Avengers: Endgame”
“The Farewell”
“Ford v Ferrari”
“Frozen II”
“Jojo Rabbit”
“The King”
“Little Women”
“Marriage Story”
“Motherless Brooklyn”
“Pain and Glory”
“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”


Fifteen songs will advance in the Original Song category for the 92nd Academy Awards. Seventy-five songs were eligible in the category. Members of the Music Branch vote to determine the shortlist and the nominees.

The original songs, along with the motion picture in which each song is featured, are listed below in alphabetical order by film title and song title:

“Speechless” from “Aladdin”
“Letter To My Godfather” from “The Black Godfather”
“I’m Standing With You” from “Breakthrough”
“Da Bronx” from “The Bronx USA”
“Into The Unknown” from “Frozen II”
“Stand Up” from “Harriet”
“Catchy Song” from “The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part”
“Never Too Late” from “The Lion King”
“Spirit” from “The Lion King”
“Daily Battles” from “Motherless Brooklyn”
“A Glass of Soju” from “Parasite”
“(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” from “Rocketman”
“High Above The Water” from “Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am”
“I Can’t Let You Throw Yourself Away” from “Toy Story 4”
“Glasgow” from “Wild Rose”

Ten films remain in the running in the Visual Effects category for the 92nd Academy Awards. The Visual Effects Branch Executive Committee determined the shortlist. All members of the Visual Effects Branch will be invited to view 10-minute excerpts from each of the shortlisted films online or attend satellite bake-off screenings in January 2020. Following the screenings, members will vote to nominate five films for final Oscar consideration.

The films, listed in alphabetical order by title, are:

“Alita: Battle Angel”
“Avengers: Endgame”
“Captain Marvel”
“Gemini Man”
“The Irishman”
“The Lion King”
“Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”
“Terminator: Dark Fate”

Nominations voting begins on Thursday, January 2, 2020 and concludes on Tuesday, January 7, 2020.

Nominations for the 92nd Academy Awards will be announced on Monday, January 13, 2020.

The 92nd Oscars® will be held on Sunday, February 9, 2020, at the Dolby Theatre® at Hollywood & Highland Center® in Hollywood, and will be televised live on the ABC Television Network. The Oscars also will be televised live in more than 225 countries and territories worldwide.

Academy Awards (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?20798-The-Academy-Awards)
Parasite (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71321-Parasite)
Dolemite is My Name (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70866-Dolemite-Is-My-Name)
Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70864-Once-Upon-a-Time-in-Hollywood)
The Farewell (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71409-The-Farewell)
Alita (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70210-Alita-Battle-Angel)

07-30-2023, 01:18 PM
Alita: Battle Angel 2 & 3 Seemingly Confirmed By James Cameron (https://screenrant.com/alita-battle-angel-2-development-confirmed-james-cameron/)
Producer James Cameron has seemingly confirmed that multiple sequels to 2019’s Alita: Battle Angel are happening after years of uncertainty.


After years of uncertainty, producer James Cameron has seemingly confirmed that Alita: Battle Angel 2 and a third film are actually moving forward. Released in 2019 director Robert Rodriguez's Alita: Battle Angel serves as an adaptation of Japanese manga Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita, in English) by Yukito Kishiro. The film earned generally positive reviews and was a lukewarm success at the box office but two planned sequels have thus far failed to come to fruition.

Now, however, in a recent interview with Forbes regarding why he chose to sell his California mansion, Cameron, in his explanation, seemingly reveals that multiple Alita: Battle Angel sequels are happening. The producer doesn't reveal any details or timelines, but development will presumably take place between his work on the three remaining Avatar sequels. Check out Cameron's full comment below:

“And on Avatar, I’m working in Wellington and Los Angeles. And on the new Alita: Battle Angel films, I’ll be working in Austin, so it just didn’t make sense for us anymore.”

Will The Alita: Battle Angel Sequels Actually Happen?


Earlier this year, Rodriguez revealed that Cameron had outlined general storylines for Alita: Battle Angel 2 and 3. This followed several months' worth of other smaller updates and reports in which stars and creative talent expressed their eagerness to return for an additional film. It's worth noting that, despite Cameron's promising comments, there have been no official announcements from Disney regarding additional Alita: Battle Angel movies just yet.

The big reasons why the Alita: Battle Angel has taken so long to get off the ground is because the first movie, despite making its money back at the box office, wasn't exactly a runaway hit at $405 million. This was further complicated by the fact that Disney later bought 20th Century Studios. The movie's strong cult following and continued enthusiasm for a sequel from audiences and stars alike, however, combined with Cameron's recent smash success with Avatar: The Way of Water, lends some serious credence to the filmmaker's latest comments.

Cameron's comments about Alita: Battle Angel 3 are curious, as, typically, the green-lighting of a third movie would depend on how well the second one fares at the box office. It's possible that Cameron is either very confident that the first sequel will perform or, perhaps, the second and third movies will be shot back-to-back, adopting an Avatar franchise strategy. If Alita: Battle Angel 2 and 3 are actually moving forward in the next few years, an official announcement from Disney shouldn't be too far away.
Fingers crossed.