The simple answer is that iron crotch works for us. The bottom line is that we have to sell issues to keep the magazine going and iron crotch sells. I get more publicity out of my iron crotch research than any other of my pursuits. Just take a look at this thread. No morning DJs have ever asked me to talk about Shaolin, or Kung Fu, or Tai Chi, or anything, except for iron crotch. Additionally, is the primary distributor for Gm Tu's Iron Crotch gear, and while it's not as profitable as TKD, nunchuks and ninjas, it does generate more substantial income, and ever little bit counts. So, just like if you're front kick is solid, for us, iron crotch is solid. We always hit with it.

The more complex answer is that GM Tu is extraordinary. Like I've said a thousand times, every fixates on the crotch, but once you get past that, there's so much more. Pretty much every master that reads and speaks Chinese and have interacted with GM Tu here respect him. They respect his skills, his research, and especially his painting and calligraphy. More than a few have asked for private lessons - and mind you, I'm not talking our customers that just walk off the street looking to buy a staff. I'm talking some high level masters. Bottom line - GM Tu has it going on.

You'll have to check out our upcoming NOV DEC 2006 because I have an article featuring GM Tu that has nothing to do with iron crotch. It's all about how to make and use stone locks.